Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 901 The pleasure of abusing scum?

Lin Fan wore a peaked cap, lowered his head, walked through the corridor full of actors who came to interview for roles, and walked outside the interview room at the end.

The little friend of the earthman studio who was guarding the door just wanted to stop him, when he saw the other person raised his head, showing a very familiar face, and the words immediately changed into: ...Brother! You Come on, Director Liang has already started.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder. Without daring to delay, he squeezed past the little friend, opened the door of the interview room and walked in.

There are already people in the audition.

Liang Wen, as well as Zhou Yue, who was idle and was pulled to make up the number, were immediately diverted by Lin Fan who had just entered the door. Of course, the actors who were auditioning were also affected a little.

However, Lin Fan didn't stop it, because if he was interrupted during the audition, whether he could persist in completing the audition was one of the director's assessment requirements.

Otherwise, when shooting on the set, any situation may happen. Only people have to adapt to the environment, and there is no environment to adapt to people.

Some directors even go into battle in person, deliberately interrupting or making various strange noises when the actors are auditioning, just to observe the actors' on-the-spot reactions and acting skills.

Liang Wen like this, An Jingjing just watched the actors try out and let the actors play freely without interruption, let alone deliberately embarrassing the actors, which is already considered very good.

Lin Fan walked to Liang Wen in silence. Liang Wen wanted to stand up and give up the middle seat, but was held down by Lin Fan. Liang Wen had no choice but to sit in seat C and let Lin Fan sit on his right. on the vacant seat.

The actor who was auditioning also finished his performance at this moment: Director, my performance is over.

Liang Wen glanced at Lin Fan, Lin Fan returned Liang Wen's expressionless look: I just came here, and I didn't see anything!

Liang Wen sighed: Okay, you go back and wait for the notice.

The little actor didn't know what to do, and after bowing to thank him, he went out anxiously.

Then in the interview room, there was news of a ten-minute break. The actors outside who were waiting for the audition were a little uneasy, thinking that the bosses in the interview room were going to discuss something important.

As everyone knows, Liang Wen Zhouyue just wanted to complain to Lin Fan: The whole circle is really moving after hearing the news. In just half the morning, I saw many familiar faces.

Lin Fan was curious: Have you accepted them all?

Liang Wen was helpless: The script hasn't been changed yet, how can I dare to keep people? I told them to go back and wait for the notice.

Even if they stayed, Liang Wen didn't know what roles to assign to them.

Lin Fan complained: You can't do it, Director Liang, the script is given to you, and you still don't know how to divide the roles?

Liang Wen laughed: Next time you write a script in oracle bone inscriptions, see if I can assign roles.

Ten minutes passed quickly amidst several people's complaints, and the interview continued again, but this time with Lin Fan present, some roles could be settled.

It's just that they won't directly talk to the actors about the selection of candidates at this moment. The unified speech is all to go back and wait for the notice, but everyone has a feeling in their hearts whether they have been interviewed or not.

Lin Fan was more concerned about meeting many acquaintances.

Zhang Youling and Ji Sha from Xinghe, who were released at the same time as A Chinese Ghost Story, actors from Blue Star Fleet, and supporting roles from The Legend of the White Snake and Wulin Biography, all came.

What surprised Lin Fan the most was that Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi also came.

Actors from Blue Star Fleet, Legend of the White Snake and Wulin Biography came to interview for roles, Lin Fan thought it was quite normal.

But Zhang Youling, Jisha, Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi also came, isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

Lin Fan turned his head and asked Liang Wen: Director Liang, did you tell outsiders that this is a TV series, not a movie?

Moreover, this is still a group portrait show. To put it bluntly, there is no absolute protagonist.

Not to mention Zhang Youling, being able to be accepted by Yang Hongxia at the beginning shows that this person's acting skills and personal characteristics are very outstanding.

Although Lin Fan had some opinions on Zhang Youling because of some of her actions, and hadn't paid attention to her, but occasionally he could see news about Zhang Youling from the entertainment news.

With Zhang Youling's acting skills and previous accumulation, it wouldn't be so miserable that she would come to her own crew to mix one in. I don't know if it is the role of female fifth or female sixth, right?

Ji Sha is also held by Luo Xiao. Although her acting skills are eye-catching, she doesn't worry about not being able to catch up with the scene.

Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi are even more strange, these two are idols, even if they want to transform, they should also make modern idol dramas!

What's more, these two people still have a feud with me, so they came here to audition, are they sure they didn't have a brain twitch?

Liang Wen covered his mouth with his hands, and lowered his voice to the lowest level: They're not here to audition, they're here to apologize to you.

Lin Fan: WTH?

What kind of apology is this?

You think, what could give you the pleasure of torturing scum more than watching them suffer so badly and having to come to your crew for an interview?

Lin Fan looked at Liang Wen in horror: What kind of magical brain circuit is this?

Director Liang, have you been infected by Boss Lian's brain damage?

But Liang Wen was right. These people really came to apologize to Lin Fan, but some came willingly, and some were forced by the brokerage company.

Lin Fan's current status in this circle is no longer simply an artist, but has changed towards capital just like Yang Hongxia.

What's more, Lin Fan has more capital than ordinary capital.

After all, Lin Fan can revitalize an industrial chain by himself, without the need to share dividends with others, let alone the help and risk sharing of others. On the contrary, if other people want to participate to help Lin Fan share the burden, it depends on whether Lin Fan is willing or not.

In the entertainment circle, entertainers fight each other, bully each other, or even make enemies, but in fact, it is not necessary to apologize in person, unless the artist is voluntary.

But when an artist offends the capital behind another artist, that's another matter.

And if this artist has become a capital himself, that is the scene Lin Fan sees now: Zhang Youling and others are also well-known artists in the circle, and they are rushing to apologize to Lin Fan, and it is not nice to say it. Lin Fan didn't necessarily accept it either.

That's why there was this roundabout way, Zhang Youling and others took the initiative to send them to their door, and were humiliated by Lin Fan, and Lin Fan let out a bad breath, then the matter was almost over.

It's a pity that Lin Fan has no interest in such insulting things, and finds it boring: If you don't want a role, don't come to the interview, it's a waste of my time. Next!

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