Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 419 Investment is impossible without risk

To be honest, Lin Fan was also very curious about how the New White mode of singing when there is a disagreement was used so well in the domestic environment at that time?

So much so that in this form, only New White was a great success, and there was no latecomer after that, who was able to perfectly combine the promotion of traditional culture and the performance of Huangmei tune in a series.

These more than one hundred episodes called New Huangmei Tune were specially created by Master Zuo Hongyuan for New White. He combined modern and classical music, and played with modern synthetic instruments. , the end of the film and the flute, huqin and other musical instruments that appeared near the end, you can tell that the music comes from the East.

In this way, it not only satisfies the purpose of promoting traditional culture, but also avoids its appearance, because the form of Huangmei tune is already outdated in film and television dramas. If Huangmei tune is purely transplanted to compose music, the market reaction may not be good.

It has to be said that this is an innovation and a bold attempt. Fortunately, after New White was broadcast, the audience generally accepted the mode of singing when there was a disagreement in the play, and the new Huangmei tune has also become the favorite of primary and middle school students. After the TV series was broadcast, it became a household name and was sung for a while.

At the same time, this way of singing when there is a disagreement adds a lot to the drama. It can even be said that if there is no such method, everyone may not have such a deep impression of Xinbai. This is also the special feature of Xinbai, and it is also its finishing touch.

These are all spoilers that Lin Fan learned in advance through his own experience, but for Hu Yuhua and others, this mode of singing when there is a disagreement is very similar to the song and dance film of the Three Kingdoms. If they disagree, they sing and dance.

It’s okay to put this kind of model in the movie. After all, although the song and dance clips were just to make up the time and the water was used differently at the beginning, they actually played a role in promoting the plot of the story and easing the atmosphere. An important part of the plot of the film.

But that is a movie after all, and the song and dance segments are not long.

But Legend of the White Snake is a TV series! And Lin Fan prepared as many as 103 arias!

If this is a 50-episode TV series, wouldn't each episode have two arias?

In this regard, Lin Fan said: These arias are not just atmosphere groups, they break the previous performance form, adopt a novel form of singing while performing, and express some emotions that are difficult to express with lines in singing. .”

Simply put, these arias are plots!

Hu Yuhua didn't know what to say for a while, Lin Fan's expression at first glance,

The slots are full, but if you think about it, you will find that all of these have deep meaning and are all feasible.

Moreover, Lin Fan himself has already produced the most difficult part, which is these arias. This is also the most essential part of this drama. If Lin Fan's shooting plan is really followed, Magic City Pictures can only play a supporting role.

So, the immediate question is, can Magic City Pictures accept such a TV drama model?

Hu Yuhua exchanged glances with the others, and then said to Yang Hongxia, We need to discuss it.

Yang Hongxia was very considerate and gave up the conference room to the people from Shanghai Film Studios, and she took Lin Fan back to the office first, calling it a rest for half an hour and continuing later.

As soon as Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia left, Hu Yuhua couldn't wait to ask the others: Do you think this model is feasible?

The screenwriter was still the first to answer: If these episodes are indeed as Mr. Lin said, if they combine traditional culture, atmosphere, and show the emotional transition between characters, and also include a part of the plot, then this is not feasible. It is not a question, but a question of what awards should be considered.

The director also nodded: The emotional transformation of a character is the most difficult to show. Generally, we use the actor's acting skills, or changes in the environment, light and shadow, or even changes in the character's shape to tell the audience that the character's heart has changed to a certain extent. .But what we show is always different from what the audience understands.”

And if the emotional changes of the characters can be shown through songs, it is not only not a problem for the director's work, but on the contrary, it is a kind of help.

The art consultant also expressed his opinion: This model is somewhat similar to the song and dance films of the Three Kingdoms, and the market accepts it. Moreover, Mr. Lin also incorporated a lot of traditional opera elements in the episode. If it is done well Well, maybe it can become a cultural benchmark project!

The executive was speechless: Even if you appreciate Mr. Lin very much, you don't need to be so one-sided. No matter how many benefits a project has, it always has its disadvantages. Shouldn't we discuss the risks more now?

Everyone laughed awkwardly.

Hu Yuhua also admitted that the benefits of cooperating with Lin Fan in the production of The Legend of the White Snake are great. Similarly, the risks are not small. The most intuitive risk is: There is no similar product in the market in this form, and the benefits and risks are half and half. Yes. Once the audience can't accept this model, maybe they will completely boycott the show.

This is indeed an objective problem.

Innovation means high risk, but it also means high return, and the two are closely related and inseparable. This put Hu Yuhua and others in a dilemma for a while.

Liu Zhengyan, who had been watching and eating melons, said cheerfully, Let me say something more, please listen to whether it makes sense.

Hu Yuhua said angrily: Old Liu, I treat you as my own, that's why I asked you to come with me. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't fool me.

Everyone in the meeting immediately said that there is no need to start the meeting, they are all full!

Then I'll be straight.

Liu Zhengyan knocked on the conference table and motioned them to take a good look at the shooting plan in their hands, I'm not very familiar with professional things in the film and television industry, and I only express my opinions on music. That is, are you right? What is the misunderstanding of Lin Fan's creative ability? 12 original episodes, 103 arias, do you know what this means?

Hu Yuhua's eyes lit up, yes!

Lin Fan himself has his own traffic. The plot of Legend of the White Snake is Hu Yuhua's favorite. Lin Fan's shooting plan has been unanimously approved by the screenwriter and director. Now the only thing to worry about is the issue of market acceptance.

But didn't Lin Fan directly hit a breaking point? There are so many original tracks, not to mention anything else, but after the TV series is launched, Magic City Pictures will not lose money just by selling the OST music collection!

Everyone has heard the song Crossing Love just now. This song doesn't talk about artistry, and the singing rate alone is scary!

Hu Yuhua can sing it herself!

So, what is there to hesitate about? Lin Fan has already solved all the problems, so isn't Magic City Pictures willing to take even a little investment risk? Besides, how can investment be risk-free?

I won’t mention the far ones, but the near ones, the martial arts film that was filmed by Magic Metropolis Films before, because of a problem with an idol, it hasn’t been scheduled to go online until now, so who is to blame?

Therefore, before Hu Yuhua and others, there is actually only one choice, that is, cooperate!


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