Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1154 Thank you, this is what I should do!

In any case, this public welfare event, Lin Fan earned all the benefits except money. The most direct manifestation is that Lin Fan's album has been nominated for numerous award ceremonies.

Including but not limited to Best Album, Best Song, Best Singer, Best Composer, etc., and everyone compared the other contestants who were also nominated, and they all felt that Lin Fan was very likely to win the award in the end.

But if it wasn't Lin Fan who won these awards in the end, there was only one possibility: the judging committee of the awards ceremony deliberately suppressed the possibility of Lin Fan winning.

After all, Lin Fan is really too young, winning too many awards too early is actually not a good thing for the development of an artist.

There are too many honors in one body, and if there is not enough heart to face and bear the attitudes returned by people from all walks of life, it is easy for people to indulge in it and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

In the end, the artist's spirituality, creativity, potential, etc., which have not been fully discovered, lose the opportunity to sprout and grow, and are completely buried.

It is really a tragedy that a player who could have grown into a towering tree can only surprise the world at the moment when he first showed his grace and bloomed a tree of flowers, and then withered completely.

Therefore, the major awards ceremonies often suppress the speed and frequency of the artists' awards at a certain stage, intentionally or unintentionally. awards.

But this kind of situation, or unspoken rules, obviously doesn't apply to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan set too many records and broke too many records. Instead of seeing that Lin Fan was slacking off because of these honors, the jury committees of the major award ceremonies were constantly challenged by Lin Fan, The act of setting a record and then breaking it on its own is too shocking to maintain sanity.

How could there be such a person in this world!

Does he think his inspiration is the tap water in his faucet, as long as he unscrews it, it will flow out continuously? Or is his talent like the water in Blue Star's four oceans, inexhaustible?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question no one can answer them.

And the judging committees of the major award ceremonies also had to admit that Lin Fan couldn't hold back.

Since you can't hold it back, then don't hold it back, lest Lin Fan doesn't care about these awards at all, what if he doesn't come to the awards ceremony in the future?

It's unimaginable to put this kind of thing on others, but on Lin Fan,

That's a real possibility, didn't you see this guy hasn't been to any awards shows in years?

So this time, the major award ceremonies of the All-Blue Stars put down their arrogance and handed out olive branches to Lin Fan to show their sincerity.

And Lin Fan didn't really ignore these award ceremonies, but chose a few heavyweight award ceremonies and confirmed his attendance.

Although the other award ceremonies that were not selected were disappointed, at least they were not desperate, because from this incident, it can be seen that Lin Fan still values ​​some awards. Lin Fan was not invited this time, and there is another chance.

Maybe next year Lin Fan will come to participate in his own awards ceremony?

The only thing that you don't have to worry about whether Lin Fan will attend is the official annual commendation meeting held by Huaxia, because just after the invitation letter was delivered, Lin Fan directly gave a positive reply.

Although this commendation conference is not as eye-catching as the various awards ceremonies in the entertainment industry, it represents the official recognition of the entire Huaxia, so many people are still paying attention. Especially successful people from all walks of life, and people who care about social affairs.

On the contrary, most people in the entertainment circle, as well as the fan group, that is, the group that pays the most attention to Lin Fan, paid almost zero attention to this commendation conference.

Lin Fan didn't make much publicity about it either, he accepted the invitation letter in a low-key manner, participated in the commendation meeting in a low-key manner, received the award and certificate in a low-key manner, and then talked to the award presenter, the organizing committee, and the same award in a low-key manner. A group photo of other outstanding people.

After I came back, I didn't write any announcements or post any news to show off, as if there was no such thing in a low-key manner.

But Lin Fan keeps a low profile here, and the official media can't keep a low profile.

Huaxia Annual Commendation Conference! Those present were all elites from all walks of life, and those who presented awards were big leaders who could often be seen on TV, and then mixed in with Lin Fan, a bigwig in the entertainment industry with his own traffic and popularity, as soon as the official media reports came out, Netizens in the entire Huaxia were blown out.

[I'm so poor that I'm handsome: what did I see? I actually saw Brother Fan and our Huaxia's xxx, xxx, and xxx accepting the award on the same stage! When did this happen? Which awards ceremony is this? Why didn't a senior netizen like me receive any news? 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: I am a person who never reads official media, but I just saw my family's generality from official media reports! What a magical fate this is! By the way, what awards did you win? China's top ten young people of the year? Huaxia Honorary Artist? Chinese film pioneer?

Damn, no matter what the award is, as long as it is crowned with the word Huaxia, it will become very high-end and elegant, and it will almost blind my titanium alloy eyes! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Is this the Huaxia Annual Commendation Conference? Those who can be commended here are all elites from all walks of life, and they are people who have made outstanding contributions to China! If it's in the show business circle, basically only old actors and old artists are eligible to participate.

For Fan Fan to be awarded such an honor at such a young age, it can be seen that the judging committee and even the whole of China have recognized Fan Fan! 】

[English, go home and don't die in another country: My brother Fan is amazing! Other artists are still struggling in the entertainment circle, working hard on public relations to win a certain award, but we, Brother Fan, have already jumped out of this circle and started to receive national recognition! This is what a good artist should look like! 】


Other entertainers in the entertainment industry only felt: Heartbroken!

But looking at the news and photos released by the official media, everyone is not without envy, but envy is useless.

The commendation at the Huaxia level is involved, as netizens said, it has already jumped out of the entertainment circle, and it is not affected by the capital and other things in the circle.

What's more, even in the entertainment industry, no one can really bring down Lin Fan and his Earthman studio.

Since it is impossible to be an enemy, it can only be handed over.

So people in the circle whether they had friendship with Lin Fan or not, all sent blessings to Lin Fan one after another, and Lin Fan responded generously to everyone:

【Lin Fan: Thank you, this is what I should do. 】


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