Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 135 This lottery draw is perfect!

The internet was buzzing because of Lin Fan's new song.

At the same time, the director of the Morning Star program group, who was about to drink too much, was pulled at the corner of his clothes. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Liu Jia approaching mysteriously: Director, I have something to tell you!

The director was unhappy for a moment, the show is over, can you eat and drink well, just enjoy it regardless of work? Why can't we talk about it tomorrow!

However, the director still wiped his face: What's the matter, is it that Lin Fan has something wrong again?

Liu Jia's eyes widened, she was amazing to my director! How do you know? I haven't said anything yet!

The director chuckled, demo! The show is over! The accompanying PD of one of your students came to tell me what happened? Not 100%, at least 98% is related to Lin Fan!

What's more, when Lin Fan left just now, with his resentful little appearance, everyone knew that something was going to happen. This Lin Fan, to be honest, makes people love and hate. It's not that I didn't want to agree to it just now, but if I really asked him to make some kind of easter egg, the director was really afraid that Cheng Tuan Ye would become Lin Fan's solo show!

In that case, I would really make a big joke!

The director didn't speak, so Liu Jia could only flatter him: Director, you are amazing! It is indeed Lin Fan! He told me to use the training room just now, so I thought he was going to be in the training room with someone We met! I didn’t expect him to sing in it! He even recorded a small video and uploaded it to Chaobo!”

The director couldn't react in his head: What?

Liu Jia understood that the director was drunk a lot when he was old, so he extracted key words: Lin Fan! I sang a new song! It's uploaded to Chaobo! Would you like to listen to it? See if there is any popularity Can I rub it?

Although the 6th season of Morning Star has ended, it doesn't mean that the show can be left alone. Even if the show is over, as long as it is not officially taken off the shelves, or ordered to rectify or something, it should be publicized It still needs to be promoted, and it should still be popular.

Follow-up ratings are all money!

Although the previous Morning Star was all about the enthusiasm of the students who formed a group, didn't there be a dark horse in the sixth season! Lin Fan's enthusiasm alone is higher than that of a group, so if he doesn't rub against him, can he rub against others? thanks!

As soon as he heard the word 'new song', the director understood: Let me watch the video.

Liu Jia immediately handed over the phone, the director took it and clicked on it. There was a lot of noise at the celebration banquet, so Liu Jia handed over a pair of earphones, and the director took it and gave Liu Jia a satisfied look.

After listening to a song, the director was silent for a moment: It was recorded on the phone...

Liu Jia interjected: Actually... I also turned on the live camera in the training room...

The director glared at her, and Liu Jia quickly added: However, it didn't broadcast live. After all, the live broadcast rooms that cooperated with the Kuaiyin platform were all closed...they were all recorded...Director, look...

Surprise flashed across the director's eyes, this Liu Jia can do it! Well done enough preparations!

You should contact Lin Fan. Although the contract states that during the recording period of the program, all the materials of the students belong to the program group...

The director knew that in the contract signed by the program team and the students, the students were in a disadvantaged position. If the program team really took Lin Fan's material and used it, Lin Fan had nothing to say. Because the contract was signed until midnight on the final day of the show, and the recording time of Lin Fan's material was a few minutes before midnight.

However, it is not necessary.

The director returned the phone to Liu Jia: Buy this material with Lin Fan...don't charge too much! Funds are limited!

Liu Jia took the phone in embarrassment: But...

With Lin Fan's temperament of desperately asking for money, can he agree without asking a high price?

The director hates iron but steel: You threatened him! Originally, the program group could directly use this material! And his new song will be uploaded to the music platform after all, right? It also requires money for publicity! Taking advantage of our program The heat didn't go down,

Take it as an announcement for him! If we help him announce it, he still has the nerve to ask for money? A little bit will do!

All in all, let's see how you fool!

The director patted Liu Jia on the shoulder: Go! I like you!

Liu Jia: But I am not optimistic about myself, what should I do?


Lin Fan didn't know about the excitement on the Internet, and he didn't even know about the director's little idea. Now Lin Fan only wanted to know one thing!

That is, after the new song is uploaded to Chaobo, can the 1 point of popularity in the system increase?

Lin Fan's mind sank into the system, watching the scary countdown with bright red color changing from second to second, he was so nervous that his heart almost popped out of his mouth!

[Countdown: 00:05:01]

[Countdown: 00:05:00]

[Countdown: 00:04:59]


The time is counting down, and the popularity value is still motionless, which makes Lin Fan anxious but helpless!

There are still 5 minutes, what else can I do to divert my attention at this time? Lin Fan was very irritable, and didn't know what to do to relieve the depression in his heart.

Lin Fan looked at the popularity value in the system again: [current popularity value: 440677, task progress: 999999/1000000]

5 minutes, anyway, is to wait! I don't know if this 1 point of popularity can rise. The remaining 400,000 popularity points can just draw 4 prizes, or, draw?

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat, pump! Must smoke!

It doesn't matter whether the system gives that 1 popularity point or not! The lottery is a must! Absolutely do not leave 1 point of popularity for the system! In order to avoid that broken system and cheating people, the forced upgrade like last time will use up so many popularity points in vain, and the rule of one prize draw for 1,000 points has been changed to one draw for 100,000 points!

It's a waste of brother's popularity!

Who knows, after reaching 1 million popularity this time, will this deceitful system force an upgrade again? At that time, it will become 200,000 for one draw, or even 500,000 or 1 million for one draw, which is really a loss to grandma's family!

Just do it!

System, draw a lottery! Lin Fan gave the system an instruction in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Read 1 hour a day - host, you not only have empty pockets, but also empty heads! How can such a barren brain match the social identity of the host composer? Therefore, read for 1 hour a day, let the knowledge nourish the barren head of the host, and hope that one day there will be flowers of wisdom blooming there. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Freestyle - the system feels that the host will use this skill someday in the near future! Thank you for taking it away! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the mandatory skill: Not Drunk in a Thousand Cups - As a future superstar, the host will inevitably be turned over by all kinds of rich women who are greedy for the host's body, so not drunk in a thousand cups is the only magic weapon for the host to travel at home! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning special prizes: 3 180-180cm, 180mm, 180m2. Although the host itself is satisfied with 180cm, and got 180mm, but the 180m2 has just started this year and will be delivered in 2 years, please wait patiently! 】

[Current Popularity: 40677, Task Progress: 999999/1000000]


This lottery is awesome!

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