Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1165 Is it because I have been too wild lately?

Lin Fan thought about filming well, but in fact, there are many other jobs waiting for him.

For example, the details of the concert were finalized, for example, the movie that Lin Fan was in charge of editing, for example, other upcoming movies, and so on.

They were all closely related to Lin Fan's work. If Lin Fan didn't deal with it, or if he didn't decide on the final plan, there was no way to proceed with these things.

So, within a few days after Lin Fan came back, Yang Hongxia called him back to the company for a meeting.

This is the stage design effect of the concert. The stage design, arrangement, costumes, etc. all need to be finalized. By the way, the advertisements for the concert have come out, physical advertisements, photo advertisements, and online video advertisements. You can take a look at them all. Bar.

As soon as Lin Fan came, Yang Hongxia threw him a lot of materials.

Of course, Lin Fan doesn't need to be responsible for the specific details. Lin Fan only needs to pick the ones he likes, and then tell the publicity side about the parts he doesn't like, and let them go back and modify them. However, this is not the end.

This is next year's film announcement plan, this is next year's variety show shooting plan, this is next year's newcomer training strategy, this is

duang! duang! duang!

A large pile of materials hit the desk in front of Lin Fan one after another, not only making a loud noise, but also quickly piled up into a hill.

Lin Fan was sure, Yang Hongxia was just looking for trouble.

Sister Xia, did you have early menopause?

Yang Hongxia turned her death eyes over: I don't have money to take care of it, and I'm a dead dog every day, so it's too late!

Lin Fan was speechless: You admitted so simply, I couldn't answer this!

What's wrong with the people nowadays, why are they all so easy to blow up?

Could it be that I have been too careless recently?

Lin Fan seriously recalled his recent words and deeds, and he was not particularly sloppy! Could it be that the retribution of so many years has arrived?

Sister Xia, I'm just going to take half a year's vacation. Lin Fan decided to use a bitter plan, In normal times, let's say this year, if it wasn't for saving vacations, I could have taken several months of vacation!

If it wasn't for finishing all the work ahead of time, Lin Fan could rest after Pirates of the Caribbean was released this year.

At the most, it would be to release another album without spending too much time on Lin Fan. Lin Fan would have at least three or four months to rest.

Coupled with the rest time next year, the total will definitely exceed half a year. If Lin Fan didn't report to Yang Hongxia in advance, but secretly saved up time for vacation together, Yang Hongxia would have nothing to do.

But just because he had reported to Yang Hongxia in advance, his workload had increased so much. Lin Fan felt that this was something that needed to be clarified.

But Yang Hongxia saw through Lin Fan's little plan at a glance: Is it really only half a year? You said you would take a half-year vacation at the end of next year and the first half of the year after, but when you really come back to work, God knows what you'll have to wait when!

After all, in Lin Fan's mind, it was half a year before June, and half a year before August.

It's still half a year before October!

Yang Hongxia couldn't believe that this guy was so good. After reporting the vacation time in advance, he would come back to work before June!

Yang Hongxia has to burn incense and pay homage to be able to come back to work before October, thank God

Therefore, Yang Hongxia would never let go of any opportunity to squeeze Lin Fan when she could. If the workload she arranged for Lin Fan had indeed reached its limit, Yang Hongxia really wanted to find more work for Lin Fan. what to do!

Lin Fan also felt guilty: Half a year!

Yang Hongxia didn't even bother to worry about this matter, so she continued to entangle with Lin Fan: Then for your half-year vacation, do these things have to be done in advance? You don't want me to call you every day when you are on vacation Bar?

Really don't want to.

Resigned to his fate, Lin Fan picked up a pile of materials, one of which he sighed in his heart: Sure enough, there were only wrong names, no wrong nicknames, Yang Papi is still Yang Papi, it has never changed.

The only good thing is that Lin Fan only needs to move his mouth, and someone will take care of the rest of the work. After getting used to it, he doesn't find it particularly troublesome.

And with Lin Fan's regular work and rest between the crew and the company, the enthusiasm about Lin Fan's winning of the four Grammy Awards for variety shows on the Internet has finally cooled down.

But another hot spot gradually began to heat up, and soon occupied the attention of the majority of netizens who eat melons.

Tickets for Lin Fan's concert pre-sale!

The pre-sale date is set at zero o'clock on New Year's Day. As time goes by, the majority of netizens are getting more and more excited on the one hand, and more and more nervous on the other.

The excitement is that Lin Fan is finally going to hold a formal concert, instead of the perfunctory tenth issue of Longing for the Yard.

The tension is that as long as it is related to Lin Fan, it is very difficult to grab anything!

Including but not limited to, live tickets for variety shows that Lin Fan participated in, tickets for the tenth concert of Lin Fan's self-made variety shows, tickets for Lin Fan's film premiere, and Lin Fan's new album. . . . Etc., etc. However, everyone couldn't help but not grab it.

Obviously you can see the whole process through the live broadcast, you can feel the immersive atmosphere even if you don’t go to the scene, and you know that you can’t compete with others at all. . . . But I still want to grab it, I still want to go to the scene, and I still want to support Lin Fan in person and face to face.

This is the mentality of fans, and usually has nothing to do with passersby and netizens.

But I don't know why, after adding the word Lin Fan, passers-by and netizens are also eager to move, and their enthusiasm and enthusiasm are no less than that of Lin Fan's senior fans.

This has led to the fact that the number of concert tickets is limited and it is extremely difficult to snap up concert tickets. The pre-sale has not yet officially started, and the second-hand price on the Internet has reached a sky-high price!

The scalpers are envious looking at it!

It's a pity that it's useless to be greedy. After all, scalpers can't get tickets by themselves, let alone resell second-hand tickets.

But this cannot completely wipe out everyone's enthusiasm for grabbing tickets. For example, a handicapped station lady can't get tickets every year, but she is still gearing up to grab tickets every year. Let her get what she wants.

Honestly, it's an inspiring story.

No, the news of the pre-sale of tickets for Lin Fan's concert has just been released, and Wang Lingli has already contacted her cheats, one big brother, two brothers, three cousins, four cousins, five, six, seven, eight cousins, and The seven aunts and eight aunts in the family and relatives from all walks of life made a lot of promises, only asking for a concert ticket!

Whether you can grab it in the end depends on the ticket release at midnight on New Year's Day!

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