Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 138 Do you want to be so ruthless with the black-hearted system?

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skills: Eight Elegances of Life—a combination of calligraphy expertise, god-level fancy signatures, primary painting, primary engraving, primary planting, and a thousand cups of non-drunk. As an idol, you must be sure be high! Piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, flowers, tea, you don't have to be good at it, but you must understand it! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skills: I am not the king of the sea—a combination of skills such as smelling fragrance to know women, lipstick never sticking to teeth, etc. Women are like flowers, and they can be seen from a distance but not played with! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Melon Farmer - a combination of skills such as surfing the super blog for 20 minutes a day, being an expert at eating melons, and getting started with throwing paparazzi. While eating melons, only melon farmers will not be eaten by others! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Learning is rich in a car—come from a combination of skills such as photographic memory and reading for 1 hour a day. The more famous you are, the more you must be alert to whether your head is full of water. The best way to become worthy of yourself, so please continue to read 1 hour a day. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Cooking Expertise—upgraded from Golden Egg Fried Rice skills. It may be difficult for the host to leave the big factory, so please put away the cooking expertise! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Diving—upgraded from freestyle skills. Recently, Kuaiyin is more popular with diving mermaids. The host may consider developing this business! Practicing for an hour a week can effectively help you lose weight! 】


Lin Fan: ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄dish ̄///)

The unscrupulous system cheated me again! Now you don't need my consent to upgrade, right? I don't need to be reminded to directly deduct 1 million people's popularity, right? System, don't say anything, we're breaking off friendship!


System, no response!

That's how hard it is!

Lin Fan: I'm shaking and cold!

However, looking at the upgraded skills, Lin Fan suddenly felt that this time, it was a bit fragrant.

Fragmented skill combination + all skill level upgrades made Lin Fan a lot of fat directly. No one would have thought that after the system was upgraded to level 3, it would be so generous. Just in case, all Lin Fan's existing skills were combined and upgraded.

It can be said that Lin Fan directly exchanged the shotgun for the cannon!

High-level music literacy, the sound of nature, a master dancer, a double-handed bow, an imposing temperament, and life like a play. These few skills are enough for Lin Fan to make his debut and become a music superstar!

Sophisticated people, I'm not the king of the sea, melon farmers will make Lin Fan more likable, who wouldn't like a person with high EQ? Coupled with the skills of life, learning, wealth, and Huaxia's good tongue, these few skills can improve Lin Fan's conversation and cultural background, making Lin Fan a brainy music superstar!

Skills such as iron master, culinary expertise, and diving seem inconspicuous, but they allow Lin Fan to have a good body. No matter whether Lin Fan wants to debut or not, even if he stays at home, a good body is also very important. After all, a little masturbation is fun, a big masturbation hurts the body, and a strong masturbation is gone!

The only thing that depresses Lin Fan is that every day, he reads for 1 hour, works out for 1 hour, dances for 1 hour, sings for 30 minutes, and plays a musical instrument for 30 minutes. Tsk tsk tsk, Lin Fan feels that his time is no longer his own, it is all the system of! Are you trying to tire me out?

Shameless system, do you want to be so ruthless?

I also swim for 1 hour a week, and I don’t know what new skills are waiting for me in the future. Lin Fan only felt that his time was getting more and more insufficient. If these compulsory skills took up all of this, would he still have time to flirt with single girls?

Lin Fan expressed concern!


The door of the training room was pushed open from the outside, and a baby face came in: Brother Fan! You two are here! It's hard for us to find!

It was Li Xiaodong,

There are also Lu Bingyang and Zhuo Yuanquan.

Chen Xianwu was surprised: Why are you here?

At this time, shouldn't they get close to the bosses of all parties at the dinner, so that they can have an impression and have face in the future?

Hey! Lu Bingyang laughed, Then who almost had an accident on the group night, and now he was called away by the bosses of Star Entertainment, and he is probably being trained!

Li Yingqi uttered wild words, although Ding Erxun sent her back, but the wrong words caused the whole program to almost have an accident, this matter cannot be left alone. But he is the son of Xingkong Entertainment, and there will be no big deal if there are big bosses inside to protect him. Even when the training is over and they go back, Li Yingqi has to toast the big bosses one by one to admit their mistakes, and if not, they will get beaten up or something, it depends on how angry the big bosses are.

Although this kind of scene is very exciting, it's better not to watch it, lest Li Yingqi will bear the grudge. I'm not afraid, it's just trouble. The rules of the entertainment industry are that everyone carries the sedan chairs, try not to do it when you are in trouble, and don't do it openly if you want to do it, so Li Xiaodong and the three were persuaded by their manager to avoid it for a while, which is considered to be a face for Xingkong Entertainment.

As soon as they came out, the three of Li Xiaodong didn't know why they were there, and they looked stupid waiting at the door, so they came to find Lin Fan once they made up their minds.

Brother Fan, let's go eat hot pot! We haven't eaten together yet! It just so happened that we didn't eat anything at the dinner table just now, so we just happened to have a hot pot game!

Lu Bingyang also said: That's right, they're all out anyway, let's save a game and eat by ourselves! We just went to toast, so we really didn't get much food! Brother Fan, you're going to leave the island soon, and you don't know yet Is there a chance to get together! Don't think the three of us have formed a group, but I guess there are not many opportunities to be able to work together in the future.

This is true.

X-STAR has formed a group, but it does not mean that this group will be active together. During the past two years of forming a group, there are at most a few opportunities for group activities, and the rest of the time is spent separately, especially those with high popularity, For a member with strength and resources, he himself and the brokerage company behind him will also try their best to untie the group and strive for personal development.

Only those members who are confused will think of using each other's fame and team influence to fool around. Such a group member basically doesn't need to be disbanded after two years, and will be almost forgotten by the public in a few months.

How else can I say that the debut of an idol group is the pinnacle.

On the contrary, people like Lin Fan who are popular, talented, and have works are able to go further and more steadily. Unlike them, if there is no work in the future, I am afraid that it will be confused very quickly. It's a pity that Lin Fan has no intention of making a debut.

But it’s meaningless to talk about it now, the future is still long, and no one wants to get confused.

Let's go, Brother Fan, Dachang's cafeteria is open to us tonight, and we can take the ingredients inside. It's hard to say anything else, it's more than enough to set up a hot pot restaurant. If it doesn't work, we can still order takeaway! Zhuo Yuanquan also persuaded.

Chen Xianwu was moved: Brother Fan, we don't have anything to do at the celebration banquet anyway, so it's not fun to go back. You're done with your work, let's go eat hot pot together!

Lin Fan, who was crushed by the system, had no other thoughts: Then let's go.

There is nothing that can't be solved with a hot pot meal, if there is, then two meals!

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