There is no rush for the concert, even after the release of Lin Fan's new album, there is still time to announce the good news to fans.

Because when Yang Hongxia decided to hold a concert for Lin Fan, it was too late to reserve the venue. Yang Hongxia still spent a lot of contacts and energy to get the queue jumping quota for that venue.

Fortunately, as long as Yang Hongxia is holding a concert, it is easier to arrange the time to jump in the queue. If there are more than two games, it will be really difficult to arrange.

But even so, the concert was still scheduled for several months later.

During this period of time, it was enough for Lin Fan to release his new album first, and then wait for the song to be fermented among the fans and spread farther, so that more fans could hear Lin Fan's new song, paving the way for the concert .

So, that's right, Lin Fan's work this year really only has to release one album.

Recently, Yang Hongxia has nothing to do, so she would go to the training room, in the pretense of following up on Lin Fan's training progress, but in fact, she still wanted to work hard to squeeze Lin Fan and let him use the rest of the year. Don't be lazy.

It's just that Lin Fan didn't accept the move at all, so Yang Hongxia had no choice but to shift her target and focus on Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, the two training partners.

The TV series Youth Bao Qingtian starring Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang is currently on the air, but the three of them—and one Zhou Xiang—has completed their promotional tasks.

All kinds of variety shows, roadshows, and activities are all over. Now Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang are back in the training room, becoming Lin Fan's training partners again.

But Yang Hongxia is still not satisfied: I remember that you two still have the script in hand, when will you join the group? Have you finished reading the script, and have you thoroughly understood the characters? If there are no difficulties, I will arrange a few more shows for you, go to Relax and relax?

Relaxing is fake, but earning some notification fees is true, right?

Now Yang Hongxia doesn't dislike the low announcement fee for one or two episodes of variety shows, and the legs of mosquitoes are also meat. Now, she wants to take all the business that can make Yang Hongxia see money.

Li Xiaodong trembled: Sister Xia, Director Liang said that the filming of Detective Chinatown 2 won't start until next year. During this time, I will train with Brother Fan and just think about the script.

Liang Wen's original words are: You dig deeper into the role of Qin Feng, and try to play a little more in-depth in the second part. Don't directly substitute the image and psychology of the first part into the second part. This will cause aesthetic fatigue to the audience, and it is also very detrimental to the shaping of Qin Feng's character.

In a word, in one word,

Take it easy, think about the role carefully, and don't wander around.

In fact, Li Xiaodong didn't want to mess around, but he had to agree to the various announcements arranged by Yang Hongxia!

Li Xiaodong would never have believed this kind of thing a few years ago. One day, he felt that he had too many announcements and resources, which would affect his ability to improve his acting skills!

Back then, when I entered the entertainment industry, my biggest goal was to be a comedian, a part-time variety show star!

But now?

I have been a variety show cafe for a while, and I have also filmed comedies, TV dramas, and movies. I have gone from being an eighteenth-line mess to becoming a first-line popular actor step by step. It is like a dream!

The most amazing thing is that my family, who had always opposed me entering the entertainment industry and didn't provide me with a little help and support, completely changed my attitude after Detective Chinatown was released.

It wasn't until then that Li Xiaodong realized that it wasn't that his family was unwilling to support his development in the entertainment industry, but that he knew that if he hadn't met such a noble person as Brother Fan, it would be difficult for him to jump around in the entertainment industry. Get good grades.

Rather than struggling in the entertainment industry with empty fantasies because of family support, it is better to show your attitude from the beginning, let yourself face the most real side of this industry alone, accept the beatings of the society earlier, and Acknowledge the reality.

That's why Li Xiaodong's family never gave Li Xiaodong any help, whether it was in terms of connections or money.

But then things changed.

Li Xiaodong met the noble man in his life, Lin Fan.

With Lin Fan's help, under Lin Fan's support, and with Lin Fan's accumulation of excellent scripts one after another, Li Xiaodong finally gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, and finally broke out of his own world, becoming a front-line actor. Popular actor.

This is an achievement that Li Xiaodong, and even everyone in Li Xiaodong's family, dare not even dream of.

And since Li Xiaodong has already achieved this level, then the Li family has no reason to reject Li Xiaodong's involvement in the entertainment industry.

What's more, the Li family is now a fan of Lin Fan, from Li Xiaodong's grandfather to Li Xiaodong's little nephew who can't speak yet.

As long as Li Xiaodong stays in the entertainment industry for a day, the fans of this big family will have a connection with their idols that is difficult for others to reach. How can they be willing to force Li Xiaodong to come back to inherit the family business?

You give me a good hug on Brother Fan's thigh, so that we can often see our idols up close!

Also, Li Xiaodong's supermarket has become a special supplier of ingredients for Longing for the Yard. Just this one item alone is the ultimate relationship with any fan idol.

In short, Li Xiaodong, who has been completely reduced to a tool man, now has no reason or motivation to quit the circle.

And Li Xiaodong also discovered that if he doesn't hone his acting skills well and hand over film and television drama works that satisfy his family, then he is very likely to be torn apart by his family every minute!

There is no need for Sister Xia and Brother Fan to do anything!

Therefore, Li Xiaodong was still quite unwilling, wasting his time on variety shows and catching up on announcements. Although, such a thing, in the past, is something that I dare not even think about.

Yang Hongxia was gagged by Li Xiaodong with Liang Wen, so she had to shift her target to Lu Bingyang: What about you? What is your next work arrangement?

Lu Bingyang said tremblingly: Director Liang said that he prepared a role for me in that group portrait play, and asked me to read the script carefully during this time, and when the other roles are selected, I will directly join the group.

Group portrait?

Lin Fan was curious: Is that the group portrait scene that director Liang chose to shoot? Has the audition for the role started? I remember that director Liang seems to have decided on Zhou Xiang directly, right?

Yang Hongxia was quite clear about this matter: Yes, director Liang appointed Zhou Xiang as the heroine. But our current artist reserves for other roles cannot be allocated at all, and there must be an open selection. I remember that In just a few days, the public selection will begin.

-----Off Topic-----

Trembling and begging for a ticket~


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