Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 866 Lin Fan is not on the trending searches!

Popular recommendation:

Lin Fan and Xia Yan came back quietly. Except for the company and the new movie crew, everyone thought they were going on vacation outside.

Fans are very used to this idol who almost disappears as soon as he is on vacation.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Be content, at least Fanfan released a piano piece some time ago, unlike the first month, the whole person disappeared completely, and even the comics were not updated. 】

[Sa_Sa: That’s right, now the manga is updated normally, and there are new songs to listen to, it’s really good. Besides, Fanfan still has a lot of works on video sites, so I can review them from time to time, and I can still live on. 】

[Meng Meng rabbit: Yes, yes, especially the comedy Wulin Biography, although Fan Fan has never appeared in the drama series, but when I think of the whole play written by Fan Fan, there is nothing to complain about . Although ordinary people are not in front of us, his works have always been with us. 】

The words of the little rich woman immediately resonated with the fans.

Unknowingly, Lin Fan's debut time has been quite long, but it seems that every day has not been wasted.

The songs released by Lin Fan himself are not to say that every capital is a classic, at least they are all very good; Lin Fan's film and television works are also widely acclaimed, especially Legend of the White Snake. The ratings are not low.

Not to mention the sitcom Wulin Biography, which was just launched this year and was broadcast not long ago. All the leading actors in the whole drama became popular because of this drama, and Li Xiaodong also completely got rid of the status of draft idol , became a real comedian.

I heard that the Earthman Studio, or rather, Lin Fan, has tailored several comedy films for Li Xiaodong, and they are currently being shot. Maybe they will be released next year.

I don't know how many people in the circle are jealous of Li Xiaodong, thinking that Li Xiaodong has grown from a draft idol to a big screen actor, separated only by a golden thigh called Lin Fan.

There are also variety shows.

The first variety show Sound of Nature that Lin Fan participated in is simply the ceiling of singing and writing music programs. Every time I turn it out and watch it, the audience wants to offer their knees to the guests in the show.

Longing for the Yard is a standard meal variety show, and you can watch any episode at random when you are eating every day, and you can watch it with gusto and enjoy your meal.

National Treasure is a classic among classics. So far, there is no variety show in China that can compare with this show.

Every time I read it, I feel that I have gained a lot of knowledge, my sense of national honor has become stronger, and I am extremely proud of being a Chinese.

I heard that this program is still enthusiastically sought after by overseas audiences. The number of tourists in museums in major provinces and cities is also increasing day by day. There is also a wave of understanding of Chinese history and cultural relics in China.

Moreover, the online expectations for the second season of National Treasure have reached an astonishing number, and even the spin-off program I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City has also become popular before it is broadcast.

There is also the upcoming China in the Classics. The trailer alone has already exceeded one billion views. As long as the content and quality of the program pass the test, I believe it will be another phenomenal variety show.

Strictly speaking, Lin Fan's workload in the past two or three years is not much, but the quality of work is really good. Lin Fan's achievements, if you take any one of these achievements and put it on other artists, they would like to boast for a lifetime.

But Lin Fan was neither arrogant nor impetuous, he gave himself a super long vacation, and the fans wanted to protest, but in front of Lin Fan's achievements, he felt that he shouldn't be so greedy.

In short, it is very contradictory.


[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Didn't you find something? 】

[Tremble, mortals: If what you said, President, is that the piano piece that was released in general is not on the hot search, then I found out. 】

[Seeing through or not telling through is still a good friend: Then I found out too.

I originally thought that I was the only one who quietly discovered this secret, but I didn't expect you, sisters, to be so witty. 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Huh? What are you talking about? By the way, why is the general new song not on the hot search? Obviously such a good song! Is it because sister Xia deliberately suppressed Fanfan? 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: What you said, little rich woman, is actually correct. Sister Xia deliberately suppressed Fanfan's trending searches, but not for the purpose of suppressing Fanfan. On the contrary, Sister Xia did it for Fanfan's good. 】

The little rich woman slowly asked a series of question marks in the group.

That's right, I suppressed the trending searches. Yang Hongxia was heartbroken, I spent a lot of money to suppress the trending searches!

Others spend money to be on Hot Search, so they have to get money from Hot Search and beg them to take Lin Fan's Hot Search down.

If it is a bad trending search, it will be withdrawn if it is withdrawn. The key point is that it is Kua Linfan's trending search. Yang Hongxia withdraws it as soon as she says it. This makes many fans who know about it very puzzled.

But Yang Hongxia wouldn't explain it to the fans, but now that Lin Fan is back, Yang Hongxia felt that she had to explain the truth to Lin Fan.

You are not an idol now, frequently being on the hot search will no longer increase your popularity, but will consume your own popularity. Especially when the artists who are on the hot search with you are all negative news , are you sick or not?

Lin Fan imagined that scene:


#某某Celebrity cheating in marriage

#A certain artist was fined X billion for tax evasion




It seems that I have the same virtue as these bad artists!

Yang Hongxia saw Lin Fan's disgusted expression by the picture she made up, and couldn't help laughing: It seems that you can already imagine that feeling, so I won't say more.

Now that your number of fans, popularity, and popularity have passed the period of rapid growth, it is time to settle down and get out of the public eye, otherwise you will always be on the hot search, and the public's perception of you will be finalized. It will affect their judgment and evaluation of your work in the future.

In addition, there are many reasons. For example, everyone sees your news on the Internet every day. When a new work comes out in the future, whether you do publicity or stir up topics, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Because everyone sees you every day and gets used to it, there will be no surprises.

Disappearing from the public eye for a period of time is a process that every powerful actor must go through, because this is the stepping stone for an artist to reach the latest level.

Once you board it, you will be able to open the door to a new world.

Yang Hongxia just didn't expect that Lin Fan's day would come so soon.

Lin Fan has always trusted Yang Hongxia in these matters: I will listen to Sister Xia's arrangements. Then I will join the team. If everything goes well, Sister Xia, you can start preparing for the announcement of the new movie now.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Mimi Reading! It’s really easy to use. I use this to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here 】

Yang Hongxia: ... co-author I said so much just now, all in vain?

Once your new movie comes out, can I still hold back the hot searches?

The point is, isn't all the money wasted?

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