Hip-hop is a kind of dance factor engraved in the bones and blood. Even if you don't want to admit it, the whole Blue Star understands that the group that can dance hip-hop to the extreme is more of the creators of hip-hop.

It often takes more effort for others to beat them in this regard.

They seem to have the soul of street music and dance in their blood.

But at this moment, Lin Fan seems to have firmly grasped the soul of this dance, fully displaying the two characteristics of free play and inner focus.

Free play emphasizes not deliberate choreography, but natural movements inspired by the music.

Inside focus means that the dancer is fully immersed in their dance, focusing on how they feel in the moment, rather than thinking about what the next move is, how the audience will react to this move, and so on.

To put it simply, it is a fusion of dancers and music, as well as the emotional and physical state at that time, without any specific meaning.

Those movements that are a bit out of the ordinary in the eyes of Chinese audiences, such as covering the file, just express an emotion that the dancers want to express in the more sexy music.

In other words, Lin Fan's dance at this time was just his interpretation of the music, and he did not intend to express other intentions to provoke the audience.

Swipe freely, take it easy, even some dance moves that are out of the ordinary in the eyes of Chinese audiences are full of sexy charm, making people unable to turn their eyes away, but there is no trace of worldly atmosphere.

Not to mention the audience at the scene.

The audience's horizons are higher and more open. They understand better than anyone else that Lin Fan's seemingly impromptu but quite difficult dance moves are a perfect match for this song billie jean!

Not to mention that there are still a lot of stuck moves in it, showing off to the sky.

For example, without any warning, Lin Fan tensed his toes like a ballet dancer, his hands were like a pair of wings, as if he was about to spread his wings, he flung the hem of his suit backwards, and then made a high-pitched voice:

billie jean is not my lover

billie jean is not my love

shes just a girl who ; that i am the one

She's just testifying that I'm that guy's girl

but the kid is not my son

but that child is not my son

she says i am the one,

She said I was 'the one'

but the kid is not my son——

But that kid isn't my son—

Birds with wings outstretched to fly symbolize freedom, but the accusations by the group of people represented by Billie Jean are like a cage that restrains flying birds, imprisoning a truly free soul.

So Lin Fan couldn't really spread his wings and fly, he could only be hopelessly imprisoned in the cage formed by rumors, shaking his hands and stomping his feet anxiously, venting his anxiety and confusion.

My God! This dance is really explosive! It's not a blast in the traditional sense, but the kind of shock that hits the soul directly, free and easy, but full of contradictions and confusion... Can you understand what I mean?

Off the stage, a top singer and also an excellent dancer was yelling at his companions.

There was no way not to roar, because from the moment Lin Fan danced his body and showed his singing voice, the entire award ceremony scene fell into a carnival.

Applause, screams, and shouts were all normal, and many guests stood up from their seats, followed Lin Fan, danced their bodies wantonly, and sang this much-loved song along with the music. Welcome Billie Jean!

Like the singer and dancer, and his companions.

What? You don't talk to me! What are you going to discuss, we'll talk about it later, oh, billie jean is not my lover !

On the stage, Lin Fan suddenly jumped up on the spot, put his left hand on the back of his head, and pointed his right hand forward, another precise click!

The audience in the audience screamed excitedly, but Lin Fan on the stage did not end there. Instead, he continued to jump, his left and right hand movements were switched, and his movements were clean and neat.

Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable scene appeared.

Lin Fan's body seemed to be controlled by something, his hands, shoulders, and even his body and legs squirmed in opposite directions!

It's like a flexible puppet, struggling to move forward, but being pulled by an invisible thread by the controller, making him unable to move forward, and can only turn around in circles!

Wow! All the audience couldn't believe their eyes!

What kind of dance is this, it's just too awesome!

At first glance, it looks like a puppet dance, but it looks smoother and more flexible than a puppet dance, without the weird control feeling of a puppet dance.

You can tell by looking at his footsteps. The key point of this dance movement is his footsteps. It is clearly showing the state of walking forward, but in the end he can only turn around in place. It is all realized by this dance step!

Brother Fan hides too deeply. He hasn't danced for so many years. I always thought he really couldn't! I didn't expect that he would become a blockbuster at the Grammy Awards ceremony!

Even if this dance is placed in the Grammy Awards where there are so many dancers, it can be included in the first-class ranks. What's more, the adaptation of this dance to the song is perfect!

The audience couldn't help standing up from their positions, and some dancers even tried to imitate Lin Fan's dance steps.

However, due to the limited environment and limited time, the dancers at the scene were unable to imitate this amazing dance.

However, there is no such restriction for the audience who watched the Grammy Awards ceremony live through the webcast!

They stood up from the computer, TV, and mobile phone one after another, and followed Lin Fan to learn the dance steps that seemed to be walking in space.

If it doesn't work once, just do it a second time, a third time... Countless times!

Anyway, live broadcasts can be recorded, especially for Lin Fan's fans, they can't wait for the edited version of the program to be released in the future, so they just do it themselves, and start recording the screen the moment Lin Fan comes on stage, and only record Lin Fan's part.

Other entertainers, they don't care at all.

Therefore, before Lin Fan's performance was completely over, the highlights of the whole performance had already been edited into small videos by Lin Fan's fans and posted on the Internet.

Lin Fan's popularity is high, coupled with the popularity of the Grammy Awards ceremony, these small videos have just been posted on the Internet, and they have received a large number of clicks and countless praises!

[The man who robbed me was infertile and had no children, Sun Mantang: My God! Lin turned out to be a dancing genius? How did he manage to dance so freely? 】

[One shot will set the country: It's too sexy! So free! This is the best dance to the song I've ever seen! It makes me feel the blood in my whole body is boiling up, so I can't help but dance along with it! 】

[Thinking of you thinking of calloused hands: scalp numb! What kind of dance is this? God, it's so handsome and cool, this is the street dance in my mind! No, I must learn this dance step. After I learn it, all the girls on the street will stare at me! 】


In this way, more and more people watched, forwarded, imitated, and studied Lin Fan's short dance video. Lin Fan's performance on the stage of the Grammy Awards Ceremony has not yet ended, but Lin Fan's dance has already At an unimaginable speed, it spread throughout the entire Blue Star!

And it has become the hottest topic and fashion at the moment!

Countless fans, passers-by and professional dancers were attracted by this strange dance, surprised and crazy about it!

-----Off Topic-----

Thanks to Yanhongxue, Tengchun, Interstellar Black Earl, Canghai Hanglu, Daydream Layman, Oily Youyou, Frozen Little, A Lonely Man Who Loves Reading, Book Friends 20170519113728726, Bloody Eyes, txf Moment, Demon Demon Xiu , Book Friends 20180411211915194, Book Friends 20170924000422806, Book Friends 20190626154016155, Huang Ye Kiss Snow, Great Super Brother, Book Friends 20210521182355881, Handsome Pot Wearing Glasses, Ling Jue Wuhen, Teacher Li, yuki, Twilight Cold Wind, Book Friends 20191903119 Xing, Nicholas Death Omen, ???? Salmon, hiphop old demon, Yingling Baiqi, yyybbb, Flying Fatty K, Taozi Xiaowan, Helpless Little, Heartlight Tathagata, Traveler, Dragon Sword, Chu Liuge, Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Porridge, Maple Leaf Falling, Xiaofu, Luoyu yy, Roar ~ My King Saigao, Misty Rain, fhxy46, ‖Yang's [White Water] Lanyue‖, Book Friends 20180811140158016, Su Kexin, Hong Guizi , Afro, Lanyin, Guitouxing, Guilinglong, zl2365, Lone Star 8882, Mercury11, Fat Dragon Sword, Completed Unfinished, Yun Shilan, Book Friends 20190110163712170, monthly tickets and rewards for ot belief to!


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