During the time when Lin Fan disappeared, Shanghai Satellite TV finally gave them the TV series produced by Earthman Studio.

But this schedule is not a particularly good schedule. It is neither a holiday nor a prime time, but an afternoon one.

That is, between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Because the time period from five o'clock to seven o'clock in the evening belongs to children's programs, and it is also a time period with relatively high ratings.

But after the noon slot ends and before the children's programs are broadcast, the ratings are often not so good during the period in between.

During this time period, office workers are busy going to work, children are busy going to school, and those who don’t need to go to work or go to school either want to go out for a walk to exercise, or start preparing to pick up their children from school, or are busy with dinner ingredients procurement and processing.

In short, each has its own thing.

Therefore, the afternoon file is the period with the lowest ratings of the TV station after the late night file and the early morning file. Generally, popular programs and TV dramas will not be broadcast during this time period.

But it's good for replays.

Some old TV dramas, or weekly dramas, or variety shows, are very suitable for rebroadcasting at this time, which can maintain the ratings of the TV station throughout the day, so that the ratings curve will not be too ugly.

It stands to reason that the TV series produced by Earthman Studio are not suitable for broadcasting at this time, which is simply a waste.

Because the TV series produced by Earthman Studio are all high-quality products, if they are broadcast in prime time, they can bring higher ratings to the TV station, and it will not be a problem to sprint to the annual drama king.

Now Shanghai Satellite TV actually airs a TV series with the potential to be a drama king in the afternoon. Everyone is guessing, are the people from Shanghai Satellite TV crazy?

Otherwise, how could such an irrational decision be made?

But Wang Xiuying personally called Yang Hongxia to explain: Although it is an afternoon file, the afternoon file of Shanghai TV is different from the afternoon file of other TV stations.

Yang Hongxia has cooperated with Shanghai Satellite TV more than once, so she naturally knows what Wang Xiuying means by saying that it is different.

The afternoon files of other TV stations are really reruns, which are specially used to rebroadcast various TV dramas and variety shows, and the ratings are naturally not high.

But Shanghai Satellite TV has never given up on the afternoon file,

During this period of time, they are all overseas TV dramas such as Cold Country, Sea Island Country, and Beautiful Country bought by Magic City Satellite TV with huge sums of money. Although the timeliness is a little bit behind, they can still be regarded as overseas popular dramas.

During the period when the cold island entertainment culture was prevalent, the afternoon show of Magic City Satellite TV was the favorite of cold island fans, and the ratings were even higher than the prime time!

However, as Cold Island entertainment became less and less popular in China, China began to promote cultural self-confidence and restricted the import of Cold Island entertainment, which silenced the afternoon slot of Shanghai Satellite TV.

Even so, Magic City Satellite TV no longer broadcasts the hit Cold Island drama in the afternoon, but it does not keep rebroadcasting old movies and variety shows like other TV stations. .

This slightly inferior does not mean that the plot of the TV series is poor, but that the cast of the crew is a little less famous, and the investment in the TV series is a little bit less.

In a general way, it is equivalent to the web dramas on the earth, but it is better than the web dramas.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that all online dramas are bad, but that when Star TV selects TV dramas, it has its own set of standards. Some good online dramas are not listed because they don’t meet these standards. Satellite TV picked it.

Moreover, with the rise of video sites, the status of online dramas has also begun to undergo tremendous changes. Many online dramas are not willing to broadcast on Satellite TV, but prefer to broadcast on video websites, so as to maximize the benefits.

It is not a new thing that Shanghai Satellite TV competes with video websites for the first broadcast rights and even exclusive broadcast rights of excellent TV series. It is also true that the winning rate of Shanghai Satellite TV is decreasing year by year.

Far away.

In short, the ratings of Shanghai TV's afternoon show were more than one percentage point higher than those of other TV stations.

In other TV stations, the afternoon shift is a time when parents don't love their mothers and fathers, but on Shanghai Satellite TV, the afternoon shift's ratings are second only to the prime time.

That's why Wang Xiuying said that.

The afternoon file of our station had a chance to become the second golden file, but in the case of Handao, even if our previous efforts were not in vain, we lost a large part of the audience. Viewership ratings, there is still no way to break through that limit and become the real second golden file.

Yang Hongxia comforted, There's nothing you can do about it. And your hard work is not in vain. The audience ratings of Shanghai TV's afternoon show are much higher than other TV stations.

Yang Hongxia feels that it is not unacceptable for her own TV series to be placed in this schedule. Of course, if she can get a better schedule and better treatment, Yang Hongxia still has to fight for it.

Wang Xiuying also knew that Yang Hongxia couldn't be persuaded by selling miserably, so she had to tell her real purpose: The ratings of our station's afternoon show are actually close to the line of the prime time. But there is still a last shudder, and it still can't pass the line. .

So this time, our leaders are pinning their hopes on the TV series produced by Earthlings to help us break through that line and create a real second prime time slot for Shanghai Satellite TV!

Yang Hongxia thought to herself: I knew it! You Magic Capital Satellite TV looked at the atmosphere, but in fact, you are the masters of the Three Treasures Hall who have nothing to do!

The last time I used Bright Sword to transform the TV station, and now I want to use our drama to give you a breakthrough. We have done all the hard work and dirty work!

If you succeed, you have a good vision and a correct decision. If it fails, our drama is still not up to that level, and we can't help you, and you will take all the benefits!

That is to say, the quality of our TV series is excellent, so we didn't blame you, otherwise, if we switched to another TV series, I don't know what it would be like to be harmed by you!

But Yang Hongxia is not afraid: You have bought back the premiere rights, and to be honest, we can't control which time it will be broadcast. But the contract has been signed, and the minimum rating requirements for the broadcast period. Just follow the contract, no matter what Whether it is publicity or activities, we will naturally cooperate with you here.

Wang Xiuying smiled bitterly: I just didn't achieve it, so I have to explain it to you! If it is achieved, then we will go online directly. Do we need to explain this to you?


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