In fact, not only this mentor, there are many rumors on the Internet, saying that Lin Fan does not play with Zhuo Yuanquan, that Lin Fan and Zhuo Yuanquan are just plastic brotherhood, Lin Fan, Li Xiaodong, and Lu Bingyang are true love, of course there are also people who say that Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang got Lin Fan's support only by hugging Lin Fan's thigh and being able to lick it.

Not to mention others, even Yang Hongxia was a little skeptical, feeling that Lin Fan treated Zhuo Yuanquan more than Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, and asked Lin Fan if he had any trouble with Zhuo Yuanquan in Dachang .

Lin Fan was stopped by Yang Hongxia: Are there still such rumors on the Internet?


As soon as Yang Hongxia heard the word rumor, she knew that there was no such thing, and she was happy to gossip with Lin Fan: You have always interacted with Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, but you have very little interaction with Zhuo Yuanquan. When Heizi blackmailed you, Zhuo Yuanquan supported you on Chaobo.

But Lin Fan seldom actively interacts with Zhuo Yuanquan.

This made those unscrupulous media outlets who were trying to dig out some unscrupulous information from Lin Fan's side excited. They thought they had finally caught some of Lin Fan's handles, and dug deep into the relationship between Lin Fan and Zhuo Yuanquan. relationship, want to come up with some big news.

It's a pity that although the interaction between Lin Fan and Zhuo Yuanquan is not obvious, the two are not at odds with each other as rumored on the Internet.

Of course, there are too many such rumors, which will inevitably affect the perception of fans. I always feel that my brother has been wronged. At one point, there were hot spring girls who spoke out, telling Zhuo Yuanquan not to make friends with unworthy people.

This unworthy person naturally alluded to Lin Fan.

It's just that neither Lin Fan nor Zhuo Yuanquan took it seriously.

Lin Fan also didn't bother to deal with the unscrupulous media who were all-pervasive and liked to fabricate random things: Sister Xia, you don't need to pay attention to these rumors. Zhuo Yuanquan is strong personally, and he can develop very well on his own. He doesn't need my help. But it doesn't matter. It can't be explained, Zhuo Yuanquan and I don't have a good relationship.

Yang Hongxia understands: Those unscrupulous media like to write rumors, and I don't believe every word in these reports. However, I am a little worried that your fans will be provoked by black fans, and when the time comes, you will make trouble. But it’s not easy to clean up.”

Lin Fan was not worried about this at all: It's okay, isn't the show going on soon?

Yang Hongxia also thought about it: Yes, the ninth issue of Longing for the Yard will be launched soon. Let the fans see for themselves how your relationship is.


Eight o'clock sharp.

Lian Xiaoyu turned on the polar bear video website on the TV, clicked on Longing Yard, played it in full screen, and then turned around and shouted at Xia Yan who was still dawdling in the room: Yanyan! Alright, the show has started!

I only heard Xia Yan respond in the room: Come right away, wait for me to put this mask on!

Here, Chen Yuan came out of the kitchen and put the freshly cut fruit plate on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Lian Xiaoyu quickly patted the seat beside her, and greeted Chen Yuan: Yuanyuan sit here!

Chen Yuan didn't sit down: Wait a minute, I'll go get some drinks, Xiaoyu, what do you want to drink?

I want to drink milk tea, if not, just skim milk.

Got it, Yanyan, what about you? What do you drink? Chen Yuan trotted into the kitchen while talking, and opened the refrigerator.

Xia Yan was applying the mask, and his voice was a bit vague: I'm just like Xiao Yu!

But Chen Yuan still heard it clearly, took out the drink from the refrigerator, trotted again, ran back to the living room, put the drink on the coffee table, and then sat down beside Lian Xiaoyu.

Hurry up!


Xia Yan finally put on the mask, walked out cautiously, and sat down on the other side of Lian Xiaoyu.

Today Lin Fan went to the filming location with the crew of The Legend of the White Snake and didn't go home at night, so the three women Xia Yan, Lian Xiaoyu and Chen Yuan had nothing to do. They hit it off and decided to follow Lin Fan's variety show at Xia Yan's house. The above scene.

Help me keep an eye on the time, the mask will absorb moisture from the skin if it is left on for a long time.

Don't worry, I'll use my phone to set an alarm for you for fifteen minutes.

I looked at the milk tea. The powdered sugar and calories are a bit high, so I brought you all skim milk.

Wow, how do you know that I'm losing weight recently? It's still Yuanyuan who is caring, I love you so much!

The three women were chattering, and on the TV, the ninth issue of Longing for the Yard was officially broadcast.

The blue sky, white clouds, the sea, the beach, and the bright flowers swaying gently under the sun and blown by the sea breeze, a corner of the yearning yard appears on the screen.

The camera zooms out, and the entire yard is included in the camera. The flowery garden, the cool and comfortable corridor, the quiet hall, and the simple backyard full of various vegetables are presented in front of the audience one by one. The comfortable environment made the well-informed Xia Yan and Lian Xiaoyu, even if they lived in the courtyard they yearn for more than once, they couldn't help yearning for it again.

Lian Xiaoyu muttered in a low voice: I always feel that my home is not as comfortable as a small homestay.

Xia Yan agreed deeply: My family is too.

Chen Yuan glanced at the two rich women and said that she didn't want to talk.

Whether it's Lian Xiaoyu or Xia Yan, the home they talk about is at least a villa level, not to mention the distance, let's say that the place where Xia Yan lives now is a single-family villa.

Of course, it can't be compared with Lin Fan's homestay. After all, the house price here in Shanghai is even more frightening, so the area of ​​this villa is not as large as the yard you want, but for ordinary people, this is already a very luxurious residence.

However, Chen Yuan doesn't quite understand how rich people think, so let's just watch the show.

I don't know who are the guests in this issue?

Although the show will be previewed in advance, Lin Fan will deliberately mosaic the guests every time. Before the show is officially launched, the audience will not be able to guess who is invited.

But these audiences did not include Xia Yan.

When Lin Fan produced this variety show, he consulted Xia Yan on who to invite as guests, and Zhang Xinlan called to invite Zhang Xinlan himself, so Xia Yan always knew who the guests were in each episode .

Lin Fan's acquaintances in the circle are only those. Everyone should have guessed the guests of this issue. But speaking of the guests of this issue, you should be very familiar with Xiao Yu.

Lian Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment: Someone I know well?

Xia Yan smiled, but in order to prevent the mask from wrinkling, he quickly held back: Speaking of which, if it weren't for you, Lin Fan might not have known them.

Lian Xiaoyu finally understood, her eyes widened suddenly: Are you the students of Morning Star back then?

Yes, it is them.

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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