Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 848: Being Treated as a Fat Sheep

It didn't take long for Xia Yan to come back with the food she had carefully selected, and with Xia Yan, there was also an automatic trigger [Melon Farmer - Paparazzi Magic Skill].

When this skill was automatically triggered, Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized: Yes, he is still a man with system cheats!

It's a pity that the system's sense of presence has really been getting lower and lower recently. If it weren't for some passive skills, which are triggered from time to time to show his sense of presence, Lin Fan would have forgotten about the system.

Speaking of the system, we have to mention the two lifetime tasks: gaining 100 million popularity points.

It is also to obtain a popularity value of 100 million, but the third main task does not distinguish between domestic and overseas, but as long as the popularity value obtained by Lin Fan can be counted.

But the fourth main line task clearly stipulates that it must be overseas popularity, and even to distinguish the origin of popularity—huh? There seems to be something wrong - the overseas popularity value is also calculated separately.

In other words, in fact, Lin Fan didn't need to worry about the third main task, and could just focus on completing the fourth main task. As long as the fourth task is completed, the third task is also considered completed.

But the problem is that Lin Fan is not as dependent on this system as when he first came to Blue Star. It can even be said that even if Lin Fan does not have a system, he can still live in this Blue Star well.

And the rewards for completing the main task are not so attractive to Lin Fan.

As a result, Lin Fan lacked interest in these two tasks, and had no desire to complete them at all.

What's more, Lin Fan didn't worry even if the system didn't remind him.

However, it was rare to think of the system, and Lin Fan couldn't help but want to tease him: System? Tongzi? Tongge? Tongye? Are you there? I haven't chatted for a long time. Let's chat for a dollar when we come out?

It's a pity that the system was as cold as ever and didn't give Lin Fan any response.

Brother Tong, don't be like this. Anyway, we are also the closest people in the world... It's not good for you to be so cold and cold. You said that if you are enthusiastic and actively supervise me, maybe the two I have completed all tasks.

And not as far away as it is now. You see, it's all because you are too introverted, which affects the progress of the task, why don't you change it?

In Lin Fan's mind, he frantically tested the bottom line of the system, but the system was still as cold as ever,

No response was given to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan is very sorry: this system is becoming more and more inflexible.

Xia Yan also sat down beside Lin Fan, and whispered into Lin Fan's ear: I don't know if it's my illusion, but I always feel that someone has been watching us since just now.

Lin Fan and Xia Yan chose this voyage because they liked that the travel route was in the southern hemisphere, and almost no one here knew them. Even if there were occasional tourists who recognized them, they would not be fans and would not affect to their journey.

But now that Lin Fan's passive skills have been triggered, it can be seen that the other party has not only seen him.

It's okay, let's change places to play after dinner.

Lin Fan wasn't afraid at all, this Lan Xing didn't seem to have any paparazzi he couldn't get rid of.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up: Then let's go to the casino to play?

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched: I want to go too.

But the person in charge of the casino won't let me sit on the table!

Speaking of this matter, Lin Fan felt that he was very innocent, because some things were not what he wanted, and Lin Fan did not expect to use this magical skill of [photographic memory] on such things.

When they first boarded the Deep Blue, Lin Fan and Xia Yan heard that there was a casino on the cruise ship. They were very interested and wanted to learn more about it.

Lin Fan and Xia Yan, who only know how to play Mahjong and Fight the Landlord, couldn't help being curious when they came here. They wanted to see what the legendary casino looked like. Put addiction or something.

So the two dressed up specially, just like in the movie, Lin Fan put on a suit, Xia Yan put on a small dress, and they showed their acting skills, pretending that they were regular customers, and came to the casino of the cruise ship.

Then I found out that the movies were all lies!

What kind of suit and leather shoes, what kind of enchanting female companion, what kind of gambler's fighting skills in the air, what kind of fighting skills with master's eyes... none of them!

On the contrary, it is very lively here.

Hundreds of slot machines criss-cross the entire hall and every corner, and you can hear the dull spinning sound of the machines and the tinkling sound of money scattered everywhere you go.

In the hall, there are dozens of card tables scattered with various ways of playing. Every card table is surrounded by tourists. There are very few people in formal clothes, and most of them are waiters.

There is also a stage in the middle of the hall. Many sexy and hot dancers are performing non-stop on the stage, making the atmosphere of the scene even more enthusiastic.

There are also bars, lounge areas and fast food areas inside the casino, so that tourists can meet their daily needs without leaving here.

In a word, it is to let you come in and not want to leave.

Lin Fan's first reaction when he saw such a scene was: Scary.

The entire casino tightly grasps the psychological and physical needs of tourists, and the ubiquitous temptations make people unable to help but lower their inner defense line again and again, falling below the bottom line, until finally falling, unable to extricate themselves.

As soon as Lin Fan and Xia Yan came in, the casino staff could tell that these two were new faces, and they came to watch the excitement.

Of course, there are many such people on cruise ships. After all, unlike land, cruise ships can be fixed in a certain location for a long time, and they cater to a huge customer base.

The customers of the cruise casino are one crop after another, and the number of each crop is limited, which will not exceed the number that the cruise ship itself can carry. At the same time, only a small number of tourists are willing to come here to play, and among this small group of people, there are even fewer people who are rich and willing to spend a lot of money here.

Lin Fan and Xia Yan obviously belong to such target customers.

So as soon as the two came in, they were spotted by the staff, and they were very enthusiastically guided to a certain card table, and asked them to try it out first.

Lin Fan and Xia Yan were not too polite, they just sat down and played for a while, and then found that they were lucky. Lin Fan won five games in a row and lost two games.

Xia Yan won three games in a row, but Xia Yan didn't want to play anymore.

Because the situation is already obvious, the people at the entire poker table, including the dealer, are throwing water.

Xia Yan pinched Lin Fan's waist lightly, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: I've been treated as a fat sheep.

Lin Fan hissed: Hehe, it's not certain who is the fat sheep!

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