The first shot at the beginning of the movie presents the audience with a grand square, European-style buildings and scenery from a bird's-eye view, combined with the sound of symphony music in the background, showing the audience the European style of the last century .

Yes, last century.

The lens style of the movie has a full old-school movie quality, which makes people understand naturally that the age of this story is quite long.

If it wasn't for the names of the leading actors written in the title of the movie, it was Lin Fan and Xia Yan, the audience would have thought that this was a movie made decades ago!

If you remove all the tones in the movie and replace it with black and white, and then tell the audience that this is a movie from the black and white era, it is estimated that one counts as one, and everyone will believe it.

Especially after these European-style scenery has passed, the movie screen directly presents a News Flash, which is as simple as an interface typed in TXT, combined with the broadcast on the radio: Now the special report, the news during Princess Anne's visit ...

Hiss! Tao Zheng gasped involuntarily, I really know how to play! If I hadn't known that this movie had just been shot, I'd remove all the colors and take it out for anyone to see. Can't believe it's a new movie!

Ge Wei also felt his scalp go numb!

In this circle, it's not that there are no movie ghosts, on the contrary, there are many. Although there are not many ghost talents who have made popular and blockbuster movies, it is not impossible.

But like Lin Fan, there is really no one who can make new movies look like old movies!

Who knows how Lin Fan's brain grew?

Less than two minutes after the movie started, Ge Wei had a premonition that Lin Fan is going crazy again: as long as the plot of this movie is smooth, it will definitely have its name in this year's major award ceremonies!

Some media reporters and film critics also noticed this, and each of them began to conceive in their hearts how to write the next short essay.

But the fans didn't have such a sharp eye. Most of them thought that the beginning of this movie was quite fun, as if it was different from other movies, but when they thought that this was Lin Fan's work, they accepted it well.

In the broadcast, after Princess Anne finished her three-day visit, she went to several other cities for visits. The last stop of this visit was Rome, as mentioned in the movie's name.

And when the image of Princess Anne appeared in front of the audience, everyone was dumbfounded!

Wow! That's Yan Yan?

Oh my god, this temperament is too good!

The manner of speaking is also super good!

The most important thing is this shape, it's so beautiful!

I always thought that Yan Yan looked like a little fairy who strayed into the mortal world, but now I realize that Yan Yan is not a fairy at all, she is a born princess at all!

This waving gesture is also very nice, although it's a bit strange... don't all the princesses in the West wave like this?

The man also waved his hand imitating Princess Anne's posture, and then realized: Why is Yanyan waving so beautifully, but I am waving like an idiot?


Princess Anne, played by Xia Yan, has a very retro overall look, but as we all know, the retro look is very temperamental and demeanor. If it is not done well, it will become old-fashioned, and elegance will become artificial.

But Xia Yan managed to maintain this retro makeup and styling, not only without a trace of rusticity and affectation, but on the contrary brought out her elegant temperament even more.

At this moment, in the hearts of all the audience, they could vaguely feel that Xia Yan had successfully portrayed another classic screen image!

In the movie, after a week of overseas visits, the princess and the distinguished guests came to the grand ball organized by the ambassador. This debut shot fully demonstrated Princess Anne's overall temperament, which made the audience's heart flutter, not to mention the guests who enjoyed the princess's beauty up close in the movie.

Accompanied by the general, Princess Anne entered the ball, and under the gaze of the crowd, she went to her seat,

When the princess was about to take her seat, the general stopped her.

It turned out that the guests at the scene had to meet the princess one by one before the princess could be seated.

Facing one pair after another of the guests who came to see the ceremony, Princess Anne had to pull herself together and shake hands with them one by one to be courteous.

But on the surface, Princess Anne, who looked well-mannered and performed perfectly, secretly released one foot from the high heels under the cover of the long dress.

But accidentally, Princess Anne knocked down the high heels, and she almost lost her footing. However, Princess Anne has also seen big scenes, and she is very stable on the surface, without revealing the slightest strangeness.

If it weren't for the audience's God's perspective, and found that the princess was secretly looking for shoes with her feet, she might have been deceived by her calm appearance.

And all the guests at the scene were deceived by the princess.

However, after all the guests were introduced, the princess had no choice but to sit down, and as soon as she sat down, the shoe that could not be found was exposed from the bottom of the skirt.

There was also a happy laugh in the screening hall: This princess is really cute.

In the movie, the dance band started to play live music, and the princess was still trying to put the shoes back on, but no matter how she stretched her feet, she couldn't reach the shoes.

This scene was discovered by the officials behind the princess, but there were so many people present, it was hard to say anything directly, so they could only signal the countess with their eyes.

The Countess also found out about this, but as if resigned to her fate, she closed her eyes helplessly, as if she couldn't see for nothing.

In the end, the general had an idea and came to the princess and invited her to dance. The princess stood up as if grabbing a life-saving straw, took the opportunity to put on her shoes, and danced with the general to resolve the embarrassment.

After the relaxed and joyful segment, the audience clearly discovered that Princess Anne didn't like such occasions at all, didn't like such endless visits, and didn't like to get along with everyone with her airs as a princess.

But what can be done?

Who made her a princess, this is her job and her responsibility, besides accepting it, she can only accept it.

After the ball, in her room, Princess Anne showed her lively and active side, which is completely different from her elegant and intellectual image during the day and in public.

She will complain that she doesn't like to wear a nightgown, saying that she likes to sleep naked. I would also run to the window with bare feet to listen to the lively sounds downstairs. Even after hearing the endless itinerary, I will lose my temper and make a fuss not to see the doctor.

But after the doctor sedated himself to help him relax, he would thank the doctor for his kindness.

He even couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw that the general who came with the doctor was so sleepy that he fell to the ground.

After the movie was screened here, all the audience had a clear and three-dimensional understanding of Princess Anne: elegance and playfulness, quietness and liveliness, these completely opposite characteristics combined so perfectly in her body.

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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