February 14, Valentine's Day.

Are you sure you don't want to go? Grandpa Yu confirmed with Yu Mengmeng for the last time before leaving the house.

Yu Mengmeng said categorically, I'm not going, I'm going to attend the general premiere of a new movie!

That's what you said. Then don't come to grandpa and cry.

I won't cry! Grandpa, you can go to that ceremony by yourself and have fun. If I see Fanfan, I will ask Fanfan for an autograph for grandpa! Yu Mengmeng waved Waving, Goodbye, Grandpa!

You must regret it.

Grandpa Yu muttered and got on the car heading to the airport, but he didn't notice a trace of struggle flashing across his granddaughter's face.

Stop! Yu Mengmeng said to herself, Since you have decided to attend the premiere, don't think about the ceremony anymore. It's useless to think about it, and you can't split yourself in half, and participate in all of them!

But what if Fanfan really chooses to attend the ceremony instead of the premiere?

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Mengmeng couldn't help but want to catch up with Grandpa Yu's car and follow them to the airport. But Yu Mengmeng also knew that when she got to the airport, she would regret it again and wanted to stay.

So, just leave it at that!

No, I'd better go to the premiere and wait, I can't think about it like this anymore!

Yu Mengmeng did as soon as she thought of it, packed herself in a hurry, brought the support materials she had prepared a long time ago, and asked her driver to take her to the premiere of Lin Fan's new movie.

The driver was a little puzzled: Mengmeng, the premiere will start at night, are you sure you want to go so early?

It's so early, can't we just wait?

It's okay, I'll go over there and wait for the other little sisters!

It's better than staying at home, arguing with yourself, and what if you really make yourself crazy?

Okay, then I'll take you there.

The premiere of Lin Fan's new film was held at the Midsummer Cinema. On the surface, Tao Zheng seemed to be fair and fair. Facing the film crews participating in the box office competition, the premiere ceremony of each family was arranged for them in a similar scale. cinema.

But the location of these theaters is worth thinking about.

The other two premieres were in the suburbs of Shanghai. The scale was quite large and the equipment was brand new. However, the problem was that the entire theater was brand new and had just been put into use, and it was far away from the city center.

Not to mention passers-by, even fans may not be willing to go to support.

On the other hand, Lin Fan’s venue, although the equipment is not brand new, has only been updated last year, and it is located in the center of the magic city. It is the most representative, highest-traffic, and most profitable one under the Shengxia Cinema Line. between.

Generally speaking, when the locals in Shanghai talk about Midsummer Cinema, if there is no such-and-such road in front, they refer to this one.

It can be seen that Tao Zheng favored Lin Fan, and he was blatantly biased, and he was not afraid of protests from the other crews at all.

When Yu Mengmeng came to the premiere scene in a hurry, although it was still early, there were already many fans around the event site, and many of them were Yu Mengmeng's acquaintance.

Mengmeng, here!

Mengmeng, you came so early?

Didn't you say, Mengmeng, that you are going abroad to attend the ceremony?

As soon as the fans saw Yu Mengmeng, they started chatting around her. The name of Yu Mengmeng's little rich woman is still very famous in the fan circle, and many people know her.

Don't mention it, I was afraid that I would regret it, so I couldn't help running to the ceremony, so I came here early and waited. Yu Mengmeng was extremely distressed, Actually, I have already regretted it, I don't know that I am rushing to the airport now Is it too late?

The other fans looked at each other and burst into loud laughter at the same time: Hahaha! I knew it!

The little rich woman has always been a general fan of girlfriends and sisters of Yanyan, but at the same time she can't control her CP. Sooner or later, she will have to be smart!

Mengmeng, don't worry about it.

I bet a spicy stick, even if you rush to the airport, it's useless! No, it's useless even if you get on a plane, you'll still regret it!

Yu Mengmeng has nothing to love: Am I so smart that everyone knows it?

But no matter what, since we have all come to the premiere, let's wait for the movie to be released with peace of mind.

Other fans greeted Yu Mengmeng: Mengmeng, we are going to set up a support booth over there, do you want to come together?

Yu Mengmeng, who had nothing to do at first, nodded naturally: Then let's go together, I also brought a lot of support materials.

That's really great. Although we have prepared a lot here, I found that there are many more people than I expected. I am worried that there are not enough materials. I need to call the president for help! You This way, it just solved a big problem!

When will the president come? A fan next to him asked curiously.

That's right, usually the president is the first one to arrive at such an event? Why haven't you seen anyone today?

A fan who knew a little about the situation said: After hearing that the president solved the single problem of her brother and brother in her family, the seven aunts and eight aunts who are free will help the president get out of singles in order to thank the president for his dedication and hard work. things are on the agenda.

Oh~ Everyone was stunned.

So, Wang Lingli is busy with a blind date right now?

It's very difficult to get out of singles these days, so there's no need, everyone should try not to disturb the president's blind date!


The time passed quickly amidst the cheers and laughter of a group of fans. Yu Mengmeng also received the message from Grandpa Yu before boarding the plane. Now, even if Yu Mengmeng regretted it again, she would not be able to catch up with the suitable flight up.

Just wait for the premiere with peace of mind.

Wang Lingli and other fans also arrived one after another. Everyone gathered together lively and lively. As usual, they distributed small gifts to passers-by, canvassed votes for Lin Fan's movie, and promoted it.

Fans are very familiar with the box office PK routine of Midsummer Cinemas this time, isn't it just to solicit votes?

We are familiar with this job!

The cooks who haven't been on the list for several years, just feel itchy, are gearing up, ready to use all their abilities, and let other fans see who is the real top!

Although, it seems, um, Fanfan doesn't care at all whether it's top-notch or not.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the film premiere officially began.

Wang Lingli and other fans are holding guns and short cannons, waving all kinds of support materials, and want to welcome someone on both sides of the red carpet. Who would have expected that the organizer would open the door of the movie theater and directly announce the ticket check Enter!

Walk the red carpet, no!

On-site interaction, no!

There are even more scenes where the stars join in the show!

Wang Lingli and the others were at a loss, when Yu Mengmeng suddenly remembered something, hurriedly took out her mobile phone, checked the Internet, and she really found a piece of news about Lin Fan:

Lin Fan Xia Yan secretly arrived at Bole Capital Airport!

Yu Mengmeng looked at the time recorded in the news, and silently calculated: If Fanfan and Yanyan departed from Shanghai, then they probably took the same flight as grandpa!

a bolt from the blue!

Yu Mengmeng let out a wow and burst into tears!

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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