Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 874 Hello, Uncle Xia, I wish you an early New Year's greetings in advance!

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Yang Hongxia's guess was correct, the ones who deliberately asked someone to lead the rhythm were the other film crews who signed Tao Zheng's box office PK contract.

These crews have one thing in common, that is, the leading actors have a relatively large number of popular traffic, and their acting skills are average, but their popularity is relatively high.

The crew put so much traffic in because they wanted to rely on the fan appeal of these traffic to make a way in the Spring Festival stalls and sell more tickets.

Simply put, it is to make money.

There are many such crews every year, and the Spring Festival is also a period where bad movies gather, but what about bad movies, for some unscrupulous capital, it is enough to make money.

And the addition of traffic can make movies more profitable. Of course, capital will not let go of such a good opportunity.

Originally, this year was the same as usual, the film was put on the Spring Festival file, and everyone just waited for the money with peace of mind.

Who would have thought that Lin Fan would suddenly pop up on the way and start competing with everyone for filming!

That old fox Tao Zheng was not a vegetarian either, he put on a look of embarrassment, coaxed these crews to sign some kind of box office PK contract with him, and treated the filming rate as a prize, calling it fair competition.

Fairness, fairness, what kind of box office dark horse is Lin Fan? Don't you have any AC numbers in mind? A A Chinese Ghost Story ruined a big production with an investment of more than one billion yuan. How can I compete with Lin Fan in such a bad movie?

But it doesn't work if you don't sign.

If he didn't sign, Tao Zheng would have a reason to favor Lin Fan openly and tilt the screening rate, and he would still be the one who would suffer.

Both horizontal and vertical filming rates will be taken away, sign!

Sign it first!

No matter what, after signing this PK contract, at least two weeks before the film's release, you can still get a relatively good initial screening rate.

Otherwise, if Tao Zheng directly took out a production contract without any guarantee, wouldn't he have to sign it?

And signing the PK contract is not completely useless, at least it can take advantage of Lin Fan's popularity, even if two weeks later, the screening rate of his own movie is robbed, then in these two weeks, Lin Fan's new movie will be bundled and marketed together, I should earn almost as well.

It's just that this matter can be accepted intellectually, but there is always a breath in my heart that I can't hold back.

This kind of feeling of waiting for the final crushing defeat before the PK started really made people feel uncomfortable, so they decided to make some trouble for Lin Fan.

Moreover, what if Lin Fan hits the street?


Until the end, no one knows who will win.

These crews all thought very beautifully, but unfortunately the reality is always more beautiful. The navy did not bring Lin Fan's rhythm up, but Wang Lingli led a wave of rhythm.

[It feels like the male god has wifi on his body: Yes, the filming went smoothly, and the review went smoothly. Doesn't it mean that this movie has no flaws, and it fully meets the standards of China's review system? 】

[You're blind and hit my heart: I'm very surprised why your focus is on this. Shouldn't your first reaction when you hear this news be to grab tickets? Anyway, I've already grabbed the pre-sale tickets, and I'm just waiting for the Valentine's Day movie to be released! 】

[Spherical shape is also a kind of figure: Brother Fan’s movies, sisters, just after the New Year, there will be Brother Fan’s new movie to watch, Brother Fan, a lazy bastard, is back in business! 】


Seeing that the momentum of public opinion on the Internet is slowly being reversed, Yang Hongxia also took advantage of the opportunity to throw out the inside story of box office PK, burying a nail a little bit, waiting for the right time to play a big wave.

[Earthman Studio: Quietly tell everyone a little secret, watch Fan Ge's new movie on Valentine's Day, there will be surprises! 】


The fans were all overjoyed. Lin Fan's sudden announcement of the new film's schedule was originally a huge surprise, but now the studio has revealed that there will be a surprise on the day of the premiere, which made the fans who originally planned to go to the premiere on the same day happy. Can't wait to buy more tickets.

What if, the surprise is drawn from these movie tickets, right?

Buy a few more to be prepared.

I can’t use that much by myself, and I can give it away, anyway, just keep the ticket stub or purchase record.

If not, it's considered support for Fanfan's new movie. It's rare for this lazy guy to take the initiative to open a business, but don't discourage his enthusiasm.

Wang Lingli has invited a lot of little sisters to watch movies together. Of course, Wang Lingli has given full power to her elder brother, second brother, three cousins, four cousins, five six seven eight, etc. My cousins ​​went to do it.

Otherwise, relying on his cursed luck, he might not be able to grab the premiere.

At the same time, Wang Lingli also asked Yu Mengmeng:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Little rich woman, Brother Fan's new movie will be released on Valentine's Day, so are you still going to that ceremony? By the way, what month is the ceremony? 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: I was just about to say, it's Valentine's Day! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Mengmeng, are you still going? I think there should be a premiere ceremony for the new movie that day, if you go to the ceremony, won't you be unable to attend the premiere of the movie? 】

[Aunt Bohemian: I don't think so. Fanfan's temperament is hard to say, if such a thing as giving up the movie's premiere is done by Fanfan, I don't think I will be surprised at all. After all, compared with fame and wealth, Fanfan values ​​the friendship between friends more. 】

[To tell the truth, I have been using Mimi to read books and catch up on updates recently, switch sources, read aloud with many timbres, both Android and Apple are available. 】

Yu Mengmeng looked at the group, everyone was discussing in a hurry, whether Lin Fan would participate in the premiere ceremony, or the lively scene of the ceremony abroad, and fell into deep thought.

Whether it was the premiere or the ceremony, Yu Mengmeng couldn't make up her mind at all.


Xia family.

When Xia Shaozhang came home from get off work, he found that his wife was actually busy in the kitchen. This surprised Xia Shaozhang: What day is today? Why do you remember that you are going to cook?

Normally, Xia Yan's mother rarely cooks, one reason is because her cooking skills are very average, and only one or two special dishes are not bad, but she can't eat those one or two dishes every day.

Secondly, Xia Shaozhang felt sorry for her and didn't want her to rough up her piano-playing hands because of cooking.

Thirdly, it's not that the family doesn't have money to hire someone to cook, so why do you have to make it difficult for yourself to cook for yourself?

However, on some special days, such as traditional festivals such as Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, wedding anniversaries, birthdays of both parties, etc., Xia Shaozhang and Xia Yan's mother are still willing to cook a loving dinner to celebrate.

But today, Xia Shaozhang remembered, there seemed to be nothing special, right?

Xia Yan's mother brought the dishes to the restaurant, and before she had time to speak, she heard the doorbell ring: Is it here? Shaozhang, open the door!

Xia Shaozhang opened the door with a look of doubt, and saw Lin Fan's big face in front of him, and he showed a particularly piercing smile: Hello, Uncle Xia, I wish you an early New Year's greetings in advance!

Xia Shaozhang: ...Blessings to Peach's early years!

It turns out that your kid is ordering my daughter-in-law to cook for you!

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