The barrage was full of question marks. Lin Fan just gave Liang Ben a sheet of music, then stomped his feet and clapped his hands. As a result, Liang Ben got excited and kept stomping his feet and clapping his feet. He didn't stop at all. don't come down!

The point is, the rhythm of 咚咚! Crack! sounds very inexplicable when you first listen to it, especially when there is no background music, it looks like a sudden attack of the second disease.

But after listening too much, the audience gradually felt that this rhythm is quite interesting! And Liang Ben also said, this is the rhythm in Lin Fan's new song, and I don't know what kind of feeling and experience it will be after it is paired with music?

The audience couldn't hold back any longer, and they used barrage to urge Lin Fan to perform the new song quickly.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Usually, stop playing with my brother! Sing it out! I am so anxious! 】

It has to be said that Wang Lingli's barrage spoke out everyone's aspirations, and immediately won a lot of praise. And Lin Fan in the show seemed to have sensed the anxiety of the audience, so instead of testing everyone's patience, he proposed:

Ben, you accompany me, shall we do it again?

Liang Ben readily agreed, and hit the rhythm again with a thud, bang, bang: Accompaniment for you like this? No problem, leave it to me!

Ben, you may not be enough alone.

Lin Fan waved in the direction of the camera, which was aimed at the camera crew, but it could also be seen as inviting the audience who were watching the show to join in.

Everyone, come together and play the rhythm with me and brother Ben. It's convenient for us here, just like me and brother Ben, stamp your feet twice and clap once. If you are watching the show at home, you can change it to filming Tap the table twice and clap once, remember this rhythm.

Lin Fan demonstrated it once, and the photographers on the scene learned it, and the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but follow suit. Of course, many of them were purely watching the excitement.

But Lin Fan didn't care. Anyway, the momentum of the scene was up. Whether the audience who watched the show came along or not would not affect the effect of the song.

On the contrary, Lin Fan was also worried that too many people in the audience would follow suit, and everyone would slap the table indiscriminately, which would cause misunderstanding for those who didn't know the truth, thinking that he was spreading some kind of evil thought and brainwashing the audience , and reported himself and the show together, that would be a bad idea!

So Lin Fanqian urged Wanwan: Everyone, pay attention to the impact, don't disturb the people too much.

Liang Ben couldn't wait any longer: Brother Fan, can I call you brother, hurry up, I'm going to be scared to death!

Lin Fan laughed: Okay,

Have you learned everything? Those who haven't learned to watch me and Brother Ben's rhythm come, listen to my password, and get ready-get up!

Lin Fan personally led Liang Ben and all the photographers to beat the rhythm. At first, everyone was a little confused, but the rhythm was too simple, and it was adjusted quickly. The sound of beat Gradually twisted into one strand and turned into a neat one: Bang bang bang!

Once, twice, three times!

An inexplicable aura, a strange feeling, emerges, accumulates, and rises from the depths of each participant's heart at this moment.

Lin Fan silently counted the rhythm, and then ignited it with singing in the rising atmosphere:

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

in the streets gonna be a big man someday

You got mud on your face

You big disgrace

Kicking your can all over the


The dense lyrics, brand-new form, accompanied by the rhythm played by all the staff, make the emotion of this song keep rising!

Lin Fan sang so fast that many people didn't realize it. When Lin Fan actually sang an English song, the first stanza seemed to have ended.

But an indescribable feeling, not only was not concealed or suppressed because of this, but with Lin Fan's short pause, it seemed that he was facing a certain critical node, a certain critical point, and there was a vigorous passion that needed to be overcome. It exploded at this moment!

We will, we will rock you

We will, we will rock you!


Scalp numb!

Liang Ben, who was so close to Lin Fan, felt a shudder running from his tailbone all the way to the top of his head!

This kind of rhythm control, this kind of attitude expression, this kind of emotional guidance, is simply too rock and roll!

This is the rock spirit in Liang Ben's mind that will never be erased, and this is the charm of rock and roll!

At this moment, Liang Ben was convinced of Lin Fan from the bottom of his heart, and it completely turned into admiration!

Those who can write such rock songs are worthy of Liang Ben's worship!

But this is just the beginning, Lin Fan did not give everyone too much cooling time, but quickly entered the second paragraph:

Buddy you're a young man, hard man

Shouting in the street gonna take on the world someday

You got blood on your face

You big disgrace

Waving your banner all over the——

Immediately following this is again:

We will, we will rock you!


This hearty feeling is simply divine!

All the staff in the venue couldn't help but get excited. It's not good to listen to rock music live. The emotions can't be well controlled. It's easy to get carried away, easily affected by the surrounding atmosphere, and very It is easy to break through some kind of self-imprisonment in the past, and want to release something.

Liang Ben only felt that the hot blood in his whole body was rushing up and gathered in his head, his face was flushed, and there was an urge to shout and vent in his throat!

So Lin Fan said, Singing!

The scene completely exploded, Liang Ben took the lead, and everyone in the audience shouted together:

We will we will rock you!

There was no need for any advance rehearsal, no rehearsal, or even any hints from Lin Fan. At this moment, everyone knew exactly what they were going to do, what they were going to shout out, and what they were going to do. What to vent!

Not only the on-site staff, but also the audience in front of the screen, there is no need for any agreement, Lin Fan's Singing! is like some kind of invitation, inviting everyone to join in this song!

And everyone's response to Lin Fan was: We will, we will rock you!

At this moment, Xia Shaozhang, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, was stunned to see Lin Fan on the screen, displaying his amazing talent recklessly, and once again handed over a perfect work to the world!

It doesn't need to be tomorrow, Xia Shaozhang believes that this song can shake the entire Chinese music scene tonight, and even affect the entire European and American music scene!

If the song was released overseas...

Xia Shaozhang didn't dare to think about it, and no matter it was still early in the morning, he directly called his assistant: Book me the nearest flight back home, the sooner the better!

Then he made a cross-ocean phone call to Yang Hongxia. As soon as the call was connected, Xia Shaozhang cut straight to the point: I want the overseas agency rights of the song that Lin Fan sang on the show just now, free agency is fine! I know Lin Fan likes to pay dividends. , You tell him that I don’t need any dividends, but the agency must be given to me!

Also, I have booked a flight back to China, and we will meet when the time comes, and we will talk about something later!

Yang Hongxia didn't have room to intervene until Xia Shaozhang had finished speaking: Mr. Xia, are you so optimistic about this song?

It's not that Yang Hongxia doesn't know how to play, well, in fact, Yang Hongxia really doesn't understand the European and American music scene very well, and she doesn't understand why Xia Shaozhang attaches so much importance to this song. But Yang Hongxia understands people. Since Xia Shaozhang said so, it can be seen that the quality of this song must be very good!

Because the European and American music scene is different from the domestic music scene, they put more emphasis on melodies, while domestic ones put more emphasis on lyrics. Let alone Huang Jie, a senior Lin Chuan, a well-known music critic, when commenting on Lin Fan's songs, Most of the time, I also praise the lyrics, and only when it comes to very excellent and groundbreaking songs, I will focus on it.

Therefore, when Yang Hongxia heard this song for the first time, her first reaction was that the lyrics were far worse than Lin Fan's previous songs! Not to mention the rich meaning, the number of words is so small!

One of the lyrics wished I could repeat it a hundred times!

This deep-rooted prejudice has been punctured by Xia Shaozhang until now. The market for Lin Fan's song may not be domestic, but international!

For Yang Hongxia's unprofessionalism, Xia Shaozhang hated iron for nothing for a moment: Hongxia, you are slacking off. With Lin Fan's talent gradually revealed, if your eyes are still limited to the one-acre domestic land, then I will directly suggest Lin Fan to change his agent!

Yang Hongxia: Huh? ! What does the former boss mean? Want to poach my corner? This is not allowed!

Mr. Xia was joking. It's just that Lin Fan's domestic business is on the rise, so he hasn't set his sights on overseas for the time being. However, with Mr. Xia here, it's not difficult to open up overseas markets, isn't it?

Overseas markets can represent you, but Lin Fan must be my artist!

In this regard, Xia Shaozhang said: We are all a family, and I am naturally responsible for Lin Fan's affairs.

This cabbage pig... No, Lin Fan is my future son-in-law! The family doesn't talk about each other, Lin Fan's career is my career, you, Yang Hongxia, can still beat me?

Yang Hongxia was instantly killed by her former boss!

President Xia said, when will you arrive? I'll arrange someone to pick up the plane. Yang Hongxia sneered. It's no shame to lose to her former boss. Besides, what Xia Shaozhang said was right, they are indeed a family, and she is an outsider .

Alas, as expected, licking the dog left nothing in the end, and I worked so hard to lick it... No, I helped Lin Fan get to this position, but Xia Shaozhang overtook a corner and directly grabbed the fruit of victory. Yang Hongxia was inevitably a little discouraged.

But fortunately, Xia Shaozhang is not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, so he won't really do something to kick Yang Hongxia away. Besides, even if he wanted to, Lin Fan would not agree.

That kid looked amiable, but Xia Shaozhang was the most accurate judge of people. Lin Fan was actually a very stubborn person in his bones, and he could say anything until it touched Lin Fan's bottom line, but once it touched the bottom line, Lin Fan would have nothing to say. So easy to talk about.

No need to answer, I will go directly to you.

Okay, welcome anytime!

Ps: We will rock you, Queen. Personally, I prefer 5ive's MV version, which has a stronger sense of power!

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