After sending Yu Mengmeng away, Lin Fan began to think about preparing a batch of small gifts for storage, so as not to be in a hurry or have something to spare to prepare.

The best thing to prepare is autographed postcards, Lin Fan can sign a lot of them in a day. The second is scented tea. Although the production process takes time, it can be made in batches. After making a batch, it can be used for a long time. Of course, you have to save some for Xia Yan.

Then there is painting, it doesn’t have to be character sketches, usually you can draw some landscapes, still lifes, animals, etc., and if you want to be lazy, you can also draw some Q-version villains or small animals, very cute .

The most time-consuming thing is wood carving, and one may not be finished in a day, and the remaining finished products should be saved.

Time passed slowly while Lin Fan was busy making small gifts. This kind of life is full and happy, comfortable and happy. Lin Fan feels that he has completely fallen in love with the island homestay life. This kind of life is his last life. always expected.

The money owed to Xia Yan will be repaid soon.

There is no mundane annoyance, no unnecessary troubles, and no need to be busy for money.

It would be even better if, if not for that annoying system to harass myself every now and then!


At the end of the month, Lin Fan drew another prize on Chaobo. At the same time, he also gained millions of fans, um, the kind that can't provide popularity.

Chaobo's fans reached 20 million!

The system is too fussy!

If you count the 20 million fans into your popularity, then you can definitely become a god! Even if it's a one-hundred-thousand-time lottery draw, I can easily complete the achievement of Hundred Draws! This hundred consecutive draws is much more powerful than the hundred consecutive draws before the upgrade.

Oh, what a pity!

Every time he sees the soaring number of fans of Chaobo, Lin Fan has the urge to kill the system to sacrifice to heaven!


Then, the Yearning Yard welcomed a special guest.

Lin Fan's landlord.

The landlord didn't come to Lin Fan immediately after he learned about the yearning yard and Lin Fan's popularity last time. Instead, waited another two weeks,

Seeing that the prices of hotels and homestays within a radius of ten kilometers from Lin Fan's B\u0026B are increasing, the supply of guest rooms is still in short supply. After the radiation area is getting bigger and bigger, I finally can't sit still.

Boss Lin, you've been busy recently, haven't you?

Lin Fan was driving the [Photo Memory] plug-in, and recognized the person when he raised his eyes.

Lin Fan looked at the landlord's smiling face, and was a little wary, after all, squinting is very scary: Hello, hello, I don't know if you are here this time?

Hey, it's Boss Lin like this. I don't want to rent this house anymore, I want to take it back, so I came here to tell you that I hope you can move out as soon as possible. Of course, your prepaid rent and deposit will be refunded in full Here it is, liquidated damages will also be paid according to the contract, and we will act according to the contract.

The landlord wants to take back the house and stop renting it to himself?

Lin Fan couldn't believe his ears.

Are you kidding me?

I'm not joking with you, big star. When I rented this house to you, I only charged 500,000 a year in rent. Now I feel that the price is a loss. I don't want to rent it anymore. I want to take it back. It's as simple as that.

The landlord wandered around the lobby of the B \u0026 B, looked at the piano, and then at the leather sofa, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly: Hey, big star, your supporting hardware is really good, this flower It’s a lot of money, right? It’s a lot of trouble to move out, right? Let me declare first, I have no problem with you taking these things away, but don’t break my door.”

When the fans in the lobby saw the landlord's posture, they all sensed that something was wrong. This person was obviously here to find fault.

Everyone didn't know what happened here, and they didn't interrupt rashly, but waited and watched. There are also fans who took out their mobile phones when the landlord said that they would take back the house, quietly turned on the recording function, and pointed at the landlord.

Lin Fan suppressed the unknown anger in his heart, and tried to reason with the landlord: Landlord, I have only rented this house for more than three months, and it took two months to decorate it. You have just started business, and you have to take the house back. , isn't that appropriate?

It's fine if you don't take it back. You can buy this house. Let me do the math for you. This house covers an area of ​​800 square meters, with a total of 25 rooms on three floors. The residential building area is 1,375 square meters. The market price is 8,000 square meters. Calculated, it is exactly 11 million. But my house itself has some decoration, so we have to calculate it at 13 million.

That's it, the front and rear yards of more than 400 square meters, and this basement, I gave you for nothing.

The landlord smiled and reached out to pat Lin Fan on the shoulder, but Lin Fan dodged it, and the landlord didn't care, How about it, big star, you earn so much money, you can't even afford a house, right? ?”

Lin Fan understood that taking back the house was just an excuse, the unscrupulous landlord was actually trying to blackmail him and sell the house at a high price. The landlord is convinced that his homestay business has just started and cannot afford the loss of the initial investment, so he is so reckless.

Lin Fan flatly refused: Why should I buy it? When I signed the contract, it was written that I rent this house on an annual basis, but our contract was signed for three years, even if I only paid one year's rent, according to the country According to the law, I have the right to use it all the time for the past three years, and during this process, I did not use it in violation of regulations, I did not operate illegally, and I did not violate the contract at all, so you cannot take it back for no reason!

The landlord smiled: Yes!

Lin Fan frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

The landlord smiled like a mouse who stole success: A big star is a big star. It's different from ordinary people like us. The nobles forget things too much. Maybe you haven't seen it after signing the contract?

contract? Lin Fan found that he was talking about the contract, and the landlord was not worried at all, and even brought up the contract on his own initiative. Could it be that the contract he signed had loopholes?

[Photographic memory] The skill was activated quickly, and the contract was quickly flipped through in his mind. Lin Fan was a little eager to find out where there was a loophole in the contract.

The landlord didn't bother, and directly stated his intentions: Either you buy this house, or move out within a week, I'll leave it at that, big star, next time you sign a contract with someone, remember to find a lawyer first , hehe, haha!

Lin Fan looked at the landlord's back as he walked away, wishing he could kick this grandson away. But the most urgent thing is to find out the contract first to see what kind of loopholes can make this grandson so arrogant!

Lin Fan went back to his room and found out the rental contract that he signed at the beginning. He restrained his impatience and checked the terms of the contract word by line. That bright clause almost exploded with anger!


I thought Lian Xiaoyu was a pit, but I didn't expect that I was actually a huge pit!

Pit yourself!

The contract period is three years, the rent is paid once a year, and the rent increases by 5% according to the market after three years. These are the most normal lease contracts, but the problem arises in the breach of contract clause.

No wonder this grandson is so arrogant, the feeling is because he has the right to take back the house, all he needs to do is give a one-week notice and pay one month's rent! There is no compensation for decoration!

At that time, I was in a hurry to sign the contract, thinking that the price bargaining was very successful, so I didn’t read the contract too carefully. Moreover, I only wanted to operate slowly at that time, and didn’t expect to make a lot of money. It was so successful, it was full every day, and the room rate was still high. Of course, the fans contributed a lot.

Money touches people's hearts, and anyone who sees such a good business in the longing yard will be envious.

What's more, this person is the landlord!

In fact, in society, this phenomenon is extremely common. Landlords are jealous when they see that tenants are doing well in business. They hold contracts and either raise the rent skyrocketing, or simply evict them. The door-to-door landlord continued to do it himself.

So many tenants are grandchildren in front of the landlord.

The biggest wish of many tenants is actually to buy the shop, so that the business will be stable.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, Lin Fan has never run a business by himself, so naturally he doesn't know the truth about it.

Looking at it now, this alone can kill him!

The landlord only needs to lose 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in compensation, but Lin Fan will lose a lot.

The funds invested in the early decoration, furniture, etc. of Yearning Yard, and the room reservations have already been scheduled until the end of the year. If the landlord is really allowed to take back the house, those expectations will be fully fulfilled, and they will be waiting for fans who can move into Yearning Yard What should I do?

Refunding the reservation can avoid the financial loss of the fans, but what about the spiritual loss?

In order to be able to go to Huahai Island and stay in Lin Fan's homestay, the rice cookers stayed up all night to make a reservation. Those who got it had to adjust their time to go to Huahai Island, and those who didn't get it were still fighting.

If at this time, the longing yard is taken back by the landlord, then the spiritual sustenance of the fans will be gone.

Moreover, opening a homestay has always been Lin Fan's dream, and it doesn't mean that he can give up just by giving up. The landlord seems to have given Lin Fan two choices, but in fact there is only one, which is to buy the place.

But the grandson asked for 13 million, Lin Fan couldn't afford that much money at all!

If you can't afford 13 million, the 9.5 million you spent on renovations is completely in vain! Not even a sound!


I was still complacent at the beginning, thinking that I had suppressed the price very much, but now it seems that it is not the landlord who is stupid, but myself!

At this moment, Lin Fan finally realized that he was not invincible with the system, and there were so many things he didn't understand! There is so much to learn!

The system forces myself to read for an hour a day, reminding myself that my head is full of water, telling myself that studying is always the best way to make myself valuable, and I am still very annoyed, thinking that the system is scolding me, Now it seems that the skill of the system is really helping me!

It's ridiculous that he used comic books to deal with it, and thought he was clever!

At this moment, Lin Fan finally regained some clarity. Although he had been scolding the system for cheating him before, he was still very happy in his heart, thinking that he could reach the pinnacle of life with the golden finger and marry Bai Fumei!

But no matter how powerful the system's skills are, no matter how much money you give, if you don't master it and apply it in real life, what's the use?

It is true that there is such a magic skill as [photographic memory], when looking at the contract at that time, what is the use of sweeping the contract into the brain? I didn't even discover such a simple trap clause, and I was still complacent, calling myself a time traveler!

So what if there are memories of two lifetimes?

So what if there is a system?

Now it seems that I am still far behind!

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