Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 876 Inexplicably feel that the old father-in-law is really pitiful!

The brokerage company closed down () before I came on stage!

So Lin Fan lived in Xia's house with peace of mind. During the day, when Xia Shaozhang went to work, Lin Fan took Xia Yan and Xia Yan's mother out to eat and eat.

In the evening, when Xia Shaozhang gets off work, the family eats harmoniously, watches TV, chats, and occasionally goes out together to play, go to the movies, and participate in music festivals and other activities.

Xia Shaozhang felt that if his daughter-in-law wasn't so partial, it wasn't that he couldn't live in harmony with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan, what's for dinner tonight? Xia Shaozhang blurted out the first sentence naturally as soon as he got home.

But before Lin Fan answered, Xia Yan's mother answered first: What are you doing and what are you eating? Why are you asking so many questions?

I'm just asking, can't I just ask now?

Xia Shaozhang muttered something, then smelled the smell and ran to the kitchen, looking at Lin Fan who was cooking, he was very pleased: Boiled meat?

Lin Fan replied: Yes, and Uncle Xia's favorite steamed pork ribs, as well as beer duck, fish with pickled vegetables, and stewed soybean trotter soup to supplement collagen for Auntie and Yanyan.

Xia Shaozhang was very satisfied: Lin Fan, your cooking skills are getting better and better, but recently you eat too much meat and vegetables, and you want to eat something light.

Xia Yan's mother came in directly and carried Xia Shaozhang out: Make what you want to eat yourself! How can you order the child like this?

How can I control the child? I'll just give my opinion!

Hold on if you have an opinion!

Can't hold back!

If you can't hold it back, then don't come back!


Xia Shaozhang sat at the dining table angrily, looking at his bowl which was obviously smaller than the others: Why are your portions different from mine?

Are the three of you colluding to steal my food?

Xia Yan's mother said: Since Fanfan returned home, Shaozhang, you have gained five catties. For your health, we have unanimously decided that we will let you eat six percent full for dinner every day from now on.

In addition, I will urge you to exercise,

In order to prevent you from eating too much and suffering from three highs. As for losing weight, forget it, it’s only five catties of meat, I can still accept it. But no more is enough, if you dare to get fat enough to deform your figure, hehe.

Xia Shaozhang was terrified by Xia Yan's mother's hum hum: It's not that serious, it's only five catties!

Are fat men a problem?

totally not!

I don't care about other men, but my man can't be so fat that he's out of shape.

Xia Shaozhang was still not convinced, but before he had time to say anything, he found that Lin Fan came over and whispered to himself: Uncle Xia, I will give you an extra supper tonight!

Xia Shaozhang's eyes lit up, and he didn't want to argue with Xia Yan's mother immediately: Men, be generous, and don't care about such trivial things with your own woman.

Then in the middle of the night, while Xia Yan's mother was asleep, Xia Shaozhang got up quietly, not daring to turn on the lights, so he touched the kitchen with the light from the phone screen, and saw Lin Fan who was making supper for himself as expected.

Uncle Xia...

Hush! Keep your voice down! Xia Shaozhang lowered his voice to the lowest level, Don't wake up the others, by the way, what did you do for supper?

Lin Fan also imitated Xia Shaozhang's way of speaking in a breathless voice: I made steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce. The original flavor is delicious and nutritious. The pork ribs are delicious and tender. The meat is steamed until it falls off the bone, and it melts in the mouth, which is better for digestion. I made yam porridge to promote digestion, but Uncle Xia, you can't go to sleep immediately after eating.

I know, I know, don't worry! Xia Shaozhang promised, I don't eat too much, just eat until I'm full.

That being said, Xia Shaozhang still ate all the steamed pork ribs and yam porridge by himself, and there was nothing left.

Not only was there nothing left, but he also ordered the supper menu for tomorrow night, and then went to the gym for almost an hour before going back to sleep again.

So, a few days later, Xia Yan's mother found out that the weight loss plan she made for Xia Shaozhang was not only useless at all, but made the man gain another three catties!

Did you steal it in the middle of the night?

How is that possible! Xia Shaozhang argued, Am I this kind of person?

Xia Yan's mother: Yes!

Xia Shaozhang: My daughter-in-law hurts!

In order to clear his suspicion, Xia Shaozhang took the initiative to find Lin Fan, and was going to suspend the supper plan for a few days. Lin Fan naturally agreed, and said that when the supper plan was resumed, Xia Shaozhang could just tell him directly.

Xia Yan's mother has been vigilant for several days, and found that Xia Shaozhang really did not steal food in the middle of the night, which dispelled her doubts. Of course, it is inevitable that Xia Shaozhang's dinner portion has been reduced by 10%, and she can only eat half full every day .

But there was supper waiting at night, and Xia Shaozhang didn't mind eating too much for dinner.

Moreover, you can order food for supper, if it wasn't for the fear of being discovered by Xia Yan's mother, Xia Shaozhang would have wished he had to eat dinner and only ate supper.

Xia Shaozhang was really embarrassed to eat people with a short mouth. While eating the small stove that Lin Fan prepared for him, he raised his eyebrows and eyes at Lin Fan at the same time, and his attitude towards Lin Fan was much more gentle. Attitudes are more consistent.

On this day, Lin Fan finished supper for Xia Shaozhang again, and returned to Xia Yan's room. Just as he sat down by the bed, he was hugged by a pair of arms: Are you still asleep?

Waiting for you. Xia Yan felt a little distressed, I get up in the middle of the night every day to make supper for my dad, thank you for your hard work.

What's so hard about it? I want to marry your dad's baby daughter home. This is what I should do. Just making supper can satisfy your dad. It's easy to let go of your prejudice against me. .”

Moreover, many dishes were already cooked during dinner, but they were just put in the pot, and Xia Shaozhang didn't notice. At night, Lin Fan only needs to go down and turn on the fire to heat up and eat.

It doesn't take much.

Moreover, in order to prevent Lin Fan from getting up to make supper for Xia Shaozhang in the middle of his sleep, both Xia Yan and Xia Yan's mother sleep very early recently, saying that they are tired and sleepy before eight o'clock. rest.

The time for Lin Fan to make supper was actually not until eleven o'clock in the evening, and it really didn't affect Lin Fan's rest time at all.

I feel that my dad's attitude towards you has almost changed. After a few more days of observation, our plan will be over.

Yes, the Supper Plan was proposed by Xia Yan's mother, and personally worked out a plan aimed at Xia Shaozhang's inner prejudice against Lin Fan.

The purpose is to improve the relationship between Xia Shaozhang and Lin Fan.

In the whole plan, Xia Yan's mother sang bad faces, Lin Fan played red faces, and Xia Yan was in charge of eating melons. The only person who was really kept in the dark was Xia Shaozhang.

According to Xia Yan's observation, the plan is progressing very smoothly, victory is in sight, and it's time to finish it.

Lin Fan was silent: I somehow feel that the old father-in-law is really pitiful!

Forget it, cook more delicious food for the old father-in-law in the future, so as to make up for his broken heart.

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