
Although Liu Zhengyan's seats and weight were sufficient, it was indeed too thin to have only one guest in a variety show. Lin Fan was also worried that Liu Zhengyan would be boring, so he invited other guests.

Originally, Lin Fan also had the mentality of giving it a try, and made the invitation. He didn't expect it to be successful, but he didn't expect the other party to give face so much. As soon as Lin Fan sent out the invitation, the other party directly agreed, which was also a surprise. up.

Lin Fan and Liu Zhengyan were chatting casually in the garden, when they heard a voice from the gate: Is it here?

Lin Fan's ears were relatively good, so he heard it right away, and couldn't help standing up: It seems that other guests have arrived, I'll go to the door to meet them.

Liu Zhengyan nodded, seeing Lin Fan welcome him out, he slowly picked up his thermos and followed him out.

Originally, with Liu Zhengyan's prestige in the industry, no matter who came, he didn't have to go out to greet him. It's just that Liu Zhengyan's words and deeds are relatively stable, not arrogant, so even if he doesn't go out to greet him, the basic politeness of getting up when he sees a guest is still engraved in Liu Zhengyan's bones.

The second thing is to give Lin Fan a chance.

As the host, Lin Fan naturally wanted to be more enthusiastic, but Liu Zhengyan felt that he was not considered a guest, but should be the host's friend, so it was necessary to help the host to calm down the situation, so as not to belittle the host by other guests.

But when he saw the new guests, Liu Zhengyan laughed: Why are you a workaholic?

It was none other than the well-known host Tang He who everyone is very familiar with.

When Tang He heard Liu Zhengyan's ridicule, he didn't take it seriously: There are no plowed fields, only exhausted cows! The landlord's cows can rest for two days throughout the year. I'm here on a public-funded trip!

Liu Zhengyan didn't understand: Wait a minute, I understand the landlord's cattle. What is public travel?

Lin Fan explained: That's how it is. I invited Mr. Tang to participate in the variety show, and Mr. Tang also wanted to give me an interview. We hit it off and recorded the interview while recording the variety show.

Tang He continued: Not only that, I don't need to make any additional productions for this interview. I just cut this segment out of the show later on. How about it? Isn't it very creative?

Liu Zhengyan had nothing to say: Is this okay?

Tang He and Lin Fan looked at each other,

Immediately he burst out laughing: Let me just say it, Mr. Liu is such a fool, you can be fooled every time!

Liu Zhengyan was stunned for a moment: Did you two partner with me?

Tang He laughed even louder.

Lin Fan quickly explained: No, no. Teacher Liu, the last sentence of Teacher Tang is only a joke. There is really an interview to be recorded.

Liu Zhengyan was messed up by these two people, and he didn't know who was telling the truth and who was telling the lie.

Tang He lost his temper, Mr. Liu, I didn't lie to you. There is really an interview, but this is a small attempt of mine.

After Tang He explained to Liu Zhengyan for a long time, Liu Zhengyan believed that he did not lie to himself.

This interview is different from the type of talk show that Liu Zhengyan knows. It is not a serious interview, but Tang He, as an interviewer, walks into other people's shows and interviews the guests on the show.

The interview clips in the program can be kept, and there is another full version of Tang He that will be taken away, and it will not be broadcast immediately, but there will be two other interviews in different environments and at different times. After summarizing the three interviews, this The interview will only be broadcast.

Tang He said: For example, Lin Fan, if the format of the interview was determined when he was in Morning Star, then I could invite him to conduct the first interview, and then Sounds of Nature would be the second interview. Now This Longing Yard is the third time.

In this way, the audience can have a more comprehensive understanding of what kind of person Lin Fan is and what kind of development and progress he has made during this period of time through three interviews.

But it's a pity that this form has just been finalized, so this time can only be the first time, and it is also the first guest of our talk show.

Liu Zhengyan was very interested: This is interesting, but the production cycle is a bit long, will it make the audience lose their sense of expectation?

There will be such problems, so our interview environment will not be limited to variety shows, but more open and flexible. For example, it can be the release of a new work, or an important time node, etc.

Tang He glanced at Lin Fan: Besides, as long as the artist remains popular, or becomes more and more popular, the audience will not lose interest in him!

Liu Zhengyan also took a look at Lin Fan: That's right!

Lin Fan: ...I feel like I'm being flattered!

Although my brother has always been very salty, he was inexplicably a little bit excited!

When Tang He first talked about this interview mode with Lin Fan, Lin Fan felt that Tang He should be influenced by his slow variety show mode, so he wanted to do a slow interview.

As Tang He himself said: The entertainment industry is becoming more and more impetuous now. You can get what you want for traffic. Investors only look at how much box office you can bring, and ignore some things that cannot be measured by money, such as acting skills. , such as works, such as art.

This time, the Golden Melody Awards went against the crowd and awarded you three important awards in a row, which shows that the organizing committee really wants to reject traffic and let the music world return to music itself.

Didn't you find that this year, the traffic groups have been confused much faster than in previous years?

Lin Fan recalled that Li Xiaodong's regiment really blurred very quickly, and it blurred quietly. Even less than half a year after debuting as a group, there is only one Zhuo Yuanquan who can still watch, and the others, that is, Li Yingqi You Xingkong has been holding it and is still reluctant.

If Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang didn't have masterpieces, they should be the same as everyone else, without any movement.

Otherwise, according to past practice, they should be able to persist for about a year before gradually withdrawing from the public eye.

Fans create traffic, but they can also destroy traffic. The entertainment industry can accommodate traffic, but it shouldn't be coerced by traffic. Now, after so many years of fan replacement and big waves, everyone's perception of traffic has dropped to the lowest point in history. Therefore, the old Well said, you still need to be strong to strike the iron. The official has now started to take action to completely rectify the negative traffic!

Tang He said earnestly: Lin Fan, I admire you very much for this, and this is one of the reasons why I invited you to be the first interview guest.

You have blazed a bright road for the traffic niches. Since you have enjoyed the fans' pursuit in advance, you should work hard to improve your strength, and use one work after another to give back to the fans, instead of indulging in the fans' pursuit. .

Return to the original heart, return to the essence.

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