Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1146 Even if you don't have time, you have to make time!

In order to avoid the group of demon kings in the crew, Lin Fan really picked a few awards ceremonies to attend, and the excuses were all ready-made, I haven't attended an awards ceremony for several years. Could bring back several carts of trophies.

Yang Hongxia didn't feel anything wrong with Lin Fan's outspokenness. After all, Lin Fan's strength was there, and winning the award was a matter of course.

It is abnormal not to win an award.

When the Blue and White Porcelain album was released before, you would be awarded a carload of trophies at the Golden Melody Awards and other award ceremonies. It's a pity that you didn't show up at the scene, and it was Mr. Zhou who helped you receive the awards. If you return an award ceremony this time If you don't go, Mr. Zhou probably doesn't want to accept the award for you.

Because I'm so tired!

- After the whole awards ceremony, Zhou Yue kept repeating, went to the stage to receive the award, got off the stage to take a seat, then continued to go to the stage to receive the award, and continued to step off the stage to take a seat

By the way, I have to add a paragraph of thanks and testimonials in the middle.

Even young people may not be able to bear such a toss, let alone Zhou Yue.

And this is not just one awards ceremony, but several! After a round of tossing, Zhou Yue felt that his old arms and legs were about to fail, and he had to bring Lin Fan's pile of trophies and certificates back to the company.

How can a tired word describe it.

So after this time, Zhou Yue resolutely handed over the task of helping Lin Fan receive the award to Li Xiaodong and the three of them, and he didn't want to join in the fun anymore.

But Li Xiaodong and the others are all actors, and they will not participate in the music award ceremony. If Zhou Yue doesn't help Lin Fan to accept the award, then there will only be two people left in the entire Earthman Studio who can help Lin Fan to accept the award.

One is Xia Yan, who is also a first-line singer, and the other is Yang Hongxia herself.

I also knew that if Lin Fan didn't go to the award ceremony, he would definitely be with Xia Yan. The person who had to attend the award ceremony in the end could only be Yang Hongxia.

So Yang Hongxia still hoped that Lin Fan could participate by herself. After all, she was already old, so she might not be able to withstand the hardships better than Zhou Yue.

Now that Lin Fan picked out the invitation letter by herself, Yang Hongxia was of course very happy: Then confirm these?

As long as Lin Fan is confirmed, Yang Hongxia can reply to the awards ceremony organizing committee, and can also announce the news that Lin Fan will participate in the awards ceremony, making fans happy and promoting the new album by the way.

Simply serve multiple purposes.

Lin Fan calculated the time in his mind, took out two more invitation letters, and returned the rest to Yang Hongxia: I'm sure, just these few. Sister Xia, please arrange the time, remember to remind Me, I'm afraid I'll forget about it when I get busy.

Yang Hongxia took the remaining three invitations, one for the film awards ceremony, one for the Golden Melody Awards, and one for the Grammy Awards.

Two are domestic and one is foreign. At the same time, there are two music awards and one film awards. It seems that Lin Fan selected these three after careful consideration.

The key point is that these three award ceremonies are relatively concentrated in time. Lin Fan can spare a week to attend the award ceremonies, and Yang Hongxia's itinerary is also relatively easy to arrange.

Okay, I'll make arrangements. By the way, Mr. Meng is upstairs, discussing your new song with Mr. Zhou, do you want to go up and meet?

Lin Fan just wanted to refuse, because once these two senior musicians discussed music, Lin Fan couldn't stand the enthusiastic attitude.

But Lin Fan didn't know what he thought of, so he nodded and got up: Then I'll go up and say hello to Teacher Meng, and tell him that I will participate in the Golden Melody Awards, and I will save you a phone call, Miss Xia. Call fee.

Yang Hongxia rolled her eyes: Are you disliking me for making money lately?

Hmph, don't even look at who caused this situation!

Seeing what he said, Yang Hongxia was almost irritated, Lin Fan hurriedly remedied: How dare I! Sister Xia, you are working hard for the company, and you have made great achievements! What, I went upstairs!

Then he hurriedly rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and slipped away, not giving Yang Hongxia a chance to continue making use of the problem.

This guy!

Yang Hongxia snorted, then picked up the phone, and started calling the other two directors of the awards ceremony organizing committee to tell them the good news that Lin Fan was going to attend the awards ceremony.

In the recording studio, Zhou Yue and Meng Anping were dancing and discussing about the songs in Lin Fan's new album. Because of a little difference of opinion, they almost didn't fight.

Seeing that something was wrong, the other staff in the recording studio found a reason to escape, so as not to be involved in the war between the two music giants, and be accidentally injured by their powerful fighting power. What a disadvantage?

So when Lin Fan came up, only Zhou Yue and Meng Anping were left in the entire recording studio, and they were still arguing, and the sound of fierce quarreling faintly passed through the door of the recording studio to the corridor.

It can be seen that the difference between the two people is still quite big this time.

Lin Fan hesitated for a while, thinking of what he was going to do, Lin Fan pushed open the door of the recording studio: Mr. Zhou, Mr. Meng, you are all here!

The argument between Zhou Yue and Meng Anping, because of Lin Fan's arrival, stopped for 0.1 seconds, but immediately, Zhou Yue continued, Lin Fan, you came at a good time. We have some opinions about your new song, you come and tell me. Let's be the referee and see which of us is right!

Meng Anping also said: Yes, that's right, you wrote Lin Fan's song, and you have the most say!

How dare Lin Fan be such a referee? In the field of music, even creators cannot make all audiences recognize their ideas.

Everyone has their own understanding of music, and everyone can hear their own stories from other people's music. Everyone is their own music connoisseur, and no one can judge whether other people's understanding is wrong .

Moreover, Lin Fan came to see Meng Anping this time because he had other things to do, so he didn't want to get involved in their disputes.

So Lin Fan quickly waved his hand: Let's talk about the judging, I have other things to ask Teacher Meng for help! I wonder if Teacher Meng has time?

As soon as Lin Fan said this, Meng Anping didn't understand yet, Zhou Yue reacted first: Did you write a new song again?

Lin Fan...Mr. Zhou, your quick thinking is not proportional to your age at all!...

After Zhou Yue's reminder, Meng Anping couldn't help but his eyes lit up: Is that Lin Fan? Is there really a new song? What can I do for you? Just tell me, I have time!

Even if you don’t have time, make time for it!


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