Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 872 What kind of surprise is this! This FMD is frightening!

Popular recommendation:

As the Spring Festival draws near, the eyes of the majority of netizens are almost occupied by all kinds of advertisements, such as New Year’s goods and gifts, brands’ Spring Festival specials, major companies’ year-end summaries...etc, etc. Very lively.

Of course, all kinds of movie advertisements during the Spring Festival are not only overwhelming on the Internet, but all kinds of advertisements in reality are also replaced with movie posters. There are human-shaped stands everywhere in shopping malls, subway entrances, and bus stop signs. The carousel advertisements in other places have also been replaced with new ones.

In short, it is to make you unable to escape the encirclement of advertisements whether you are at home or outside.

If people of the previous generation prefer to watch the Spring Festival Gala at home, then young people prefer to go outside to have fun on New Year's Eve.

The pre-sale of movies in the Spring Festival file has been opened as early as a month ago. Now the first place on the pre-sale list is a family carnival movie joined by stars, and the second place is an animation The movie, the third place is also a comedy, until the fourth place, it is a suspense film.

It can be seen from this that what type of film is the Spring Festival file, which is more popular with the public.

Wang Lingli is also discussing with the sisters in the fan group how to spend the Spring Festival this year.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Alas, this year's Spring Festival Gala is not ordinary, it is simply that people don't even have the desire to watch it at all. So I decided to go to the movie at the midnight of the Spring Festival. I spent this year in the movie theater. Are there any sisters together? 】

【Aunt Unruly: I'm afraid I won't be able to go out, not only on New Year's Eve, but also from the first day to the third day of the Lunar New Year's Day. 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Hahaha, me too. I especially sympathize with my seven aunts and eight aunts. Every year, my blood pressure is soaring, but every year they forget the painful lessons of last year, and one by one they line up to give away their heads. It's obviously Chinese New Year, I don't want to kill people at all. 】


Fans in the group also participated in topic discussions one after another. Some had to work overtime during the Chinese New Year, some were eager to ask for advice on how to deal with various interrogations from relatives during the Chinese New Year, and some were relatively free, so they joined Wang Lingli's call, Go to the movies together on New Year's Eve.

It's just that Yu Mengmeng, the little rich woman who is usually very active, is silent this time, which makes everyone very uncomfortable.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: @萌萌rabbit, little rich woman, how do you spend your 30th year? Do you want to go out and watch a movie together? 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Uh... I will probably spend Chinese New Year abroad this year...]

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: There is a situation! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: These two ellipses tell me that there must be something hidden in this matter! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: ... Well, to be honest, a good friend of my grandpa invited him to a ceremony, and then accidentally discovered that Yanyan's parents would also attend, so I was thinking, Fanfan and Yanyan Will it possibly appear at that time, so I was thinking...]

There was a big trough in the hearts of all the fans.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: It can’t be compared, the little rich woman’s pursuit of stars is really fresh and refined, and she is not at all pretentious. It is an existence that me and other mortals can’t match at all. I can only worship the big boss. I hope the big boss will come. Live broadcast, let me wait for ordinary people to experience the eye addiction, and see how the big guys chase after stars. 】

All the fans said one after another: Worship plus one!

[Mengmeng rabbit: Shouldn't I need to broadcast live? That ceremony seems to be quite important, and it is estimated that there will be a special TV station to report this event. But it's from abroad, I don't know if it can be seen in China. 】

If such foreign ceremonies and other events are not particularly important, or have a wide range of influence, China should not broadcast the whole process, but will send back some reports and photos.

But now that the Internet is so developed, even if Huaxia does not conduct official live broadcasts, there should be netizens or network anchors who will post resources online.

【In other words,

Currently the best app for reading and listening to books, Mimi Reading, install the latest version. 】

As long as you look for it carefully, there is a high probability that you can still find it.

In particular, if Fanfan really appeared at the ceremony, I believe that there is no need to do it yourself. Fanfan's overseas fans will also be very excited to take pictures of Fanfan.

But since all the sisters in the group said so, Yu Mengmeng still agreed:

[Mengmeng rabbit: I will try my best to see if it can be broadcast live, but I don't know if Fanfan will show up by then. 】

【Tiansheng Yuji Wang: No one can say for sure. It's our luck that he showed up. He didn't show up to prove that Fanfan is still on vacation. Anyway, I can't see him. It's not your fault. 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: Yes, yes, yes, it is a surprise to see it, and it is normal not to see it. Anyway, it has been a long time since I saw the general business, and I am almost used to it. If Brother Fan hadn't posted a piano piece not long ago, I would have thought that lazy guy was going to quit the circle! 】

Fans are already immune to Lin Fan's behavior of always thinking about how to be lazy.

There is no way, who made them like Lin Fan like this?

The faults of idols are all caused by the fans. Of course, I have suffered the sins I made.

Just as Wang Lingli and the others had discussed it, a post was posted on Lin Fan's personal super blog:

[Lin Fan: The new movie Roman Holiday will meet you on February 14th, Valentine's Day in the West. Are you surprised or surprised? 】

Everyone: Damn it!

The major crews were about to collapse: what kind of surprise is this! This FMD is frightening!

Not many people knew about Lin Fan's quiet return to China.

But later Liang Wen was busy preparing for a new movie, and many people in the circle knew about it. After all, from the preparation to the start of filming of a movie, it is impossible to really block all the news. People outside the circle may not know it, but everyone in the circle knows that Earthman Studio is going to make a movie again.

It's just that it takes at least several months for a movie to go live from preparation to final release, and the crew who have already scheduled the schedule don't think that Lin Fan's new movie will come for the Spring Festival.

Because the time is really too fast.

Lin Fan wasn't like the kind of person who just made a shoddy movie to cater to the audience in order to make money, so everyone was very lucky that they didn't bump into Lin Fan's schedule.

At the same time, I feel a little sympathetic, after March, especially those who are in the summer file, because there is a high probability that Lin Fan will put the movie in the summer file.

But what he didn't expect was that the clown turned out to be himself. Lin Fan really put the movie on the Spring Festival file. Although Valentine's Day was on the 10th day of the first month, it still belonged to the Spring Festival file!

All of a sudden, everyone in the circle exclaimed in the same way: Lin Fan, is he crazy?

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