It was a song selection meeting, but Yang Hongxia knew in her heart that it was just a process. Lin Fan specially prepared songs for Xia Yan's new album, could it be any worse?

Must not!

But the process still needs to be followed. This is a process of working together between the studios, and it also establishes Lin Fan's right to speak in the production of Xia Yan's new album, and establishes Lin Fan's leading position in the cooperation of the three companies. .

The previous projects of A Chinese Ghost Story and The Legend of the White Snake basically revolved around Lin Fan, and none of them had any experience in this field, so it was inevitable that Lin Fan would take the lead.

But when it comes to making albums, Lin Fan is a newcomer, so it's hard to guarantee that other people in the studio will have any objections to Lin Fan. After all, the people in Xiayan Studio have worked hard for a long time in order to collect and select songs. Now that Lin Fan took over the whole thing directly, it is inevitable that some people will have some opinions.

However, Yang Hongxia believed that after listening to Lin Fan's prepared song for Xia Yan, no matter how big of an opinion these people had, they would disappear in smoke.

Moreover, if the songs given by Lin Fan still didn't satisfy them, even if they spent a lot of money to follow Xia Shaozhang's path and invite Zhou Yue out of the mountain, they might not be satisfied.

But will this happen?

Yang Hongxia glanced around with a smile on her face, and found that everyone at the meeting was immersed in the melody of the song, and it seemed that they were making good progress, and no stubborn person would jump out and clamor: Is it just me? Do you think it's rubbish?

If there is, Yang Hongxia is not in a hurry, and will give the other party a self-knowledge award as encouragement.

After listening to a song, someone can't wait to express their opinion: Mr. Yang, this song can be used as the title song of the new album!

Yang Hongxia encouraged the other party with her gaze: Tell me your opinion.

Yanyan's singing skills are unquestionable, and her popularity is enough. The fans of Chaobo are stable in the early 100 million. But there is a very helpless reality, that is, Yanyan is too young, and her qualifications and experience are obviously insufficient, so she needs more. Work that is appropriate for her age to lay the foundation.

The music producer spoke very pertinently, showing Xia Yan's current strengths and weaknesses: Although the other song is better in terms of artistry, lyrics, and connotation, I am worried that this song Song words can't sing the charm of it.

You have to know that the title song of the album that I have worked so hard to prepare has been sung by other singers, and my original song has been forgotten by others. I am really aggrieved.

Yang Hongxia nodded, indicating that she knew,

Instead, he asked, Does anyone else have a different opinion?

Naturally, there are also people who disagree: I don't think there is any need to worry about this. Before Yanyan and Fan Ge sang Because of Love, Yanyan was able to accurately and perfectly interpret the emotions needed for the whole song. , did not hold back. And now there is only Fan Ge's chorus version in the circle, the version that can suppress the words.

But in the entire entertainment industry, there is only one Lin Fan.

Not to mention, Lin Fan is still from his own family.

Even if Xia Yan failed to sing that song, Lin Fan still exists!

If Lin Fan's singing is popular, it means that Xia Yan's singing is popular. Anyway, no matter who sings this song between these two people, the other party can receive dividends.

Yang Hongxia didn't directly make a decision: Any other opinions?

In the song selection meeting, it is natural to speak freely, whether your opinion is based on the consideration of the artist's own strength, personal preference, or feedback from the market, in short, as long as you can stand your ground, it's not all right Finding fault, Yang Hongxia can listen to it.

As for whether to adopt it in the end, that is another matter.

After all, Lin Fan is the one who decides in the end.


Ah Choo!

Lin Fan rubbed the tip of his nose, not daring to rub it too hard, for fear of rubbing off the makeup on his face. Today's scene is the last scene of location shooting, and the location can be finished after shooting, so Lin Fan Don't dare to slack off.

If the filming progress is delayed due to make-up or some other small matter, so that the location scenes cannot be completed on time, the entire crew will spend an extra day of filming for the scene, and they will burn an extra day of money!

After being a director for so long, Lin Fan knows why the directors are not very good-tempered, and start burning money every day when they open their eyes, especially if it is their own money. This feeling is really terrible. I really wish I could pass every shot and never NG.

But this is impossible to do, even if the actors of the entire crew are old actors, they can't do it. So the directors became irritable?

Lin Fan squatted behind the monitor screen, frowning as he watched the scene just finished filming. Everyone on the set, including the assistant director Liang Wen, and the heroine Xia Yan, didn't dare to say a word, for fear of breathing louder. That interrupted Lin Fan's train of thought.

Whether we can finish on time today depends entirely on this scene, so everyone is praying in their hearts, they must pass it!

After staying in this wilderness for so long, there was a heavy rain on the way. Although the weather has improved now, the sky is still gloomy. Not to mention, the actors feel that their clothes are covered with A dry musty smell.

The rainy season in the south is really terrible. It is completely a magical attack. The several dryers purchased by the crew work for more than 16 hours a day. Yes, everyone can't wait to get out of this ghost place.

Lin Fan's brows stretched out, and he stood up with his hands on his knees, only to realize that everyone's eyes were on him, and after a little thought, he understood what everyone was expecting.

Lin Fan showed a standard eight-teeth smile: It's over!


Lin Fan said Passed, like a signal to turn on, the whole crew couldn't help cheering, because it means:

I announce that the crew of A Chinese Ghost Story has completed the location shooting!

Following Lin Fan's announcement, everyone present applauded enthusiastically, and some couldn't help blowing loud whistles.

Wow, awesome!

It's done!

Thank you for your hard work during this time, thanks to all the teachers for their wonderful acting skills, and thanks to the logistics for providing us with support and services...

Lin Fan is also very happy. This is the first time in his life that he has completed the finale, and the first time is always a wonderful feeling, Tonight I have prepared a finale banquet for everyone. Everyone has worked hard during this time, and it must be delicious tonight. Good drink, relax!

Liang Wen stood next to Lin Fan with a smile, looking at this young, novice director who was catching ducks on the shelves, handling these trivial matters with ease, feeling inexplicably moved in his heart, it's really a new generation replacing the old one, I really didn't expect it at first , Lin Fan can go to this point.

More importantly, this is just the beginning, and there are other projects waiting to be developed later!

Thinking of this, Liang Wen's heart became hot, it was The Butterfly Lovers!

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