The girl who got the second song was also a girl, and the girl shared her story with everyone angrily: When the song Fanfan first came out, it became a dating book. My boyfriend also arranged dates according to the lyrics. At first, I thought why he was so careful, and bought me balloons and cotton candy...

Who knew, after entering the amusement park, I realized that all the girls in the amusement park were like this! I'm furious!

This girl is Yuanyuan, and the person who uses the lyrics of Garden Party as a dating cheat is her boyfriend Wang Yiming.

The story shared by Yuanyuan triggered a love crisis among the couples at the scene, because back then, their boyfriends did the same thing!

However, Yuanyuan changed the subject, Although I was very angry at that time, when I think about it now, I think it's very sweet. So I want to order Garden Party for all the couples, and wish their love, Just like this song, sweet and sweet!

Lin Fan nodded happily: Okay, the sweetest thing is Garden Party, I give it to everyone.

I'm facing the sun

I just want to hold an umbrella for you

you lean on my shoulder

Take a deep breath for fear of forgetting—

In the sweet but not greasy melody, thousands of colorful balloons suddenly fall from the sky, like a colorful rain, sweet and romantic, beautiful and extraordinary!

so beautiful!

A rain of balloons that I dream of!

Fanfan is really good at understanding girls' hearts!

Single girls reach out to catch the falling balloons, while couples embrace each other affectionately in a romantic atmosphere, or whisper their hearts to each other, enjoying the beauty of this moment

Yuanyuan looked at the falling balloons, listened to the moving melody, and seemed to be drifting past the bits and pieces of the original date before her eyes. She couldn't help but bury her head in her boyfriend's arms.

The boy put his arms around the girl and whispered in the girl's ear the promise of his life: I love you.

I don't know if the fans were affected by Lin Fan and Xia Yan's crazily sprinkling of sugar just now, or for some other reason. The three songs ordered are all love songs, and the last song is Faith:

I love you

how clear

what a strong belief

I love you

how warm it is

What a brave force—”

The three songs seem to be the three stages of love,

Step by step, the emotions of the fans were slowly mobilized again, followed by Song for Myself jointly performed by Lin Fan and Liu Zhengyan, which pushed the atmosphere to another climax.

An old sofa was brought up on the stage, and Liu Zhengyan sat on the sofa, with a posture of reading the vicissitudes of life, and gently singing for everyone, telling a story that happened around everyone.

Wanted but impossible

what are you doing

what to bear

Just talking nonsense about the past—

Time flies, there is too much helplessness, and every corner of the memory is filled. This is the personal experience and experience of many people. When they were young, they did not understand, or were unwilling to understand. When I really understand that the past cannot be pursued, but there is nothing left.

In this self-deprecating exclamation, the sweet atmosphere of love turned into lingering bitterness, which penetrated from the ears to the heart.

The pain and unwillingness that they thought had been hidden, also surged in the memory along with the melody of the song, and then everyone discovered that some things were just deliberately ignored by themselves, but in fact they were never forgotten.

The person I love doesn't love me, and the person I love can't stay together. How many I love you have become I'm sorry, and how many I'm sorry can be exchanged for It's okay?

However, does it really matter?

Lin Fan didn't know.

Memories that did not belong to him surged in his mind, tormenting the owner of the memory over and over again, so that Lan Xing Lin Fan deliberately forgot his parents, and at the same time desperately recalled the days when the family of three lived happily together.

It would be great if time stayed forever before the age of nine.

If I had walked with my parents at that time, wouldn't I have to face all this alone?

If... if there is.

If Liu Zhengyan sang the relief after experiencing setbacks and helplessness, then what Lin Fan sang was the turbulent resentment, unrequited pain, and unforgettable nostalgia that came with those good things:

Love is but a fever

Missing is following closely, cough

is unforgivable

but can't stop

Hate (love) means to climb over the wall at night

is empty


Who put a cold gun in your heart—

The sharp-eyed fans in the front row noticed that Lin Fan's eyes were slightly watery, inadvertently reflecting the lights of the stage, and Lin Fan's voice became a little choked up.

The fans are very distressed.

This song was written by Lin Fan for his parents. Others may hear the story of a couple, a life and death lost to time and reality, but for Lin Fan, it is an eternal separation between man and nature Farewell.

He will never see the woman he loves the most, and the woman who loves him the most.

His high fever of love and cough of longing will never heal.

Don't cry!

You still have us!

We love you forever!

Hearing voices from all directions and feeling the fans' sincere encouragement and support, Lin Fan broke free from the memories.

Lin Fan's eyes swept across the stage, the dense crowd of fans who couldn't see their faces clearly, all the sadness turned into a sigh: It may take many years to realize that there are too many things in one's life that one can't do anything about. Only face it calmly.

Lin Fan's voice and tune gradually became higher, and the emotion contained in the lyrics became more intense, as if it had been accumulated in his chest for many years and was about to be released at this moment.

Every word and sentence, like a heavy hammer beating a drum, or like deafening thunder, fell into the ears one by one, agitating the eardrums, hitting the heart, and exciting the blood vessels!

Years, don't rush

I don't push what should come

What should be paid back, what should be given, I will give

time, don't rush

I don't chase those who go far

I'm just trying to figure out what's going on

who can tell me what this is

her love

Buried in my heart smoothed out for several years

There is still power!

There was a boom, and there was a loud scream. It was obviously a song that didn't blow up the scene at all. It was obviously a song written for people full of experience and setbacks, and for people who are easy to feel sentimental and sad. , but when I heard this, my whole body trembled, and my heart was bloody!

Off the stage, I don't know how many people have already wet their faces with tears.

In the live broadcast room, I don't know how many people took a deep breath, trying to suppress the dull pain in the heart, but found that even breathing was trembling.

Perhaps, a good song is like this, without any gorgeous rhetoric and gorgeous soundtrack, just a touch of eloquence is enough to make people unable to extricate themselves.

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