Lin Fan really did not expect that Lian Xiaoyu was able to enter Yang Hongxia's company through the audition, and finally managed to stay!

Lin Fan, who was a social animal in his previous life, knew better than anyone else that a boss like Yang Hongxia looked so well-rounded, greeted everyone with a smile, and seemed very kind and caring.

But that's for the client, the artist under the opponent!

Yang Hongxia knew exactly what she wanted, so it was actually very difficult for Lian Xiaoyu to get rid of the first impression she left in Yang Hongxia's mind and successfully apply for this position.

It was hard for Lin Fan to imagine that Lian Xiaoyu, who was the number one cheater, succeeded in the end!

This is really too unexpected!

In the car, Yang Hongxia looked at Lin Fan's pensive look, and couldn't help laughing: What? Still worrying about Xiao Yu? It's hard to accept her as my assistant?

It's not that...

Indeed not.

Even though Lian Xiaoyu has become Yang Hongxia's assistant now, she is much better than when Lian Xiaoyu claimed to be Lin Fan's manager before. At least now Lian Xiaoyu has recognized the facts and knows that she can no longer be Lin Fan's assistant. Broker up.

As long as he is not his manager, Lin Fan actually does not reject Lian Xiaoyu.

On the contrary, Lin Fan was actually grateful to Lian Xiaoyu. After all, without Lian Xiaoyu, Lin Fan would not have had the chance to know Xia Yan. Without Xia Yan's secret care for Lin Fan back then, Lin Fan might have been stepped on by the players selected by the capital in Morning Star.

Not to mention that now that Xia Yan has become his own wife, even Xiao Yu has contributed a lot to this.

However, Lin Fan had no way to forgive Lian Xiaoyu on behalf of Blue Star Lin Fan, even if she didn't do it on purpose, let alone do it on purpose. But the harm has already been done, and no one is qualified to forgive the person who caused the harm on his behalf except the person concerned.

Lin Fan, who enjoys vested interests, is even more unacceptable!

Therefore, Lin Fan has always refused Lian Xiaoyu to become his manager, and refused to have any cooperation in public relations with the name Lian Xiaoyu and Lin Fan.

But Lin Fan couldn't refuse the warmth brought by Lian Xiaoyu.

Just like Yang Hongxia said: Xiaoyu has a kind of resilience that ordinary people can't match, she is enthusiastic and broad-minded, and few things can really hurt her.

Before because of you,

She was ridiculed by the whole network, and it would have been unbearable for ordinary people, but she was fine. If she debuted as an artist, her mentality would be great.

It's a pity that Lian Xiaoyu has no interest in being an artist, and only wants to be a manager.

But this topic, both of them consciously avoided talking about it. It is impossible for Lin Fan to accept Lian Xiaoyu as her manager, but Yang Hongxia thinks that she has the potential to be a manager and wants to cultivate her well.

Therefore, the two of them had a tacit agreement not to interfere with each other.

Lin Fan rejects her own, Yang Hongxia cultivates her, well water does not violate river water, whether Xiao Yu will continue to deceive people in the future, or reborn as a real, trustworthy manager, with Lin Fan, she has only one identity with herself. Related, that is Xia Yan's best friend.

that's enough.


Without talking all the way, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia came to the agreed place, which was the private club where Lin Fan had dinner with Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang last time. Last time, Lin Fan had to swipe his face to get in, but this time he just gave his name and came in.

As soon as he entered the door, Hu Yuhua stood up to greet Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia: Lin Fan, Mr. Yang, come and sit down, come, let me introduce you, this is Riemann, this is Su Tong, they are both excellent actors!

Yang Hongxia smiled and continued: It turns out to be Li Shihou. Lin Fan, you haven't entered this circle last year, so you may not have paid attention to it. Sister Man was the winner of the TV queen last year. The TV series she starred in is a household name. It’s not bragging! There is also Su Tong, who is also your senior, you have to call her sister!

This has to be said, is a slightly embarrassing thing.

Because whether it is Riemann or Su Tong, both are among the top actresses in the TV circle, with fame and status, but now for a role, they have to be scrutinized by Lin Fan, a junior here, and wait for Lin Fan to finalize the role. Everyone feels a little weird.

Fortunately, Yang Hongxia was in the middle to smooth things over, and she helped Lin Fan to give her a name, and gave the two female artists enough face. Lin Fan didn't feel anything yet, and the battle of swords and swords just disappeared. Yang Hongxia's few words fell into place.

Sister Man, Sister Tong, I'm sorry for being late, there's a little traffic jam on the road. Lin Fan took out the all-purpose traffic jam excuse, and was polite to the other party.

Of course, no matter whether it is Riemann or Su Tong, it is impossible to really care about the little time with Lin Fan. What's more, Lin Fan is not really late, it's just that people like himself arrived early: The traffic in the magic capital is really fast. It's getting more and more congested. Lin Fan, I'm your loyal fan, and I've been chasing your show since the show Star of Nature!

I follow every issue of Longing for the Yard, especially the song in the last issue, I really like it! When will you release a collection, I will be the first to support it!

Thank you, thank you, you're welcome! I also like the TV series starring my sisters very much!

After a while of necessary business exchanging, the two sides sat down as guests and hosts, and Lin Fan had the opportunity to look at the looks of Riemann and Su Tong.

Riemann's facial features are bright and gorgeous, she is the kind of beauty with thick face that is easy to fall in love at first sight, suitable for the shape of flaming red lips, and can support any shape. Especially her pair of eyes, which looked very dignified when viewed from the front, but when her eyelids drooped slightly and half covered her eyes, they looked very pitiful.

Of course, this may also be because her acting skills are too good, but these two temperaments appear on Riemann's body at the same time. Instead of feeling awkward, it highlights the complex beauty of human nature.

Su Tong's demeanor is more elegant, and it can be seen from some manners and figures that he has undergone special training. The facial features are not as bright as Riemann's, but there is a subtle beauty in it. Such a look is very suitable for acting in ancient costumes, and can create a more authentic classical beauty.

But to be honest, these two actors look nothing like the white lady in Lin Fan's mind!

However, Lin Fan is now a director who is gradually becoming mature. It is impossible to give an actor a cross just because he does not look like he imagined, because there is another very important indicator for reference, and that is acting skills. !

But now it's just a meal, it's impossible to ask the other party to play for him on such an occasion, it's not very respectful, Lin Fan can only see the acting skills intuitively during the official audition.

So this meal is really a meal.

The host and guest enjoy themselves!

On the way back, Yang Hongxia couldn't help asking: How is it? Do you think they are suitable to be the leading roles in Legend of the White Snake?

Lin Fan didn't answer directly: Let's go back and look at the audition. By the way, why are there only female lead actors today? Doesn't Magic City Films recommend male lead actors?

Yang Hongxia gave Lin Fan a blank look: Aren't you asking knowingly!

Lin Fan: Huh?

Whether you want to play this male lead or not, you have to give me an accurate statement first! If you don't say anything, who dares to recommend a male lead to you? Are you full?

Lin Fan became dumb, and almost forgot that he could also play Xu Xian!

This is the role, do you want to take it?

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