Meng Anping really has nothing to do about this matter. After all, no matter whose award ceremony it is, it is awarded one award at a time. I have never seen anyone package all the awards of a single artist together. issued once.

The main thing is that the award ceremony should not be announced until the last moment, leaving everyone in suspense, so that the entire award ceremony can be watched.

But you packaged and awarded all the awards at once, so what suspense is there, what is there to watch?

Didn't the whole award ceremony just collapse?

But this is not something that Meng Anping has to worry about. He just needs to mention Zhou Yue's appeal to the organizing committee. In the end, it has nothing to do with Meng Anping if the organizing committee can think of a way to solve this matter.

Now, Meng Anping wanted to pass the good news that Lin Fan agreed to participate in the Golden Melody Awards to the organizing committee. Then I went to help Lin Fan contact the best performance troupe in China. I was so busy that I didn't have time to talk to Zhou Yueduo.

After sending Meng Anping away, Lin Fan was stopped by Zhou Yue: Are you making preparations?

Lin Fan didn't expect to be able to hide it from Zhou Yue, so he simply admitted directly: Yes, we are already making preparations. But not many people know about this matter so far, Teacher Zhou has to trouble you to keep keeping it secret for me. .”

Zhou Yue laughed immediately: Secret, absolute secrecy! If there is anything I can help, you can just say it. After all, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, but I didn't expect it to arrive suddenly. Hey, I am still in a good mood complicated.

Lin Fan didn't refuse either: Okay, if I need Teacher Zhou's help, I won't be polite.

Not long after Meng Anping went back, the official account of the Golden Melody Awards directly posted a post, and Aite posted the accounts of more than a dozen domestic first-line singers, including Lin Fan, announcing that this year's Golden Melody Awards ceremony would be held on December 28. Officially held at 7:00 p.m.

This is also the routine operation of the Golden Melody Awards, but all the artists who are invited by Aite, whether they participate in the final participation or not, will forward this news of the Golden Melody Awards, adding a wave of heat and popularity to the Golden Melody Awards.

Of course, if an artist who has already decided to participate in the award ceremony will express or hint at the news that he is determined to participate when forwarding the news, he will also do a PR for a certain award to increase his chances of winning.

Regardless of how the Golden Melody Awards operate in this way, other awards ceremonies operate in this way. After all, in addition to the credibility and professionalism of the industry, the attention of the market and audience is also very important for the awards ceremony.

One is not popular with the audience,

An award ceremony without market value actually has no credibility at all. If you are not recognized by the audience, no matter how professional you are, it is useless.

Therefore, an awards ceremony such as the Golden Melody Awards must not only maintain its own professional level, but also increase its trust in the hearts of the audience. At the same time, it must also take into account many factors such as popularity, suspense, and visibility. so easy.

This is also the reason why Meng Anping has been pestering Zhou Yue tirelessly for so many years and insisted on him attending the awards ceremony: Zhou Yue can hold half of the Chinese music scene.

Of course, now Meng Anping's goal has been replaced by Lin Fan: Lin Fan can stand up to the entire Chinese music scene.

It's a pity that Lin Fan only attended the awards ceremony in the first two years, but in the next few years, he was busy making movies and couldn't spare time.

This time, everyone also thought that Lin Fan would directly reply to the Golden Melody Award on Chaobo, expressing his regret that he was unable to attend the awards ceremony because he was busy with filming.

But Lin Fan replied directly:

[Lin Fan: Thank you for the invitation letter sent by the Golden Melody Awards Organizing Committee. We will see you at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony at 7pm on December 28th! 】


Is this a promise to attend the awards ceremony?

Lin Fan's fans were overjoyed and flocked to Lin Fan's super blog to like, repost, comment and click three times to express their excitement:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Finally! finally! Fanfan, you finally agreed to attend the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony! I've been waiting for years and thought you'd never show up at awards shows! Unexpectedly, Huangtian paid off, and finally made me wait! No, I have to rush to grab tickets to the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Ahhh! I usually want to attend the awards ceremony! Can we finally see general business again? @金曲奖, if you don’t arrange a guest performer for Fanfan, I’m sorry you worked so hard to finally invite Fanfan! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Yes, yes, yes! The little rich woman is right! It’s not easy to invite Fanfan for a while. If you don’t squeeze it out and let him perform live, I’m afraid you won’t have such a good chance in the future! We fans don't have high requirements, just ask Fanfan to come up with a new song! 】


Lin Fan had just announced that he would attend the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, and the fans were already crazy about the Art Golden Melody Awards Organizing Committee, asking them to arrange a live performance for Lin Fan.

Although it was due to the selfishness of the fans who wanted to see their idol's business, whether it was the netizens who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, or the Golden Melody Awards Organizing Committee, they all felt that these fans were right!

Lin Fan is so hard to invite!

It took several years before he agreed to attend once. I don't know if he will attend the awards ceremony again in the future!

Of course, taking advantage of Lin Fan's last visit, he made arrangements for everything that should be arranged! There may not be such a good opportunity in the future!

No, maybe this time Lin Fan won the awards he wanted, and he won't attend the awards ceremony anymore! At that time, it's not that it's not certain, but it's that there will definitely be no chance to see Lin Fan perform on the stage of the Golden Melody Awards.

So, make arrangements!

As for whether Lin Fan agrees or not, it's fine if he doesn't agree. Lin Fan and Zhou Yue have rejected the Golden Melody Awards a lot, and they have long been used to it.

Moreover, what if Lin Fan agrees?

The fans and the Golden Melody Awards Organizing Committee were overjoyed, but the other singers were not so happy. Because after Lin Fan appeared at the awards ceremony, who would notice the existence of other artists?

Those media, reporters, viewers, and netizens may wish to stick their eyes on Lin Fan and use a microscope to see Lin Fan's attendance!

Moreover, Lin Fan did not attend the awards ceremony, and the whole circle, including Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia, agreed that Lin Fan would give up competing for some awards.

But Lin Fan's attendance at the awards ceremony meant that he was willing to fight for certain awards, so wouldn't everyone have a strong competitor?

But now in this circle, who else can compete with Lin Fan?


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