Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1179 Unable to grab it! Where is the reasoning here?

Fans are no strangers to the Prehistoric Universe Theme Park. After all, such a big project is not a movie, so they can sign a non-disclosure agreement with everyone on the crew to prevent anyone from revealing the news.

In addition, when the project started, the mayor of the magic city came to help cut the ribbon. How could it be possible to carry out it quietly without telling everyone?

Moreover, when this project was first known to the public, a large number of experts expressed various views and comments on it.

Some people feel that Lin Fan and the Earthman Studio are generous and dare to engage in such a big project at once, which deserves encouragement and support.

There are also people who think that Lin Fan and Earthman Studio don’t make movies and do variety shows, but instead stretch their hands out of the circle to build a theme park for the purpose of making money. In fact, they don’t have that much ability to revitalize this project. .

Some people even waited to see the jokes between Lin Fan and Earthman Studio, and waited for the project to fail in the end, before taking over the project themselves.

Netizens were also held back for a while, but they were soon distracted by Lin Fan's new movie, which didn't have much impact on the matter.

But in the end, everyone still has a certain understanding of this matter. As for what everyone thought, Lin Fan didn't care, and he didn't have to.

Several years have passed, and the Prehistoric Universe Theme Park has been under construction, and there is no more news—mainly because there is no negative news, such as a broken capital chain, such as an accident, etc., and fans gradually spread this matter. The matter was forgotten.

Later, Lin Fan shot Titanic, which was well received by all blue stars, achieved the achievement of Mr. Hundred Billion, made three first-line artists popular for the company, and won the four major comprehensive awards of the Grammy Award.

Step by step, he slowly reached the position that everyone would look up to, accomplished things that others would never be able to do, and achieved world-renowned achievements.

Everyone looked back at this prehistoric universe theme park, and suddenly found that this project didn't seem to be difficult for Lin Fan, right?

After all, it will not be more difficult than winning the total box office score of 100 billion, nor will it be more difficult than winning the four comprehensive awards of the Grammy Award.

As for the revitalization of this project, it is not easy, but is Lin Fan short of money?

Lin Fan may be short of everything, but he will definitely not be short of money.

There is even such a comment on the Internet: Even if Lin Fan builds this prehistoric universe theme park and closes it to the public, and only uses it for filming, he will not lose money!


Lin Fan didn't even need to rent this theme park to other production crews. The film and TV series produced by Earthman Studio alone could support the theme park for a year.

But as soon as such remarks came out, it immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction among Lin Fan's fans: Who said that this paradise does not need to be open to the public?

I didn’t see us cookers. We have been waiting for many years, just waiting for this paradise to open to the public, so that we can appreciate the creativity hidden behind so many excellent works at close range, and many more, which have not yet been filmed. Do movies only exist in the infinite fantasy in the general mind?

Relying on regular movies to support the paradise?

Are you not paying attention to the consumption power of us cooks?

Do you think that we don't spend much money on Fanfan, so you think we won't use practical actions to support Fanfan's theme park?

Come on, we really want to spend money for Pan Fan, but this guy is too lazy. Over the years, except when we can spend some money for him when new works are released, Pan Pan has never had more than ten endorsements !

There is no place to spend money if you want to!

Finally, a new work is produced, whether it is a movie or a TV series, or a single or an album, how much does it cost?

As a result, we fans can only find ways to find another way. Fans of other people buy endorsement products for their idols, we can only donate the money to charity, do you know how frustrated we are?

Now that we have finally come to a prehistoric universe theme park, so that we have room to spend money, you people still say that the park does not need to be open?

Fans are outraged: Convex

Whoever dares to stop the park from opening is our enemy!

The fans' anger aroused the surprise of other artists in the circle: What happened to Lin Fan's fans? How come he suddenly became so hostile?

In the Earthman Studio, the friends who are in charge of monitoring online public opinion also noticed this anger, but they really couldn't figure out the fans' mental journey, and thought that there were some rumors on the Internet that were not good for Brother Fan, which ignited the fans their emotions.

I hurriedly searched all the way back along the Internet to see what caused it, who was secretly setting the rhythm and deliberately targeting Brother Fan.

But the more I searched, the more I understood the situation, the weirder the look of the little partner from the Public Opinion Department: Here, no one keeps the rhythm?

No one deliberately targeted Fan Ge secretly!

The speculation on the Internet about the Great Desolate Universe theme park is within the normal range, and there are no particularly unreasonable, or trending remarks that deliberately bias the public.

What are Fan Ge fans angry about? And why are you so angry?

The friends in the Public Opinion Department don't know much, so they can only try to find more information, hoping to accurately analyze the changes in the fans' mentality from the massive amount of information.

On the other hand, angry fans all flocked to the ticket pre-sale outlets of Honghuang Universe Theme Park and started snapping up tickets.

It's just that a person can only buy one ticket within the specified time, and it's a real-name purchase.

Even if fans want to buy more tickets, in addition to the time limit, they also have to face the problem of the number of pre-sale tickets.

After all, the first day of the opening of the Great Desolate Universe theme park, Earthman Studio must have hired professionals to estimate the optimal number of tourists, so as to achieve the effect that the park staff can serve in place and tourists feel at home.

In addition, the number of tourists received by the park must have an upper limit, and it is impossible to receive unlimited reception. Under the double restrictions, the number of pre-sale tickets is even smaller.

Within half an hour of the opening of the pre-sale tickets, all the pre-sale tickets for the entire first month have been sold out, and there are still many fans who have not been able to grab tickets.

However, since the pre-sale tickets have been queued beyond the first month, and the subsequent pre-sales have not been opened for the time being, fans who cannot buy tickets are even more depressed.

In the past, you had to grab tickets to watch ordinary movies, you had to grab pre-sales to buy ordinary albums, and you had to compete with so many people for seats at ordinary concerts. Have fun and grab tickets!

Most importantly, it's still not available!

Where is the reasoning here?


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