Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1192 It was agreed to grow old forever, but you secretly baked the oil!

In the fan group of Ganfanren, because of the #帝皇宇宙客栈园竞猜奖饰饰# event, they fell into a brief silence in the chat interface, and suddenly picked out three screenshots.

Other fans clicked on it curiously, their blood pressure soared, and they almost passed away because they were too excited:

[Aunt Bohemian: Damn! Who is this! Who is this heaven-defying European emperor who suddenly came to our small non-chieftain land? I took a closer look, oh my god, it's the chairman!

That's okay, these three screenshots must be from P, anyone in our group may be drawn, and it is absolutely impossible for adults who will grow up to be drawn. Everyone must believe that the chairman is not a chief, it is through the official certified. 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: No, sister, you can see clearly, this is a system notification sent by Chaobo, if you don't receive this notification, you don't even know how to post pictures, okay?

What's more, there is a ticket code on it! I checked the code on the official ticketing website of Honghuang Universe Theme Park, and it was confirmed that it was indeed the code of the lottery ticket. So, it's true! Our president really won a free ticket, and there are still three tickets! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: President! elder sister! how did you do it? My God, what kind of fairy luck is this, to get three cards! I'm so envious! If I had one, I would be so happy! President sister, can you give me a ticket? Just one, I'll buy it at a high price! 】


As soon as Yu Mengmeng's words came out, a large group of fans also shouted for a high price, trying to get a ticket from Wang Lingli.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Wang Lingli to sell tickets.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Don’t grab it, I’m just posting a screenshot and the tickets will not be sold, because none of these three tickets were drawn by me, but my own mother, with the help of the sky-defying I was lucky and got this precious ticket.

Our family of three decided to go to the Fanfan Honghuang Universe Theme Park together. Three tickets are just enough, so we won’t sell them, and I’m not qualified to sell them either. Of course, my mother will not sell it anymore. 】

The other fans whimpered when they were rejected, but that was all. After all, Wang Lingli has made it clear that this is the ticket drawn by Wang's mother, and Wang Lingli has no right to decide.

Moreover, Wang Lingli's family of three just happened to be good enough to use these three tickets. If other people insisted on buying them, they would really lose their eyes.

It's just that seeing Wang Lingli being so embarrassing, everyone was still very unhappy. How to put it, Wang Lingli is also the most unofficial among the entire fan base.

Now African chiefs rely on plug-ins,

How can everyone bear to turn over and become the Emperor of Europe?

You promised to grow old together, but you secretly baked the oil!

Can't bear it!

[I can see through it, but I’m still a good friend: So, President, your hand disability is so serious that everyone knows it, it’s not genetic, it’s purely your own personal reason!

In other words, as long as you can inherit a little bit of the European Emperor's physique from Mama Wang, our fan support club will not be infected by your non-chiefs like this, so, President, do you regret it? 】

Seeing the screen full of President, do you repent? kept refreshing, swiping the screen for more than a dozen screens in a flash, Wang Lingli said not to be outdone:

【Tiansheng Yuji Wang: I repent! I'm sorry everyone, it's all because of me. In order to make up for all the suffering you have suffered over the years because of me, I decided to broadcast the live broadcast for you all when you go to the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park.

Let fans who have never had the opportunity to go to the scene, through my live broadcast, see the paradise created by Fanfan, don't thank me, it's all I should do! 】

Fans: (╬ ̄dish ̄)

In terms of irritating people, Wang Lingli knows better how to piss off this group of fans who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour: they are so envious and jealous that they dare to sneer in front of themselves!

Wang Lingli didn't even bother to argue with them, so she directly launched the strongest attack: I can go to the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park, and I got a lottery ticket, so you can only watch my live broadcast, hahaha!

Although the other fans were very reluctant to see Wang Lingli's arrogant appearance, their curiosity and anticipation for the Great Desolate Universe theme park overcame everything. On the day when Wang Lingli's family of three went to the park to play, many fans cursed and Still clicked into Wang Lingli's live broadcast room.

Follow in the footsteps of Wang Lingli and visit this theme park together.

Fortunately, Wang Lingli did enough and didn't provoke the fans who couldn't come to the scene too much. After all, they really pissed them off, and they had to comfort them later, so Wang Lingli would definitely start a live broadcast when the time came. Be well-behaved, try to let fans see the scenery in the prehistoric universe theme park through the live broadcast camera.


Sunny weekend.

Wang Lingli's family, happily holding their mobile phones, entered the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park.

As soon as you enter the door, of course it is a large modification center.

In order to appease Ms. Wang's heart broken by the movie Green Snake, Wang Lingli and Lao Wang encouraged Ms. Wang to transform into a white snake, of course, the version of the TV series The Legend of the White Snake.

Mother Wang evaded in every possible way: No, no, no white snake like me, I'm already old, no no no!

It's beautiful! Don't you like the white snake the most? Anyway, everyone in the paradise wears it like this. Mom, you change into a white snake, and I change into a green snake. We are sisters today!

Lao Wang also said: My daughter and I will refit with you. Our family is neat and tidy, and we have a good day of fun. It's okay! Look, this eldest sister looks richer than you. Isn't the white snake she modified looks pretty?

Mother Wang and Wang Lingli looked in the direction that Lao Wang pointed, and they saw an unusually rich tourist dressed as a white snake.

Coincidentally, the tourist also turned around to look at the three members of the Wang family, and found that they were looking at him, so he couldn't help asking, What are you looking at me for?

That voice!

Loud and powerful, honest and simple, coupled with a tall man of more than 1.8 meters, really shocked Wang Lingli's family!

Not only Wang Lingli's family, but even the fans who were watching the live broadcast were terrified:

[Seeing through or not, we are still good friends: Oh my god, this is a big brother! But brother, your white snake looks really good, not at all obtrusive. If you didn't speak suddenly, I really thought you were a big sister! 】

[Beauty sees the same thing: big brother is so courageous! It is still common for women to disguise themselves as men, but in real life, I have never seen a big guy in women's clothing. 】

[This person is probably sick: I guess the eldest brother must have lost a game and was punished by his good friends for pretending to be a white snake, right? 】


Outside the live broadcast, the elder brother also knew his outfit, so he didn't blame other people for looking sideways, but it was inconvenient to go up and explain when he saw people. So he simply took out a long strip of cloth that he had prepared a long time ago from his backpack, hung it on his body, and then the words on it appeared in front of everyone:

If you lose in Truth or Dare, don’t ask, just come back next time!


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