Lin Fan's concert broke another record, 600 million viewers watched online at the same time in the live broadcast room!

Beautiful chorus scene, unsurpassed \u003cBig Fish\u003e!

It is rumored that the president of Lin Fan's fan support club was caught selling concert tickets...

Zhang Xinlan performed Lin Fan's new song live


The concert had just ended, and the Internet was full of related news. Chaobo, Kuaiyin, major social media platforms... none of them were left behind, and they were all swiped by the corresponding information!

That is, it seems that something strange has been mixed in?

In short, this concert, whether it is the live effect, the attention of the live broadcast, or the popularity on the Internet, is top-notch:

[Don't remind me that I'm sick without medicine: the usual concerts have never disappointed me! Except for the new song and Big Fish, there wasn't a song we couldn't sing! 】

[The wind blows the chrysanthemum at the bottom of the skirt and cools: woo woo woo, I have no regrets in this life to be a fan of CP, you must grow old together, a happy marriage for a hundred years! Otherwise, I will never let you go if I am a ghost! 】

[The second is a kind of no-nonsense attitude: after listening to the general concert, the soul of the whole person flies away, leaving only a body, like a walking dead...]


After the concert, many fans suffered from various after-effects at the same time, the main manifestations were: the food was no longer delicious, the sleep was no longer sweet, and they couldn’t get up to do anything all day long, and they just wanted to hug Watch the replay video of Lin Fan's concert released on the polar bear platform on the mobile phone.

Especially the song Big Fish, which makes one's soul tremble after hearing it, and everyone doesn't listen to it much, only 180 times.

Moreover, after listening to one hundred and eighty times, there will be another one.

[It's too explosive, this song Big Fish is absolutely amazing! I really regret that I didn't go to see Lin Fan and Xia Yan's concert live. The live clips are so amazing, the scene must be even more explosive! 】

[It's as if you can grab a live ticket! Who doesn’t want to be able to go to the scene, the key is do you have the hand speed? 】

[One thing to say, after watching the live clip of Big Fish, I'm afraid I won't be able to watch other people's concerts in the future, what should I do? 】


It feels like my body is being hollowed out. JPG!

The soul is also empty.

The entire Lin Fan support club has also entered an abnormal sage state:

[Mengmeng rabbit: The first day after the usual concert, I miss him...]

[Squatting in front of the grave and listening to ghosts telling stories: the day after the ordinary concert, I miss him...]

[Your education is prenatal education, right: on the third day after the usual concert, I miss him...]

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Oh, there are a lot of photos with Fanfan in the background, which one is better? 】

All cookers: Fuck off!


Netizens were discussing lively around the concert, and found out a lot of details from the concert video released by Polar Bear, and some people created super chats for Zhang Xinlan and Zhuo Yuanquan, enclosing themselves in a cute place.

Of course, it also attracted controversy from fans on both sides, and then this super talk became so inexplicably popular.

Zhuo Yuanquan didn't expect that this was the first time he was listed on the Super Talk Hot List!

But I have to admit that the song Darkness Before Dawn I collaborated with Zhang Xinlan did bring me a lot of traffic and attention.

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Also receiving much attention is the second season of Longing for the Yard.

When the show was on the air, the fans were so terribly abused by Lin Fan and Xia Yanxiu's affection, and now they go back to watch the rerun.

After all, some dog food tastes better the more you eat it.

On the contrary, the entire entertainment market has slumped a lot.

Especially in the film market, the naked eye has lost a lot of box office: everyone runs to watch concert videos whenever they have time, so how can they find time to go out and watch movies?

This also made some specially adjust the schedule forward by half a month,

A youth film that wants to seize the opportunity, grab it and go - yes, that's right, that Goldfish in the Palm with magical brain circuits, the box office fell off a cliff throughout the weekend!

Luo Xiao was so angry that he smashed several sets of expensive porcelain in the office, but he couldn't suppress his anger.

Why are there so many empty shows? It's a big weekend, and there's still summer vacation. Isn't there anyone going out to watch movies?

The staff shivered and dared not answer.

Luo Xiao was obviously venting his anger, but what could he do?

Do you want to tell him: Young people nowadays, during the summer vacation, would rather hold their mobile phones and watch videos of Lin Fan's concerts on the big weekend than watch a bloody youth movie?

After saying this, the staff worried that Luo Xiao would be pissed off.

It doesn't matter if Luo Xiao is pissed off, but it's not so good if he loses his job.

Luo Xiao also knew that this was the movie Goldfish in the Palm of the Palm. The weak performance at the box office also showed that the potential of this movie is basically coming to an end. If it is operated well, it can finally make a fortune.

If it doesn't work well, that's what the movie is about.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Xiao decided: Go get ready, add a few more roadshows and live events, and beat the final box office!

As much as you can fish, no matter how thin the mosquito legs are, it is still meat.

Okay, Mr. Luo.


On the other hand, on Yang Hongxia's side, after completing the major event of Lin Fan's concert, she felt relieved. Bet all the rest of your energy on new movies.

Before the new movie goes online, do the final preparations and publicity work.

The only pity is that Zhou Xiang was not able to sing a song at Lin Fan's concert, otherwise, with the success of the concert, how much publicity fees could be saved for Zhou Xiang's new movie.

Zhou Xiang: ...Hehe, sister Xia, you better let the fans go.

Fortunately, I didn't sing it. If I did, I'm worried that Brother Fan's fans will tear me apart!

Yang Hongxia just regretted that she didn't let Zhou Xiang go to sing desperately, because that would only scare the fans away, and it wouldn't save herself much publicity fees.

Yang Hongxia handed over a packed itinerary to Zhou Xiang: The new movie will be released soon, and there is still heat left from the concert. Lin Fan will take you and Lu Bingyang to the road show a few times, and you will be able to relax Help you open up the situation.

But whether it's roadshows or events, you still have to rely on yourself. It is impossible for Lin Fan to accompany you all the time, do you understand?

Zhou Xiang nodded again and again: I understand Sister Xia, it's good that Brother Fan can help us open up the situation. We still have to rely on ourselves for the promotion of the movie. If we hug Brother Fan's thigh and think about winning, then I What kind of script will you play as the leading role?

I have been making arrangements for Brother Fan!

Brother Fan's works, whether they are the protagonist or the supporting role, are very brilliant. If you just want to win by hugging your thighs, then what kind of heroine is there? Isn't it good to play supporting roles all the time?

But this is not what Zhou Xiang wants, nor is it what Yang Hongxia wants, nor is it what Lin Fan wants to see.

Lin Fan hopes that friends and colleagues around him can have their own achievements, have their own direction and goals they want to work hard for, instead of just hiding under their own protection.

Yang Hongxia was very satisfied: It's good if you can understand this truth, Zhou Xiang, I'm very optimistic about you, and I hope you won't let me or Brother Fan down in the future.

Zhou Xiang nodded solemnly: I will definitely not let you down!

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