Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 878 Who is the one who dares to covet my daughter-in-law? !

Lin Fan's news has just been updated, and immediately attracted the attention of fans:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Haha, it can be regarded as being squatted by me! I’m just going to show up during Chinese New Year. Whether it’s posting news or live broadcasting, we don’t have high requirements, as long as I can see Fanfan! 】

[See through or not, or good friends: Is this the point? Isn't the point that the background and angle of this photo are exactly the same as the photo just sent by Yanyan next door? 】

[Tremble, mortals: Yes, yes, the same folding ladder, the same small lantern, and the same tool man old father-in-law, the only difference is that Yan Yan took a selfie, usually this one should be taken by Yan Yan for him. 】

[Aunt Bohemian: This lazy bastard is so perfunctory even in New Year's greetings, so it's definitely our Brother Fan. Moreover, Fanfan and Yanyan are self-defeating, did they go to meet their parents during the Chinese New Year? 】

The relationship between Lin Fan and Xia Yan has always been very stable. Whether it is in the field of music or in film and television dramas, they have cooperated tacitly. In addition, since the two of them got together, they seldom operated separately, so that other Artists don't have any chance if they want to hype the popularity and speculate on CP.

Over time, everyone stopped thinking about it.

In the eyes of the public, Lin Fan and Xia Yan have never had any scandals since the official announcement, there is no shortage of works, and their popularity and popularity remain high. They seem to have become recognized golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry. The model CP has gained a lot of CP fans.

Whether in or out of the circle, it has attracted much attention.

Not only pay attention to their development, but also when they will get married.

Especially during the Chinese New Year, in such a reunion festival where the whole of China is urging marriage, even Lin Fan and Xia Yan cannot escape the fate of being urged to marry.

[Beauty sees the same thing: the parents have met, and the proposal has been made, it's time to put the wedding on the agenda, sisters, what do you think? 】

A large group of CP fans below said: I am sure!

When Lin Fan finally hung up the little lantern and used his homestay account to start the live broadcast on Kuaiyin, the fans who flocked into the live broadcast room, the first sentence was:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Get married! marry! marry! 】

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and asked the camera, What's going on?

I gave you New Year's benefits, but you are forcing marriage!

Uh, it's not impossible, the main thing is, who of you can get rid of my stubborn old father-in-law first?

Xia Yan's mother knew that Lin Fan was broadcasting live. When she heard this sentence, she thought the fans in the live broadcast room were scolding Lin Fan, so she quickly stretched her head to look at the phone interface: What's wrong? Is anyone scolding Fan Fan?

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Damn! Beauty crit! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Ahhh! I am dead! Who is this beautiful lady, my God, my heart seems to have been shot by an arrow, Grandpa, I am in love! 】

[Whether you see through or not, you are still good friends: It is reported that Fanfan is now at Yanyan's house, and just finished hanging up a small lantern with Yanyan's father, who is also the future old father-in-law. Then the beautiful young lady who appeared here could only be an ordinary future old mother-in-law! 】

[Sister's aunts are even more popular than you: fuck off! Facing such a fairy-like face, how can you come up with the word 'old'? Doesn't your conscience hurt? 】

[Your education is prenatal education: ahhh! So this is Yanyan's mother? I also want such a fairy-like mother! 】


The attention of the fans didn't know where it went. Lin Fan was already immune to the dog-faced attributes of his fans, but seeing their attention being snatched by Xia Yan's mother, it was inevitable that he still felt a little uncomfortable. : What are you calling Miss!

You call my mother-in-law and young lady, isn't that just taking advantage of me?

Are you talking about me? Xia Yan's mother looked at the enthusiastic fans in the live broadcast room, and was also a little surprised, Yes, I am Yan Yan's mother... Uh, when it comes to work, I am a bombshell. Piano... There are no brothers or sisters in the family,

I am an only child...

Lin Fan: The goddamn one plays the piano!

It's just that you, who play the piano, have a princess student and are an internationally renowned pianist, that's all.

Seeing Xia Yan's mother seriously answering the fans' questions, Lin Fan couldn't help but said, Auntie, you don't have to answer their messy questions, or they will see you as a bully and go too far.

Will this have a bad effect on you?

It's not that Xia Yan's mother doesn't know what the live broadcast is like. In the past, when Lin Fan was broadcasting live, Xia Yan's mother would squat in the live broadcast room and watch with great interest.

It's just that this time she appeared in Lin Fan's live broadcast room, and she was worried that if she had a bad attitude, it would make things difficult for Lin Fan, so she answered the fans' questions carefully.

Before Lin Fan could speak, the fans in the live broadcast comforted Xia Yan's mother:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: It’s okay, young lady, we just ask casually, answer if you want to answer, and don’t answer if you don’t want to answer, anyone who dares to scold you, we will scold you back for you. There are also some cheap words, you don't pay attention to them. 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Yes, yes, Miss, we all like you so much! People who like you will not scold you casually, and those who don't like you will scold others casually. He doesn't like you anymore, why do you still care about what they say? Just ignore it! 】


Of course, there are also those that have completely fallen:

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Young lady, you are so beautiful, you have a good temperament, your smile is so warm, and your eyes are so beautiful... Oh my god, why are you so good-looking! 】

Xia Yan's mother was a little embarrassed by the praise, and quickly hid from the camera, not to disturb Lin Fan's live broadcast.

However, the fans who couldn't see the beautiful young lady started wailing, begging and even threatening Lin Fan that the young lady must appear on the screen.

Lin Fan found out: So you actually don't want to see me at all, do you? If you have a new love, forget about my old love?

You fickle women!

What about the person who agreed to love me only for the rest of his life?

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Fanfan, you will always have a place in my heart. But it's rare for a young lady to go down to earth once. If I don't seize the opportunity, I'm afraid I won't be able to appreciate her beauty again in the future! 】

Other fans also expressed: Fanfan, we will always love you, but this love is shattered in front of the beauty of the young lady!

Lin Fan has always had a way to deal with this group of fans who are too skinny: Uncle Xia!

What? Xia Shaozhang was busy.

Someone covets Auntie's beauty!

Xia Shaozhang was immediately angry: Who! Who dares to covet my wife?!

Fans in the studio:  …

Very good, to be able to do such a stupid thing, it is undoubtedly our family's general!

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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