Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1120 This show will definitely be popular!

Can pigs steal money?

Subconsciously, Wang Lingli wanted to take out her mobile phone and post a barrage to complain about this magical line, but when she took it out, she realized that this drama was premiered on Shanghai TV, and m-tv was one night later than Shanghai TV. Week, so there is no way to post barrage now.

This is really a lot less fun!

Wang Lingli regretfully took back her mobile phone and continued to watch TV

On the TV, the crowd of onlookers moved away, revealing Bao Zheng played by Li Xiaodong, with a dark face and a crescent moon between his eyebrows, which is so eye-catching in the crowd.

Bao Zheng also stepped forward from the passage that the crowd had avoided, and told everyone that he was going to interrogate the pig!


The onlookers burst out laughing, and the audience in front of the TV couldn't help laughing: It's been a long time, but there are still people who want to judge pigs these days!

On the other side, Gongsun Ce was still fighting with others in the attic, and someone ran upstairs to ask everyone to go down together, watching someone judge pigs on the street.

Gongsun Ce saw that this was not his classmate, Bao Heitan, nicknamed Heitantou, wasn't he Bao Zheng?

Let's go and watch the fun together!

On the street, Bao Zheng interrogated the pig in a decent manner, as if he could really communicate with the pig, and even translated for everyone. It is said that this pig recruited itself. It has old and young, and it is trapped by life, so it steals people's money. If everyone donates a penny each, it will hand over the stolen money.

Everyone wants to see such a miraculous thing, and it's only a penny, which is not too much. If you donate it, just watch it.

So Bao Zheng asked someone to pour a bowl of water, and asked everyone to put money into the bowl. Gongsun Ce, who came to see the excitement, took the lead and put a penny into the bowl, and the others also threw in coins when they saw it. When it was the turn of the man leading the pig to put in a penny, Bao Zheng grabbed his hand and said The stolen money is on the pig-leader!

This time, not only the pig-leader panicked, but also the surrounding people were stunned, and even the audience in front of the TV didn't react at all: What's the situation? This solves the case? What happened? Did I miss any details?

Fortunately, Bao Zheng didn't make a fool of himself, and directly revealed the answer: it turned out that the old man who lost money was selling sesame seed cakes, and he used his oily hands to collect money and change every day, so the money he lost was also stained with oil. But only the money that the pig-leader threw into the clear water bowl floated oily, which shows that it was the pig-leader who stole the money from the old man selling sesame seed cakes.

The evidence is conclusive, and the pig-leader cannot deny it.

And Bao Zheng also went to Gongsun Ce to thank him for his help. After all, if he hadn't taken the lead in investing money, other people might not have had such a good time, and cooperated with Bao Zheng in this scene.

It's just that Gongsun Ce didn't appreciate it. He felt that Bao Zheng's cleverness would lose face as a scholar, and it would be difficult for him to enter the elegant hall. But Bao Zheng feels that as long as the truth can be found out, there is no need to stick to any form.

Then, Bao Zheng remembered that he still had to deliver food to his mother, which had been delayed for so long, fearing that his mother was going to starve to death, so he rushed over in a hurry.

On the other side, Bao Zheng's mother is helping the government to perform autopsies. She was originally a doctor, but because of her excellent medical skills, she is often asked by the government to help with autopsies.

Mrs. Bao asked the servants to help the corpse, and slapped it on the back, and an unknown liquid flowed out from the mouth of the corpse. Mrs. Bao knew it was medicine for palpitations when she smelled it. The housekeeper also confirmed that the deceased was indeed suffering from palpitations.

At this time, Bao Zheng also came here.

Mrs. Bao told the yamen servant that the cause of death was suffocation, but this was not suicide, but murder.

Bao Zheng also rushed to answer, saying that if the deceased committed suicide, why did he still need to take medicine? After taking this kind of medicine, he would suffer a side effect of abdominal pain. Since he was about to commit suicide, why bother to ask for it?

And under the strangulation mark on the neck of the deceased, there were two fingerprints, which were obviously strangled to death, and then pretended to commit suicide.

Bao Zheng's rush to answer made the yamen servant suspicious, and asked the deceased's husband what was going on. But the husband of the deceased said that he went to the countryside to collect rent yesterday, and saw this situation as soon as he came back.

The housekeeper also answered the servants one by one, what did the others do yesterday. Bao Zheng focused on asking the three maids how many years they had worked as servants in the mansion.

Of the three servant girls, the longest has been in the mansion for ten years, the second has been in the mansion for seven years, and the last one has only been in the mansion for half a year.

Bao Zheng immediately concluded that the murderer was the husband of the deceased.

The audience got double-haired again, and Bao Zheng pretended to: Fuck! Where did you find out the murderer?

The point is that in other people's suspense dramas, they always reason first, and then tell who the murderer is. Fortunately, you catch the murderer first every time, and then tell us the whole incident.

Do you know that it is easy for people to worry about their IQ like this!

Because there are too few clues given, after the reasoning process has uncovered the murderer, everyone has no idea how Bao Zheng found the murderer.

I couldn't help holding my breath and feeling anxious, I wished I could pinch the neck of the bag of black charcoal and let him spit out all the rest of the words in one breath, don't keep it!

The screenwriter may also know how hated Bao Zheng's pretentious behavior is, so he asked Bao Zheng to quickly give the whole reasoning process after finding out the murderer.

Bao Zheng pointed out that the deceased's husband's shoes and socks were clean, and he did not look like he had just returned from the countryside. Moreover, in addition to strangulation marks and pinch marks on the neck of the deceased, there was also a horn.

Let me ask, who has a horn on their finger? Is it because this person happens to be wearing a wrench?

As for the husband of the deceased, by coincidence, he happened to be wearing a jade wrench.

What else is there to say? The yamen servant immediately asked someone to suppress the husband of the deceased. Mrs. Bao asked, does Bao Zheng know why the husband of the deceased wanted to kill his wife?

Bao Zheng said that he had to ask the maid who had been here for half a year.

Because other maids have been here for so many years, but they only use cloth handkerchiefs, but this maid has only been in the mansion for half a year, but she uses silk handkerchiefs.

Mrs. Bao picked up the medicine bag in the maid's hand, and when she smelled it, she knew that the medicine was not for heart palpitations, but a miscarriage medicine. She gave the maid a pulse and found that the maid was pregnant.

The servant girl knew that she couldn't hide anything, she was so frightened that her knees gave way, and she knelt down on the ground, explaining clearly the process and motive of the deceased's husband killing the deceased.

Wang Lingli blinked and looked at the time displayed on the TV, it was exactly 14:17. And this drama started broadcasting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, that is, exactly 14 o'clock. It took only 17 minutes to solve two cases in a row. This speed is too fast! The next plot should still be With such high energy and compactness, Wang Lingli may conclude that this drama will definitely be popular!

Big fire!


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