Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 199: Lin Fan's Real Purpose

After getting off the plane, Xia Yan went straight to the yard she longed for.

At this moment, Lin Fan was answering the phone, and Lin Fan didn't expect that Li Xiaodong would take the initiative to call at this time: You already know about this?

Isn't this nonsense, Brother Fan, now the Internet is full of news about you.

Li Xiaodong's tone was full of envy, without him, among the 9 X-STAR members, Zhuo Yuanquan was the only one who was still moving a little bit. Others, including Li Xiaodong, lost their popularity quickly, and it was almost the same.

It's only been a few months!

It's not like Lin Fan, he's not in the entertainment circle, news of him is everywhere in the circle.

Let's not talk about this, Brother Fan, I have an announcement to catch up later. You send your account number, I, Brother Lu and Brother Quan have pooled it together, and there is more than 3 million, which I didn't have when I was a child. The New Year's money that has been spent is collected for you, 4 million, don't think it's too little!

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, feeling hard to understand for a while.

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang had only spent a little time with Lin Fan in the factory, and after they left the factory, it was as if they had parted ways, but when something happened to them, they took the initiative to raise money. help.

Don't look at how popular X-STAR is now on the Internet. In fact, they are all drafts. Even if they make money, the brokerage company takes the bulk, and Li Xiaodong and the others get a lot of it.

Lin Fan's original 19% seemed like a small amount, but at least he could still get 10%.

Li Xiaodong and the others, the nine of them will share together, and I don't know how much money will be given to them, but it is estimated that it will not exceed 30% in total.

This money should be most of their savings, so they just took it out...

I borrowed from you, I have to pay it back!

Li Xiaodong added a word worriedly.

Lin Fan was filled with emotion and almost choked by this sentence: Can't you let me touch you for another minute?

Li Xiaodong muttered: No matter how moved you are, you will have to pay it back.

Lin Fan was annoyed: Go, go, you don't need your lucky money!

No, Brother Fan, don't lose face, let's get over this difficulty before we talk about anything else! We're not afraid that you won't make it,

What are you afraid of?

Of course I can pay back!

Lin Fan knew that Li Xiaodong and the others also understood this, otherwise how could they have lent such a large amount of money to Lin Fan based on the little affection they had in Dachang back then?

Really thought that Li Xiaodong and the others were not afraid that Lin Fan would not pay back the money, did they really think so much money was brought by the strong wind? Li Xiaodong and the others are optimistic about Lin Fan's creative ability, believe that Lin Fan still has good songs in his hands, think that Lin Fan has the ability to pay back the money, and coupled with their original affection, they took the initiative to help.

Lin Fan's fans have clearly classified Lin Fan's songs into income. To put it bluntly, if there is no such thing, it will not take long for the income of only seven songs. Can easily earn 10 million.

What's more, it's a loan, and it's a free loan, the two are different!

Giving charcoal in the snow is always better than icing on the cake!

These people seem to be very righteous, but this kindness has a premise.

But Li Xiaodong didn't say anything, and Lin Fan didn't ask, love is love, and helping is helping, since Li Xiaodong came, Lin Fan will recognize this favor!

Then what are you afraid of?

I'm not afraid.

Lin Fan smiled, Don't worry, I can handle it. I really need your help, and I will tell you. You just debuted, so don't waste your money, just save it for yourself.

Li Xiaodong didn't believe it: Really no need?

No need!

That's fine, anyway, the money is with me now, if you use it, just send the account number directly. Li Xiaodong made up his mind to take the money first, and if Lin Fan really didn't use it, he would return the money.

Thank you brother!

Li Xiaodong hung up the phone without saying anything.

Before Lin Fan had time to feel emotional, Xia Yan's call came in.

Looking at the phone screen, Lin Fan was a little speechless, did you celebrities make an appointment to call at midnight?

Lin Fan answered the phone: Miss Xia...

I'll be right there, please unlock the room card for me.

Reaching soon?

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment before realizing, Have you returned to Huahai Island?

There was a hint of a smile in Xia Yan's voice: Yes, I'm back.


Lin Fan hung up the phone, feeling a little strange, Xia Yan came back suddenly at this time, could it be for his own business? Or just come back and take a break?

Although he knew that Xia Yan was more likely to come back to rest, Lin Fan couldn't help but look forward to it. Maybe she came back for herself?

After all, this time is too coincidental.


Half an hour later, Lin Fan personally escorted Xia Yan all the way up to the third floor at the gate, and entered her exclusive room.

Only then did Xia Yan take off his hat and mask, revealing a delicate little face.

Lin Fan helped Xia Yan pull the suitcase in, and asked, Miss Xia, why are you back at this time? Have you eaten yet?

And she's still alone, can sister Xia rest assured?

I haven't eaten yet, and I haven't booked the daytime ticket. I asked Yuanyuan to go back to the villa first, and come to pick me up tomorrow.

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan, I know everything about the Internet, what are you going to do now?

He really came back for his own business!

I didn't even have time to eat, and rushed back as soon as I got the news.

Lin Fan felt a little itchy in his heart, and he couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, but the irritability, depression, depression, and discomfort in his heart for the past few days seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

This is a sense of happiness that is remembered.

Different from Li Xiaodong! Different from Lian Xiaoyu! Unlike fans!

Fans, it is a special kind of concern, very unique.

Lian Xiaoyu is a kind of friend's concern.

Li Xiaodong is also a kind of friend's concern, but this kind of relationship is a little far away.

Only Xia Yan is different.

I plan to buy the yard I yearn for to avoid future troubles.

Facing Xia Yan, Lin Fan lost his pretense and expressed his true inner thoughts.

The previous series of coquettish operations, whether it was sending the tenants away or posting notices, whether it was playing the erhu or playing the suona, were just smoke bombs. Lin Fan's real purpose was to buy the yard he longed for.

After all, this is where Lin Fan's dream started.

This is the place where Lin Fan gathers all his hard work.

Here is a holy place in the minds of people who cook rice.

Lin Fan couldn't give up easily.

It doesn't matter how much you spend. What Lin Fan cared more about was the meaning that this courtyard represented.

The swings I made by myself, the flowers and plants I planted by myself, the gardens I built by myself, the various hand-made figures and statues I carved by myself...

There is also the loneliness when I was waiting for the first tenant, the excitement when I was waiting for the first tenant, and the voice and smile left by every tenant...

I have a strong memory and can keep all these in my mind.

However, I prefer to keep these by my side.

To the fans, to Lian Xiaoyu, to Li Xiaodong, and to the employees, Lin Fan never expressed this idea, but acted very tough, and used this kind of disguise to convince the landlord that he really wanted to give up the yard.

In fact, the landlord was really bluffed, he believed it!

However, only when facing Xia Yan did Lin Fan let go of all his defenses and was willing to confide in her, which was a very strange feeling.

There is trust, warmth and happiness.

more sweet.


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