Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 124 The fighting strength is only 0.5 slag!

When the final drum beat fell, the audience erupted into applause and screams like a landslide and tsunami! Everyone stood up, even the four mentors on the mentor's seat, and everyone applauded Lin Fan frantically!

Lin Fan——you are glory!

It sounds so good! My scalp is numb!

I didn't expect that I could hear such a beautiful song on the idol group night!

I declare Lin Fan that you are no longer my idol, you are my glory!


In the live broadcast room, the bullet screen exploded instantly!

[I regret going down to earth: ahhhhh! Rock! How long has it been since I heard such a nice rock! For a moment, I thought it was some singer who came out with a song! 】

[Died from beriberi: I was originally accompanying my girlfriend to watch her idol debut in a group, but as soon as the song came out, the passionate melody instantly reminded me of my youth! Ye Qing back! This wave is not bad! 】

[Old man with white hair: I thought life had wiped out all my heart and corners, but in the end all my enthusiasm was ignited in an instant! 】

[I'm better than paper towels: Fuck me? My teacher asked me to ask which famous poet wrote the lyrics of this song? 】

[Seat C at the dining table: Don't leave the one in front, the same teacher with the same question! If you ask, let me know! Good life is safe! 】

[Don't hit me, I'm soy sauce: ah! As for the sentence that Heiye gave me black eyes, my grandpa also asked me to ask...]


Accompanied by the influx of bullet screens, there is a terrifying data flow! Just when Lin Fan sang the chorus part, countless viewers crowded into the live broadcast room!

If it weren't for the program team's preparations, the live broadcast room would be overwhelmed by this wave of traffic! However, as long as it is not overwhelmed, all these data are hot!

Entries such as 'Lin Fan's Glory', 'The night gave me black eyes', 'Glory Lyrics' quickly became popular searches without the help of the program team!

However, the director didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to the reaction from the outside world, because now the voices of the audience are about to overturn the venue!

Brother Fan! One more!

Brother Fan! One more!

Brother Fan! One more!






The instructors also booed: Encore!

Even the bigwigs in the entertainment industry at the guest table couldn't help joining in their support: Encore! Encore! Encore!

All the voices gathered together, rushing towards Lin Fan on the stage like a landslide and tsunami! Lin Fan had never faced such a scene directly, he only felt that those voices seemed to turn into reality, drowning him completely!

The students in the backstage looked at this scene with sadness and envy, but they couldn't ignore the shock brought to them by such a soul-stirring song, and they all joined the crowd with complicated expressions or excitement.

another one!

another one!

another one!


Not only the scene, but the entire live broadcast room was also blocked by [One more! 】The barrage screen was swiped!

So much so that the music had stopped, but Lin Fan was still left on the stage and couldn't leave. As soon as he showed signs of leaving the stage, the audience off the stage would scream until Lin Fan stopped.

The host quickly came up to control the field, but the audience didn't buy it, and the voice of one more still didn't stop.

Looking at the situation on the scene, the director didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed. The joy is that this is the breaking point of the Morning Star program. No matter how long it has passed, it will become a famous scene of Morning Star and will be constantly mentioned.

The depressing thing is that this kind of enthusiasm does not belong to the students who finally formed a group.

It may even take away the light of the last grouping moment, so that this grouping night will be considered a failure.

Director, what should we do now? Tang He can't even control the scene, and the voices of the audience are too loud.

This should also be Lin Fan's last performance on the stage of Morning Star. With this kind of thinking added, the audience is even more reluctant to let him go.

Would you like to add a performance to Lin Fan?

Won't that take away the highlight moment of the group? And are you sure that Lin Fan will perform if you add it?

This is indeed a problem, and everyone can't find a reason to discuss it, so they have to leave the decision to the director.

Time is life, there is not so much time for the director to consider all aspects, he can only grasp the most urgent point: Notify Lin Fan, let him add another performance!

No matter what other tricks Lin Fan does, whether it's jingle or circling, the director recognizes it! Be sure to appease the audience at the scene, so as not to affect the subsequent formation of the group!


Lin Fan was in a dilemma on the stage, when he heard a request from the director team for him to add a performance, and at the same time, Tang He also heard it.

Tang He immediately began to take the rhythm: Lin Fan, I remember you promised your fans that if they stop voting for you, you will sing two new songs to them.

It was good that Tang He didn't mention this matter, but when he mentioned it, the audience booed accordingly.

Yes! Usually you promised!

Two songs! You've only sung one!

Your words don't count!

Tang He laughed: Look, the fans remember it. Why did you only sing one of the two new songs that were agreed upon?

Lin Fan quickly replied: I promised, but what if I sing two songs in a row and the fans still vote for me after singing?

This question, Tang He can only say, good question! He doesn't know what to do either!

Because Lin Fan's worries are likely to come true! The quality of the song Glory that Lin Fan sang just now is very good. If there is another song of the same quality, Tang He doesn't know how the audience will react, but Tang He himself really can't guarantee whether he will want to Lin Fan will continue to stay on this stage and vote for him!

Not to mention Lin Fan's fans.

Lin Fan spread his hands: So I have to save one song and sing it after I leave the stage, or after the voting closes. Then they won't dare to vote for me!

Tang He can't laugh or cry, you still think you're pretty smart, don't you?

Not only Tang He, but also the audience in the audience were a little dumbfounded. They really couldn't figure out what kind of weird thoughts were in Lin Fan's mind.

Look at his smug little expression, whoops! It's so irritating!

Vote! The guardian star in the audience suddenly began to take the rhythm.

Yes! Vote! The others suddenly realized! What is Lin Fan most afraid of? Isn't it because you are afraid of being thrown in and out of the dao position?

If you don't sing, we will vote! Whoever is afraid of whom!

When you make your debut in a group, you still have to sing! Either sing now! Or sing after forming a group! You choose one!

This time it was Lin Fan's turn to be dumbfounded! He almost forgot! These fans are sisters! It's not something he can afford! It's too early to be proud!

[I am your ancestor: Hahaha! Well done to the sisters on set! 】

[Beauty sees the same thing: You little Fanfan still dare to fight with us? One threat one accurate! A slag with only 0.5 combat power! 】

[I forgot to take the medicine today: Haha, I like to see the general complacency for less than 3 seconds! I have the magic weapon of voting in my hand, so I'm afraid you won't be able to succeed? 】


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