Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 814 It hurts to always slap yourself in the face!

There are six leading roles in this play, plus two resident characters, a total of eight people. The only one who is still popular is Li Xiaodong. Others, such as Tian Li, have been in this circle for several times. Years later, in the eyes of the public, he is still a passer-by who cannot be named.

It's not even as good as the crew of A Little Thing of First Love. At any rate, the two protagonists of the movie are familiar, and Lin Fan will help out with the road show. When the movie is released, Zhou Xiang and Lu Bingyang will be able to pick it up immediately. Over the burden of publicity in Lin Fan's hands, he shouldered part of the box office.

And Wulin Biography is a TV series, the ratings are not the same as the box office, the box office will give feedback soon, and it will only go up, not down, even if the box office is not ideal in the later period, the total box office will be gradually Increased.

The ratings are even more troublesome. No matter how good the start is, once the ratings continue to drop, the average ratings will eventually be dragged down.

How many TV dramas started high and went low, and finally ended dismal, isn't it because they couldn't hold the ratings?

Especially in Wulin Biography, there are no famous actors to support the scene and carry the traffic of the ratings, so it is naturally at a disadvantage. It is difficult to get a good start, and then the whole process can only rely on the plot and acting skills to attract the audience. It is simply hell model.

Others in the circle couldn't understand Lin Fan's approach: You give up the safe fairy tales, idol dramas, and themed dramas, and just challenge the difficult situation to shoot sitcoms. Why don't you find some famous comedians? What about acting?

You are so confident in your script creation ability, do you think that even in hell mode, you can rely on the plot to hold the banner of ratings?

But no matter how the outsiders guess, it is an indisputable fact that this drama has already been filmed and the file is fixed. Whether it can be a dark horse in the ratings, or it will directly fall below the bottom line of the ratings and end in a dismal end. Just wait for this We'll know when the show comes out.

Moreover, in view of Lin Fan's precedent of continuously creating miracles at the box office and ratings, everyone has learned to shut down temporarily no matter how outrageous it seems or how inconsistent it is with their own cognition before seeing the results. My own mouth no longer predicts the data of Lin Fan's works.

Otherwise, it would be very painful to always slap yourself in the face.

Therefore, in the absence of deliberate targeting (smearing) and countering (smearing) from the outside, the black fans can't organize a relatively large-scale offensive, they can only fight on their own, and the promotion of Wulin Biography can hardly cause any harm.

Several other actors in the starring team, also under Lin Fan's suggestion, either directly turned off the super blog comment and private message functions, or directly ignored those black fans who pinched persimmons, so as to turn a blind eye and hear but not hear, and at the same time cooperated with the crew, Propaganda is being done step by step.

Release a behind-the-scenes footage today, come to have an ambiguous interaction with CP tomorrow, and say hello to Lin Fan the day after tomorrow... Wait, small actions continue, and the official promotion has quietly begun to capture major video sites.

By the time passers-by noticed it, the propaganda of Wulin Biography had captured my mobile phone. As long as I turned on my mobile phone, whether it was surfing the Internet, going shopping, or simply sharing my life on social accounts-- You can see the promotion of Wulin Biography!

At this time, Lin Fan officially announced:

[Lin Fan: Wulin Biography will be broadcast exclusively on the Polar Bear platform during the National Day file! Stay tuned! 】

Airing on Polar Bear!

Still exclusive!

The fans didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy for a while.

As we all know, the operation of the video website platform has always been very tricky. For example, if you become a member, you can watch two more episodes a week than non-members, and then on the basis of membership, you can also classify the membership, advance on-demand, pay to unlock... In short, I have tried everything. , empty your pockets.

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Of course, there are also some viewers who feel that in order to watch a few more episodes in one go,

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Compared with broadcasting on Satellite TV, everyone is treated the same, and there is no chance to watch more episodes. Video sites only need to spend money to watch a lot of fun, which is obviously more popular with this part of Kryptonians.

But for ordinary members, such a model is not too friendly.

After all, compared with those who are willing to spend money to watch the full episode in advance, the majority are unwilling to spend extra money. They would rather wait for the platform to broadcast the full episode slowly than spend this unjustified money.

It's just that, facing ordinary TV dramas, everyone can maintain a stable attitude and wait, but when it comes to good dramas, there will always be people who can't restrain their desire to pay for on-demand and follow the dramas in advance.

Those who have not paid will face the risk of being spoiled on social platforms such as Chaobo.

Moreover, the happy time when everyone discussed the plot after tea and dinner is gone forever, after all, everyone's viewing progress is too different. It's hard to experience the appetizing, aftertaste look and feel. After all, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can unlock them all in a few weeks.

And Lin Fan personally wrote and directed Wulin Biography, which can even be said to be tailor-made for Li Xiaodong. No matter how you look at it, it looks like that kind of drama that makes people want to spend money.

Fans: tremblingly holding my hand stretched out to the wallet!

Of course, Lin Fan also had his own considerations for putting this drama on the polar bear platform.

The biggest difference between Bluestar Huaxia and Earth is that the awareness of copyright protection is very strong, and it has penetrated into everyone's heart.

Although member grading and repeated charging of video sites are still very disgusting, and they feel that video sites are too ugly, but members at most just control their own hands, try not to spend money randomly, and will not turn their heads away Watch bootlegs.

The most important thing is that there is no pirated version of Bluestar Huaxia, and there is no need to watch it if you want to.

After all, those who dare to do piracy have already been fined to the point of bankruptcy, and a record is permanently left on their personal files. If they want to engage in any job in the future, they will be found out—the price is too high, and the money obtained by piracy Those interests are simply not enough to support everyone to take risks.

Cough, that's a long way off.

The audience of Wulin Biography is obviously more inclined to young people, which is the target audience of video websites. As for Shangxing Satellite TV, although it has worked hard to adjust itself, it has become more diversified and fully covers audiences of all ages.

But the range is still too broad.

If there are so many well-known actors in the drama Wulin Biography, it will not have much impact if it is broadcast on satellite TV, the key is that it does not.

So Lin Fan had no choice but to give up on Star TV and choose to broadcast this drama on a video website. Well, it's definitely not because the copyright fee from Polar Bear is too much, almost double the price quoted by Star TV!

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