Several instructors and guests on the stage were immersed in the performance of the two of them. Ding Erxun took the lead in saying: It's hard to believe that Lin Fan's singing skills have improved so much in such a short period of time. , His level has far surpassed these students!

Ke Xirui's face darkened: How should I answer these words?

Luo Yu also nodded and said: Indeed, I just heard him sing with Teacher Zhang Xinlan, and there is no sense of disobedience at all, but it's rare, Teacher Ding, that you praise a student who hasn't debuted so much.

Ding Erxun sneered again and again: I don't praise others, it's because they can't write the attitude of Walk in the Rain or sing the fearlessness of Glory, if those people also have dreams but are not afraid of pain, People who are looking for light in the dark are worthy of my praise! Lin Fan's singing skills are worthy of praise, and his songs are even more worthy of praise!

Guest A: ...

Guest B: ...

Guest C: ...

Ke Xirui: ... I was hurt, did you know that? Teacher Ding!

Luo Yu hurriedly changed the subject, if this continues, this group night will be completely confused! You don't need to look at the hot search list, it will be all Lin Fan's topic by then.


The front stage was joyful, but the backstage was full of depression. The few students who were about to board the group seats, except Zhuo Yuanquan, Lu Bingyang, and Li Xiaodong, the others, especially the royal family Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi, looked almost ashamed. It is gloomy like water.

It's so irritating!

Tonight, the sixth season of Morning Star has a group night!

It was supposed to be their highlight moment, that is, the first peak of their life in the first 20 years. Even if the ranking has not been officially announced, they already knew that they must make their debut. Such a glorious moment was snatched away by Lin Fan limelight.

It's nothing more than a song, it's Lin Fan's last highlight on this stage, I'm afraid after tonight, it will be difficult for you to have such a peak moment in the future.

After all, what if an orphan has no background, no resources, even two or three songs? As long as the company behind us mobilizes resources, it will easily crush you!

However, your fault is that you were not satisfied after singing one song, and you actually sang another one, even if this is a song you released before!

He even sang with Zhang Xinlan! And in front of Zhang Xinlan's powerful singing skills, she didn't lose at all!

You know, even if you are a royal family, you are not qualified to own individual singles. After forming a group, you need to continue to fight for resources with the company to get them. fire.

Now Lin Fan is easily out of the circle, and even if they are in a group, they don't know if it will be popular or not. This makes Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi jealous, and they can't wait to kick Lin Fan from that After kicking off on the stage where everyone was looking forward to, the few of them also secretly made up their minds that they must unite with their own company and block this bastard who stole the limelight from themselves.

Zhuo Yuanquan, Lu Bingyang, and Li Xiaodong are happy for Lin Fan from the bottom of their hearts. Even though everyone knows that Lin Fan stole the limelight on his debut night, everyone also knows that Lin Fan's dream is not to make a debut, but to steal the limelight. What about the limelight? It can only show that I am not good enough, but my good brother is good enough, and that is enough!

As for the flamboyant thoughts in the hearts of the royal family, all three of them said that they are not false, just like the company behind everyone is made of mud, don't even think about it, Zhang Xinlan is already singing Lin Fan's song, you people who haven't officially debuted yet Can it go up to the sky?

So, the three of them looked at the ugly faces of Li Yingqi and the others, and couldn't help laughing secretly. If it wasn't for the live broadcast camera, the three of them would have laughed out loud. Sure enough, life is so interesting as long as Brother Fan is around.


With the end of the solo session of Lin Fan, the last student, the Morning Star program finally came to the most critical link, the announcement of the group list!

The top 15 students were invited to the main stage again,

At this time, everyone can see that on the side of the auxiliary stage, the triangular group seats have slowly risen from the stage plane to a height of about 15cm, and the spotlights are shining on each station, quietly awaiting the arrival of its owner.

Next is the link where the host announces the group list one by one, and the students release the group testimonials.

Ninth place, Tian Fenglin

Eighth place, Li Xiaodong


Fifth place, Lu Bingyang

Fourth place, Tu Jingyi


Second place, Zhuo Yuanquan

First place, Li Yingqi


So far, the sixth season of Morning Star has officially formed a group!

Group name: X-STAR

The nine members of X-STAR stood in the group positions, all of them were ecstatic and weeping with excitement. No one tried to hold back the tears. Everyone's makeup was spent. At this moment, what they paid The hard work has finally paid off. No matter whether the effort is sweat or money, no matter whether the process is difficult or not, everyone is trying their best to manage their expressions to make their expressions more contagious and empathize with the audience and fans .

【You are my hero: Woo... I am so touched, our family Yingqi is really not easy, it is too hard! Fortunately, he has finally been recognized by everyone, and he can finally make his C debut as he wished! 】

[Too handsome to have no friends: Upstairs, when you say hard work, do you mean just a little bit more hard work than Brother Fan? 】

[Wind to Watermelon: Pfft! Don't say that, okay? The royal family is also working hard, okay? They are all working hard! 】


The live broadcast room was full of joy, all the idols on the stage were crying, and they were all filled with the happy smiles of the winners. When it was Li Xiaodong's turn to give a speech on stage, Li Xiaodong's back molars were almost exposed.

First of all, I would like to thank my parents. It was you who gave birth to such an excellent son, but kept preventing me from making my debut. In the end, I still defeated you!

There was a lot of laughter in the audience.

Secondly, I would like to thank my agency Baitao Entertainment and my guardian stars. It is you who discovered my face with a pair of eyes. I use my grades to prove that you are not blind!

The audience roared with laughter.

Finally, I want to thank Brother Fan! Speaking of this, Li Xiaodong's expression gradually became a bit serious, and he stretched out his hand to stroke his hair back.

The audience fell silent.

Everyone knows that Li Xiaodong has a very good relationship with Lin Fan, and everyone is looking forward to what Li Xiaodong will say about Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also sat upright, expressing that he was listening carefully, not dozing off, not Lin Fan paralyzed. Although he did almost fall asleep a few minutes ago, but now is the highlight moment of his good friends, and he has to show his respect no matter what.

Thank you Brother Fan! If you didn't work hard for me day and night, my fans wouldn't be so blessed. They can always see my peerless face, handsome hairstyle, and invincible style!

The audience was quiet for a moment, and then.

burst! laugh! Such as! thunder!

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