Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1190 Is the winning rate of this lottery so high?

The Green Snake movie came to a successful conclusion, but this cannot erase the inner pain of the mother fans of The Legend of the White Snake.

Especially fans with super fighting power like Mama Wang, who have nowhere to vent every day, so they keep finding fault with Wang Lingli.

Wang Lingli was tortured to the point of suffering, but facing her own mother, Wang Lingli couldn't really perform martial arts with Wang's mother every day.

Besides, even if Wang Lingli really dared to fight back, she would not be Mama Wang's opponent at all. You must know that Madam Wang is very healthy and strong, and she can dance the square dance for three hours without panting.

This made the weak station sister Wang Lingli secretly hate, and vowed to strengthen exercise in the future, so that she could no longer stay at home every day, facing the computer and mobile phone, and not even going out.

Otherwise, decades later, maybe the person lying on the hospital bed is me, and the person who is in good spirits and can even carry me for the examination is my own mother instead.

That would be too embarrassing.

But that's all for the future. The most important thing now is how to restore Mama Wang, who has fallen into a violent state, to the peace of the past.

Wang Lingli does not have extravagant hopes for such a gentle and pleasant person. As long as Ms. Wang can return to her previous state, stop picking on herself every day, and perform martial arts at every turn, Wang Lingli will be very satisfied.

The idea is the idea, but how to do it?

Wang Lingli had no clue, so she could only secretly turn to her own father, Old Wang, for help: Dad, you should find a way to coax your wife. If your wife continues to be so irritable, it's fine if she kills your daughter. This hurts my mother. What can I do with my body?

You must know that a woman can't be angry all the time. When she gets angry, all kinds of diseases will come to her. What are the complications?

Lao Wang was also very distressed: What can I do? Your mother's favorite things to do are watching TV, dancing in the square, and beating you. Now these three things can't make her happy, so I can only use the ultimate big Recruited.

Wang Lingli's eyes lit up: What ultimate move?

Lao Wang said: That requires your active cooperation.

Wang Lingli nodded hurriedly: Cooperate, I will definitely cooperate!

Now that I am staying at home, I have to beware of Mama Wang's sudden outburst at any time, grabbing myself and beating me up. Or the kind that can only hide and cannot fight back,

Don't mention how aggrieved.

Seeing that her father has a way here, how could Wang Lingli not cooperate?

Even if you let yourself go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, it is better than being terrified every day!

The old Wang looked around furtively, making sure that no one was eavesdropping, and then he pointed his finger at his daughter, and waited for her ear to come closer, before announcing loudly: When did you find someone to marry? , and then resolutely give birth to your mother a big fat granddaughter, she will definitely be happy!

Oh my god! I'm going deaf!

Wang Lingli was taken aback, her ears were buzzing, and what she heard was such an unreliable idea, which made Wang Lingli's anticipation burst like a balloon: Is it because I don't want to get married? I haven't found a suitable one!

I can't settle for this important matter of marriage. I must be like my mother, who can only marry a man as good as my father. Otherwise, life is so long, you can't spend every day with someone you don't like, can you? Are you right, Mom?

Mama Wang, who was eavesdropping at the kitchen door, was caught. She just wanted to get mad, but she couldn't find a suitable reason, so she just said hmm, pretending that she didn't hear anything, and passed by.

Wang Lingli watched Mama Wang go to sit down in the living room, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, elbowed her father, and said dissatisfiedly, Dad, is there anyone like you who cheats on your daughter?

My mother didn't even remind me when she came, and even talked to me about such a dangerous topic!

What kind of mind do you have!

Old Wang was also helpless: Girl, you misunderstood, I really didn't know your mother was here!

In the living room, Ms. Wang also knew that she had been feeling irritable recently, making her husband and daughter feel restless. Mother Wang didn't want to do this either, but sometimes she lost her temper and couldn't control herself.

The Green Snake movie incident was nothing more than an inducement.

Moreover, her husband and daughter are already very considerate of herself, otherwise, with Wang Lingli's jumpy temperament, even if she dare not fight back, at least she will definitely not admit defeat.

But during this period of time, Wang Lingli has given way to herself as much as possible. Especially when quarreling, Wang Lingli doesn't just swear and doesn't fight back, but she will also talk back, but she will control the level well, let herself vent her anxiety, and let herself win the quarrel, Get the most psychological comfort.

For the first time, Ms. Wang felt that this daughter, who had always made her feel bad, had grown up unconsciously. She learned to be considerate and tolerant of her aging parents. She gave her parents the greatest psychological comfort and endured her mother's anxiety. All the grievances under the temper.

This kind of cognition made Wang Mama feel extremely gratified on the one hand, but also very disappointed with herself during this period of time.

How did it become such an annoying look?

Ms. Wang is very uncomfortable, but this kind of discomfort is not enough to be right. She has already endured too many complaints from her family members. She can only turn on the TV boringly, tune to a station at random, and then just play it like this.

You can't see it, but you can distract the attention of the father and daughter in the kitchen, and Ms. Wang just sits like this.

Then, the screen of Wang Lingli's mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room lit up, and Ms. Wang looked down, and a prompt was displayed on the screen:

[Chaobo: The @林轩#洪皇宇宙客栈园立奖饰饰饰# activity that you are paying special attention to has begun! 】


Mother Wang just wanted to call Wang Lingli's voice, but it was suppressed in her throat: Forget it, this girl has been extremely unlucky since she was a child, and she has never won any lottery, lucky wheel, or even buying drinks.

Not only that, Wang Lingli is also known for her handicap, but she has never won anything related to hand speed and the word grab.

It's better not to call her, lest she come here full of expectations and return disappointed.

However, it seems that I am lucky?

Mother Wang took out her mobile phone, thanks to the fact that her daughter is a website sister, and she is also a fan of stars since she was young, so she is no stranger to the Internet, voting, and lottery.

Mama Wang also has her own super blog account, but she doesn't go online very often.

Now, Ms. Wang has logged into her super blog account, searched for the content of the #风白宇宙宇宙地址招赛入饼# activity, and then casually reposted this super blog.

Then, in the next second, an official Chaobo notification was sent directly to Mama Wang's account:

【Ding! Congratulations to @杨维妈妈 for becoming the lucky fan of the #帝皇宇宙宇宙公园拍赛起饰饰# event, and get 1 free ticket to the Honghuang Universe Theme Park! 】

Mama Wang:! ! !

What's the situation, is the winning rate of this lottery so high?



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