Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1172: Opening of the Spring Festival

New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve.

Just after eating the New Year’s Eve dinner and watching the annual must-see Spring Festival Gala with their families, many young people put on their coats, walked out of the house, and went to a New Year’s Eve appointment with their idols.

Of course, it doesn't refer to Heidol himself, but to the movies that idols star in.

But for fans, rounding up and watching the works of idols, it is tantamount to celebrating the new year with idols.

Especially, when my idol is still acting in a movie for the first time.

Hurry up, hurry up, it's time to check the ticket to enter the venue!

At the ticket gate of Midsummer Cinema, several girls bought popcorn and drinks, greeted another companion who was almost late, and hurried over to check the ticket.

Other viewers who were queuing kindly reminded: It's still early, don't be in a hurry.

The group of girls responded with an embarrassed smile, and said in a hurry: The main reason is that I am too nervous. After all, this is the first time I have watched Sister Man's work in the cinema. I have never had such an experience before. How can I not be in a hurry? !

Only then did the others suddenly realize: So they are fans of Riemann!

No wonder.

Unlike on the Internet, the offline audience is more friendly and rational, and they will not make any inappropriate remarks about Riemann when they see this, especially in front of Riemann fans. If you really want to say that Riemann is not good Yes, these fans are not vegetarian.

What's more, the audience who can run out to watch movies on New Year's Eve or New Year's Eve, or they are fans of a certain artist, come to support their idols, can understand the mentality of Riemann's fans, and there is no conflict of interest. In this case, there is absolutely no need to cause disputes.

Or they are enthusiastic audiences who are full of interest in the movie itself. They pay attention to the plot of the movie, the acting skills of the actors, the art of the director... Before seeing the movie, they usually do not express radical opinions.

And the rest, either came for a date or to pass the time, they didn't have any opinions on the actors in the movie, let alone made a sound.

Therefore, Riemann's fans clearly felt that Internet violence can only be Internet violence, separated by a layer of network, the trolls are unscrupulous, but after returning to reality, the entire market environment is relatively harmonious and friendly.

Even those who don't like Riemann can at most just say that they don't like it, and there will be no more.

This has made Riemann fans who have been troubled by the cyberbullying incident feel a bit of peace of mind in the recent period: at least today they can watch movies with peace of mind.

As for the final result, that's up to the movie.

After the ticket check-in, Riemann's fans found their seats, waiting for the official release of the movie with anxiety and excitement.

Not only this movie theater, but also the movie Green Snake in theaters all over China are showing the same scene.

Riemann has worked hard in the entertainment industry for so many years, but he has laid a very solid foundation. At least the audience in China, even if they don't know Riemann's name, will be familiar with Riemann.

After all, Riemann's so many TV series were not shot for nothing.

not to mention,

Riemann also has the classic White Lady role.

In the same way, ordinary audiences don't care how much difference there is between movie actors and TV actors. For the public, there are two types of actors: those who act well and those who act poorly.

People like Riemann are obviously included in the ranks of good actors.

Coupled with the previous Internet violence incident and Riemann's positive and rigid response, he won a large number of sympathy points from passers-by, and made the audience who didn't have much feeling for the movie Green Snake couldn't help it. Want to come and see what happened.

Therefore, for the first show of Green Snake, the movie tickets were sold out immediately. This popularity can catch up with the popularity of the movie starring Lin Fan.

But what the audience didn't know was that Riemann himself, hiding among the audience at this moment, came to the cinema to watch the movie he starred in as an audience.

Accompanying Riemann was her agent and assistant. The three of them dressed in disguise, took advantage of the moment when the lights in the auditorium were turned off, sneaked in, sat in the back seats, and waited for the movie to start.

The agent's focus is more on the audience. As soon as he entered the arena, he noticed such a situation that the audience was full, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

The assistant also whispered to Riemann: The attendance rate is so high!

Can it be high?

This is a movie directed by Lin Fan, starring Zhou Xiang, and playing the second heroine himself!

Just for this point alone, the movie's attendance rate will not be bad at least before the public's ratings fall below the passing line.

Besides, when did the film directed by Lin Fan score less than six points? Even if Riemann doesn't believe in his own acting skills, he still has to believe in Lin Fan's director level!

What's more, Riemann still has a certain degree of confidence in his acting skills. This time I came to watch the movie, not because I was worried about my poor performance in the movie, but because I wanted to examine my performance from another angle.

See if there are any shortcomings in your performance, whether there is a better way of expression, whether the audience's perception is consistent with your own perception, etc.

Generally speaking, it is to improve my acting skills and make myself more adaptable to the acting requirements of movies.

As for the cyberbullying on the Internet, as well as my own announcements to the outside world, they are all in the past tense. Artists who have mixed into Riemann's status are not generally strong in psychology, and they will not be affected by these things at all.

Of course, if his acting skills are really badly criticized by the whole network, then Riemann will abide by his promise, quit the film circle and return to the TV circle.

Anyway, I have never officially entered the film industry, no.

The manager's eyes were very sharp, and he immediately recognized Riemann's fans: Sister Man, look over there, it seems to be the backbone of your fan support club.

Under the light projected by the big screen, Riemann looked in the direction indicated by the agent, and saw several familiar faces at once.

They are all their own loyal fans. They have always supported themselves since they were a little transparent, and they are now loyal fans.

Seeing them in the movie theater, Riemann was not surprised at all, but his whole heart was still warm as if immersed in a hot spring.

Have you prepared a small gift for the fan club this year? Riemann asked suddenly.

The agent replied: I'm ready, I'm thinking about giving out to everyone on the first day of the Lunar New Year tomorrow!

Every year, Riemann prepares a batch of small gifts for the fan support club and distributes them in a random lottery, and this year is no exception.

But: Let's prepare another batch of White Snake figures, and take it as a thank you for your support for my first movie.

The agent understood: No problem, I will arrange it now.

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