Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 852 This kind of thing is very unpopular, hey!

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Yang Hongxia felt that Lin Fan had a great time going on vacation this time!

If Lin Fan could be so proactive in handing in the script every time he was on vacation, then why would Yang Hongxia stop this guy from giving him a vacation?

Regardless of whether it is a large investment or a small cost, before filming starts, a film needs a not-so-short preparation period. At this time, Lin Fan does not need to do it himself to prepare for the film. During this period, Yang Hongxia feels that it is completely possible for Lin Fan It's a holiday!

When Lin Fan came back from vacation and the preparations for the movie were over, the filming could start right away. It was perfect!

Just like this time, Lin Fan said that he would take a five-month vacation for himself, but didn't he immediately get inspired and come up with a movie script that would take several years to finish?

It's a fake, it's not a loss!

Unlike Yang Hongxia's excitement, Xia Shaozhang only felt a pain in his head: These two scripts with large investments may not be able to be shot in a short time.

Xia Shaozhang's words made Yang Hongxia's excited mind cool down in vain, and at the same time she recalled: Yes, the company is currently busy with the animation film Journey to the West and the establishment of an animation studio. Using it to cast these two films will make the company's liquidity tight.

If you are not careful, it is easy to go wrong.

The situation on Xia Shaozhang's side is much better: I only have one low-budget movie in production, so I'll be responsible for the pre-production of these two movies first. You can do more with the animation movie. Shangxin, I heard from Lin Fan that he wants to find a special actor for Monkey King?

Yeah. Yang Hongxia felt a headache when she thought about this incident, The role of Monkey King is not easy to play. I have found many actors, but none of them met Lin Fan's requirements.

No matter how good the acting skills are, even some artists, Yang Hongxia has personally visited them, but the results are not satisfactory.

On the contrary, Yang Hongxia confirmed a lot of other roles by the way, but because the role of Monkey King could not be settled for a long time, the entire Journey to the West TV series could not be filmed.

Zhou Yue has finished the soundtrack of Journey to the West left by Lin Fan, and now he has nothing to do all day long, and he is about to fall ill.

Wandering around in the company every day, I feel like my soul is flying away with Lin Fan, and I can't cheer up for anything. Every time I see myself, I have to ask when Lin Fan will come back?

He also said that it’s okay if Lin Fan doesn’t come back, just send some nursery rhymes or soundtracks back and let him immerse himself in the ocean of music.

What Yang Hongxia is most afraid of every day is meeting Zhou Yue. In order not to be entangled by Zhou Yue, Yang Hongxia dare not appear in the company openly.

After all, Yang Hongxia couldn't contact Lin Fan herself.

Just like today, Yang Hongxia had to call from Xia Shaozhang to inform her before she knew what script Lin Fan had created.

If Xia Shaozhang didn't make this call, Yang Hongxia might not even know that Lin Fan took the initiative to open the business.

Take it easy. I've been following up the manga Journey to the West. Filming, we can't let inappropriate people ruin this work.

I understand that I will continue to look for the right actor.

Yang Hongxia hung up the phone, and then realized belatedly: What exactly was Xia Shaozhang trying to do with this call?

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Could it be that he simply told himself that Lin Fan sent him the script?

This, Mr. Xia is not so naive, he came here to show off to himself, this kind of thing is very unpopular, hey!


On the cruise ship, the CP fans did not see Lin Fan and Xia Yan in any public places for three whole days. Although they really wanted to know where Lin Fan and Xia Yan were and what they were doing, their reason told them: we Just a CP powder,

It's not an illegitimate child, so don't probe into the privacy of other young couples too much!

Well, before meeting Fanfan and Yanyan on the boat, I thought it was fun, interesting and exciting, and it would be a rare experience in my life.

But after meeting Fanfan and Yanyan here, I realized that nothing is as important as cracking candy. Knocking candy is the life of our CP fans!

On the third day when I can't see Fanfan and Yanyan, I miss them...

Why didn't we go up and say hello to Fanfan and Yanyan three days ago?


Yes, why?

A few CP fans, look at me, I look at you, I don’t know why my brain suddenly twitched at that time, such a good opportunity, why didn’t I go up and say hello and ask for an autograph or something?

If I could take a photo by the way, I wouldn't know that cooking is making sugar, but I just can't eat it in my mouth, so painful.

Therefore, several CP fans learned from the painful experience: The next time you meet them, you must go up and ask for a group photo!

The ideal is full, but the reality is that Lin Fan and Xia Yan have just woken up and are about to leave the room to find something to eat at a special restaurant on the cruise ship.

After all, Lin Fan has been painting for three days, and he needs to make up for it, both physically and mentally.

Let's go eat French food. Xia Yan suggested.

Although Xia Yan himself, like Lin Fan, loves Chinese food the most, but they are really not used to the taste of the Chinese restaurant on the cruise ship, and the western food is better.

Among so many Western food categories, Xia Yan prefers French food that combines a relaxed and casual atmosphere with a refined dining experience.

Lin Fan naturally had no objection.

So the two came to the romantic country restaurant on the cruise ship and accepted the restaurant's special set menu recommended by the waiter.

The first course, also known as an appetizer, is a traditional French country frozen meat pie. This dish is a very traditional appetizer in the romantic country. The production process is cumbersome, but it is very inclusive. Its production method mostly depends on the chef's own taste. Inspiration and creation, so every household has a different flavor.

The one Lin Fan and Xia Yan ate was pork, chicken, and duck breast, seasoned with herbs and spices, stuffed with mushrooms that had been stewed with butter, white wine, and herbs, and served with pie Baked with the skin, poured into homemade red wine jelly, and refrigerated a day in advance.

The frozen meat pie refrigerated overnight has a rich texture and is eaten with the matching mustard sauce with seeds. The refreshing and slightly sour yellow mustard sauce stimulates the taste and is very appetizing.

Xia Yan had been starving for a long time, and now he didn't care about being polite, so he cut off a small piece of frozen meat pie, and couldn't wait to stuff it into his mouth. On the tip of the tongue, the taste of meat and red wine is mixed together, the aroma is rich and balanced.

Xia Yan couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly: Well, it's delicious!

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