Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 829 How can Lin Fan, a lazy bastard, go out for business?

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In the comment area of ​​Wulin Biography on the polar bear platform, on the topic list of Chaobo, and on all major social platforms, there are all related discussions about the drama Wulin Biography.

The Kuaiyin platform was overwhelmed by the edited videos of Wulin Biography overnight. All kinds of classic lines, funny clips, and imitation clips were carefully edited and released by Kuaiyin anchors, and received numerous comments, likes and shares. !

It's broken! Yang Hongxia pushed open Lin Fan's office door excitedly, The single episode of Wulin Biography has exceeded 200 million views, and the total number of views of the four episodes that are now online is 750 million. I estimate today Before eight o'clock in the evening, the total broadcast volume will definitely exceed one billion!

Although he was mentally prepared, Lin Fan couldn't help but smile when he heard such good news: Really? That's great, our show is a big hit!

Now that the data is exploding, as long as a TV series has a good publicity and a strong enough cast, of course, if the fan effect of the original work is added, then the number of broadcasts on the Internet platform can still easily exceed 100 million.

And if a single episode of a TV series exceeds 100 million, it is basically possible to start publishing drafts, creating a big explosion public opinion environment, and attracting more viewers to click and watch.

Then a virtuous circle will be formed, and when the number of views of each single episode exceeds 100 million, then this drama will be able to secure its position as a hit drama.

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But the drama Wulin Biography has nothing to do with the above elements.

This is a low-budget, small-production film. The most famous part of the crew is not the actors, but the director, not to mention the publicity. Lin Fan has given full play to his fan appeal and is very attentive on his social platforms. I yelled, several times.

But other than that, it's pretty normal publicity.

All the money that should be spent has been spent, and the publicity channels that should be covered have also been covered, and there will be no more.

This was not because Lin Fan was reluctant to spend money on publicity, nor was it because he didn't value the show, but simply because Lin Fan didn't want to make the audience preconceived and affect the viewing experience of the TV series through such hype.

Lin Fan hoped that the audience would give real feedback after watching the drama, instead of trying to guide the market with publicity and criticism.

Word of mouth is greater than publicity!

But now, Lin Fan is very satisfied with the result!

It must be a big hit, hot, explosive! Yang Hongxia's cheeks flushed a little with excitement, It's only the first day of going online, and it has such a good result. Worse.

I believe that as long as this drama is given enough time to ferment, it will soon be able to equal the achievements of Legend of the White Snake and create its own record!

This is also the biggest difference between a show being shown on satellite TV and being shown on an online platform.

On Star TV, what you look at is the ratings. Viewership ratings can go high and go low, or go low and go high. The best is to go high and go high, and the worst is to go low and go...

In short, even if your highest ratings break ten,

It is impossible for the final average ratings to break through the highest, it will only go down.

However, the playback volume of online platforms is cumulative and will only increase and not decrease. Every effective playback will be accumulated in the total playback volume, and it will continue to increase with time.

Wulin Biography is another sitcom that can be watched directly anytime, anywhere. It has very low dependence on the logic and plot of previous episodes. Yang Hongxia can foresee that one day in the future, the single episode of this drama The number of broadcasts of an episode may exceed one billion, setting a record for the number of broadcasts of a single episode of a Chinese TV series!

After all, this show has only just launched, and the number of views of a single episode has already exceeded 200 million. It seems that the goal of 1 billion is not too difficult to achieve.

Yang Hongxia: I feel like the king of drama of the year is already waving to me.JPG.

Lin Fan could understand Yang Hongxia's excitement, because in recent years, the TV series with the most broadcasts in Huaxia is none other than Legend of the White Snake.

And because the first round of The Legend of the White Snake was broadcast on Magic City Satellite TV, everyone has already watched it once, and when it is later released on the Internet platform, the number of broadcasts will not be so amazing. What's more, many local satellite TVs are also working tirelessly. The rebroadcast even seized a certain share of the network broadcast.

Even so, the highest number of views for a single episode of The Legend of the White Snake has exceeded 300 million, and the total number of views for the whole show is 14.2 billion!

The average single-episode playback volume is 284 million.

But Legend of the White Snake has a strong starring team. The male lead is the hot Lin Fan, the female lead is Riemann, and the main supporting role is also a powerful actor, with its own flow.

Secondly, this is the total broadcast volume of Legend of the White Snake in one year.

Wulin Biography just went live yesterday, and it has achieved such good results. Not to mention Yang Hongxia, Lin Fan himself was very excited: By the way, what about the ratings? How about the audience ratings?

Speaking of this matter, Yang Hongxia was so excited that she couldn't restrain herself, she slapped her thigh hard: 9.8 points!


This score!

Are the audience saving face like this? Lin Fan was really shocked.

Although the initial value of the audience rating cannot be seen, because this number will continue to decline as the episode is played and more and more viewers join the rating.

The final result can only be obtained after the entire play has been played and the ratings are closed.

But whether it is the number 9.8 itself, the huge buffer zone represented by this number, or the inner recognition of the show by the audience who gave this score, Lin Fan should be pleasantly surprised.

9.8 points, how many viewers must have scored full marks in order to stabilize this score at such a high value.

Yang Hongxia: ...for a while, she didn't know whether Lin Fan was being humble, or whether she was in Versailles?

Shaking her head, Yang Hongxia calmed down her overly excited mood: The Polar Bear has taken the initiative to promote our drama to the highest level, and all publicity channels give priority to us...

In addition, many variety shows, interviews, etc. have sent invitations to the starring team of Wulin Biography.

This is the norm. When a show is showing a trend of being a big hit, the actors in the crew are also rising accordingly, and many resources will come to them by themselves.

As for whether the schedule is suitable and whether the program can be arranged, these matters are all matters between the actor's agent, that is, Yang Hongxia and the program team.

Lin Fan said: Sister Xia, just watch the arrangements.

Yang Hongxia was helpless: Of course I can arrange for other people, but the problem is that I can't arrange for you!

Yes, Li Xiaodong and the others are the leading actors in this play, and normally speaking, Li Xiaodong and the others should be invited to the show.

But the problem is that Lin Fan is the biggest contributor to the success of this show, and he is also the most important person in the entire crew. All the shows want to invite Lin Fan to the last episode.

So the biggest problem came, how to let Lin Fan, a lazy bastard, go out for business?

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