Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 804 The smile froze on the face.JPG!

The artist's special car slowly stopped at the entrance of the auditorium. A red carpet had already been laid, and there were people standing on both sides of the red carpet, just waiting for the artist to get off the car.

But the male protagonist felt: There are still many fans at the square who haven't arrived yet. I got off the bus now. Wouldn't they not be able to see me when they come over?

The little assistant also felt that the actor's words made sense: Then, why don't we wait?

The male protagonist sat in the car calmly: Wait a minute, they are all fans, so it's not good to favor one over another.

The hero dared to sit in the car without getting out of the car, but Ji Sha did not dare. As soon as the car stopped, Ji Sha tidied up her appearance, and after her assistant confirmed that there was no problem, she opened the door and got out.

As soon as Ji Sha appeared, the fans on both sides of the red carpet cheered enthusiastically, and there was a constant click click sound of the shutter, as if these were really fans who were looking forward to her, waiting hard here For so long, just to take a look at myself.

Such a sense of vanity is really fascinating.

It's just that Ji Sha still has reason and knows that only a small number of people on both sides of the red carpet are real fans, and most of them are professional fans paid for by the company's publicity department.

And among this small group of fans, those who come for themselves are even rarer.

Taking a deep breath, Ji Sha put on the sweetest smile, stood on the red carpet and posed a few poses, waiting for the actor to get off the car, and then walked the red carpet with him.

But three minutes passed, and there was no movement at all from the actor's side. Ji Sha had no choice but to turn around as if nothing had happened, and continued to make a concave shape, pretending that she was still taking pictures.

Looking at the special car at the rear, I saw the hero's special car parked there securely. I don't know if there is no one in the car, or something happened. Anyway, no one got out of the car!

The person in charge of the publicity group noticed something was wrong, so he ran over and knocked on the window of the co-pilot, and the glass came down.

But the male lead is not easy to offend, so the person in charge can only keep a smile on his face: Teacher, are you feeling unwell? Do you need to let the accompanying medical staff take a look?

Is this scolding yourself for being sick?

The male protagonist looked worried, and the little assistant spoke on his behalf: Thank you for your concern, my brother is in good health! But on the way here, I saw that many fans hadn't arrived yet. My brother has always been fond of fans, so he wanted to wait and wait. The fans get off the car after they come. This way the scene will be more lively, don’t you think?”

Are there any fans coming?

This is a good thing!

The person in charge's eyes lit up: It should be, it should be. However, I don't know how many fans there are. Is it far from here? If not, we can drive to pick up the fans. After all, um, the red carpet There can’t be no one around all the time.”

The main reason is that Jisha is about to become a magic needle on the carpet. If the hero doesn't come down to save the scene, maybe tomorrow, the news that Jisha even wants to rub her own red carpet will be all over the sky!

What the person in charge said was true, the male protagonist gave the little assistant a look, and the little assistant immediately understood: There are a lot of people, not far from here, so there is no need to drive, I will go and pick them up myself.

Alas, the location of this small auditorium is really far away. The girls have always had no sense of direction, and they don't know where they have lost their way.

The person in charge laughed along with him, wanting to curse in his stomach: What's so embarrassing! Isn't it just that there are more fans! You are refusing to get off the car for the sake of having more fans, and you are wasting our time!

But even so, the person in charge didn't dare to get angry at the male lead, and the movie's box office had to be supported by him, so the person in charge could only turn a blind eye to things that weren't particularly excessive.

By the way, he also sent someone to accompany the little assistant to the music plaza to help bring fans over—it doesn't matter how many fans there are, one more real fan is good.

Yes, the person in charge didn't believe the a lot that the little assistant said.

The little assistant got out of the car,

They took the staff and walked towards the music square. The distance was not long, and within ten minutes, the two met a small group of fans.

The little assistant greeted him warmly: Excuse me, are you fans who are here to participate in the movie road show?

The fans were also surprised when they saw the badges on the little assistants and staff: Are you the staff of the road show?

Are you here to pick us up?

Oh my god, it's my first time to participate in this kind of event. I didn't know that the treatment is so good, and the staff came out to pick it up!

My brother is too fond of fans!

The little girls were very excited, and there was a burst of emotion around the two of them, and someone ran to the back to greet other fans in the square: Come on, the road show is here, my brother specially asked the staff to come out Pick us up!

The fans who had been summoned roared around and blocked the intersection all at once.

Really? My brother is too heartwarming!

That must be, I already knew that my brother's favorite fan is famous in the circle!

Oh, I really can't wait to see my brother!

The little assistant glanced at the staff proudly, and was also very moved when he saw the other party: So there are really so many fans coming!

Everyone, don't be crowded. The road show will be held in the auditorium in front. Everyone will line up and move forward in an orderly manner. Everyone will have the opportunity to communicate with your idols in person!

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The little assistant led the people back while drawing the pie, and soon came to the outside of the auditorium where the road show was held, and then ran to knock on the window of the special car, and the window fell down. The little assistant said, Brother, I brought all the fans here, get out of the car quickly! Everyone really wants to see you!

The person in charge of the Propaganda Department also hurried over. Seeing so many fans coming, he rubbed his hands excitedly: Oh, there are so many fans, the small auditorium can't be accommodated!

The little assistant said proudly: It's okay, let my brother explain to everyone, anyway, fans will be satisfied as long as they see my brother!

The male lead straightened his clothes, opened the car door reservedly, got out of the car, and showed a smile that he thought was perfect: Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to the scene to support my movie!

Ji Sha, who had been on the red carpet for nearly 20 minutes, couldn't help but leaned over and stood beside the leading actor, wanting to gain some heat, and enthusiastically waved at the fans: Thank you for supporting our film!

However, the fans on the opposite side looked at each other in blank dismay:

Who are these two?

I don't know, looks like an entertainer by looking at the clothes?

They also said they supported their movie. Isn't this the scene of the road show for Pange's new movie?

Did we go wrong?

Actor + Ji Sha: ...the smile froze on his face. JPG!

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