For Lin Fan, songwriting is really the easiest job among all the jobs, even easier than recording variety shows at home. After all, recording variety shows also requires cooking and entertaining guests.

Writing a song is simply copying the song from the depths of memory.

But this is the first time he has produced an album for his girlfriend, Lin Fan still showed 120% rigor, and seriously made a difficult choice from the vast sea of ​​songs.

After all, due to the environmental problems in his previous life, Lin Fan was active or passive. Among the songs he heard, there were still more songs by female singers.

After Lin Fan got the [Soul Singer—Voice Switching] skill, he once thought about using this skill to change the voice and release the songs of those female singers.

However, Lin Fan used his imagination a little bit, imagining the picture of the big guy dressed in women's clothes, and he got goosebumps all over his body: You're so motherly!

Forget it! There are so many male singers who can't run out of songs, why make things difficult for yourself?

Moreover, isn't there a cute little fairy who can digest those songs!

When the daughter-in-law earns money, it means that she earns money herself.


When the weather cleared up, Ah Gang's group of children didn't have to detour and rushed to school from the set. But knowing that Lin Fan and the others will stay here for a while, Ah Gang will come here from time to time to watch Lin Fan and the others filming from a distance, or bring Lin Fan some special snacks in the mountains.

The euphemistic name is to herd cattle.

Well, Ah Gang is indeed herding cattle, but other people’s children are herding cattle in circles around their own house. Ah Gang has to climb several hills to herd cattle.

On this day, Lin Fan caught Ah Gang: Just in time, we are going to your village today, can I borrow your ox to help us pull things?

Ah Gang led the ox and stood far away, fearing that he would accidentally damage Lin Fan's various instruments and equipment, which looked very expensive, he shouted to Lin Fan from the air: It's okay to use my ox, but my family can use it. Farming, don’t want your stuff!”

Lin Fan laughed: You still have backbone!

Ah Gang straightened his dry little chest: That's right! The teacher said, we must be self-improving, self-reliant, let nature take its course, and do things for ourselves!

Liang Wen also understood now,

He almost twitched laughingly: If your teacher knows that you use idioms so profligately, you can ask for blessings!

Lin Fan also said: Don't worry, everyone has one, and they mainly want to help the old people in your village, but I'm afraid I'll only give it to them, and they won't want it, so I prepared a copy for everyone. Your family If you don't want it, you can let your father watch it, and then send it to those old people's homes.

The last time Lin Fan went to Ah Gang's village, he found that there were several elderly households in the village who had lost their ability to work. Fortunately, there were other people in the village who had been helping to take care of them. There would also be poverty alleviation workers in the town to visit. , sent the necessities of life, so that the elderly can barely get by.

Ah Gang was happy after hearing this: That's about the same. Sangong and the others usually take turns to give them food and drink. Sometimes they are embarrassed to ask for too much... Do you have many things? I'll get the others to bring the ox.

From the nearby town to Agang's village, there is a section of dirt road that is barely open to traffic, but this road only leads to the foot of the mountain where Lin Fan and the others are now. , For example, bicycles and motorcycles can also be walked around, but it is more dangerous.

If you bring a large number of daily necessities, it is really recommended to use more primitive methods such as cattle and horses to transport them. Ah Gang’s village, as well as several other villages in the mountains, when they go out to purchase daily necessities, or take their own crops This is also the case when selling in the town.

If there are few things, you can still carry them by yourself. If there are too many things, the journey is still far away. It is indeed too hard to rely on a pair of feet and a pair of shoulders.

Ah Gang tied his own cow to a tree near the studio, and then trotted over to the other side of the mountain. He didn't know what method he used, so he notified the other cowherd boys. In short, after more than forty minutes , he showed up in front of Lin Fan with all the cowherd boys and cows in the village.

Not to mention, that posture still has the feeling of being the number one in the village.

After loading all kinds of daily necessities, mainly rice, flour, oil, clothes and shoes, on the back of the ox and fixing them, the group of people rushed towards Ah Gang's village.

And this time, Xia Yan also went together.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, and Lin Fan was worried that Xia Yan would not be able to persevere. Although Xia Yan has been exercising all the time, the difficulty of climbing a mountain with almost no road is not the same as the difficulty of exercising in the gym for two hours.

Moreover, this time Ah Gang also took a shortcut, that is, the mountain path they usually take to go to school. Now that it is not raining, it is quite safe to take this mountain path. The key is that it can save half the time.

But for people like Lin Fan who walked this mountain path for the first time, it was really exciting.

In Ah Gang's mouth, three big men like Lin Fan could walk side by side on the mountain road. When everyone went up by themselves, they found that the road was really, unexpectedly narrow. Even if they knew it was a psychological effect, everyone Still can't help but walk forward clinging to the mountain wall.

He didn't dare to look down at the road under his feet at all, and even less dared to look at the deep cliff below the road.

Xia Yan was very courageous. He stretched out his head to take a look cautiously, but still couldn't help but feel a little tight in his scalp. His little hand quickly grabbed Lin Fan's hand tightly, for fear of falling, so he could feel it more intuitively. A wide and straight road means something to the people in several villages in the mountains.

Xia Yan persevered, without complaining or being tired, and without delaying the trip, he followed everyone to the outside of Ah Gang's village.

When the villagers received the news that their children had been brought back, almost everyone at home came out to welcome them, took the initiative to help unload the things, and piled them aside. The village head also expressed his gratitude to Lin Fan and others on behalf of the whole village, and He introduced the situation of the families most in need of help in the village to Lin Fan and others.

As for the distribution of materials, Lin Fan handed it over to Life Producer. He originally did similar work, so handing it over to him can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

As for Lin Fan himself, he actually didn't like the scenes of those lonely old people expressing their gratitude, so he just wandered around the village with Ah Gang.

Ah Gang took Lin Fan, Xia Yan, and two little assistants around, took out a few dark roasted sweet potatoes from somewhere, distributed them to Lin Fan and the four of them, and proudly told Lin Fan Fan showed off: This is the sweet potato from our village, which is sweeter than that from other villages!

Xia Yan carefully peeled off the scorched outer skin, and smelled the sweet smell of roasted sweet potatoes. He blew on the heat and took a bite carefully. Xia Yan's eyes lit up. A: En! Delicious!

Then Lin Fan saw that A-Gang's small dark face was covered with a blush, turning black and red!

Lin Fan: Huh? What is your kid thinking?


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