Pirates of the Caribbean broke through $300 million at the box office on the first day! Lin Fan set another summer box office record!

Lin Fan's personal breakthrough, Pirates of the Caribbean challenged a subversive role for the first time!

Pirates of the Caribbean takes you on a different sea fantasy adventure!


On the movie website, the audience in the first round gave this movie a high score of 9 points.

Compared with Lin Fan's other movies, this score is indeed not high, and it can even be regarded as the lowest score in the first round of Lin Fan's many movies.

But this film is a commercial film.

It can score 9 points for commercial films, not to mention Huaxia, and there are only a handful of All Blue Stars.

Of course, this is only the initial rating. As the movie continues to be released and more audiences participate in the rating, this score will gradually decrease over time.

But the audience had great confidence in Lin Fan. They firmly believed that even on the day the film was released, the film would still be able to stand out from the crowd and be the number one among commercial films.

Because this movie is really good-looking, and it meets all the fantasies and requirements of the public for commercial movies: a protagonist with a distinctive personality, a powerful villain who always ends in failure, cool special effects, and excellent big scene shooting , and the ups and downs of the plot.

After watching the whole movie, there is almost no urine point, which is already very successful for a commercial film.


You said that after watching this movie, it did not convey any profound thoughts to people?

Come on, this is a commercial!

What depth does a commercial film need?

Good-looking, cool, high-energy plot, isn't it enough to be logical?

What, you said that this movie promotes the spirit of pirates, is the three views wrong?

I'm sorry, but the movie itself doesn't have any three views and moral standpoints. What it shows is the story itself, the complexity and changeability of human nature, and the different choices that different people may make under different conditions.

If you want to evaluate the characters and behaviors presented in literature and film and television works based on personal three views and morality, then except for science and education literature and film and television works, other types of literature and film and television works may not be suitable for you to appreciate.

But such people are few after all,

The vast majority of people still look at a movie objectively and rationally, and make reasonable evaluations of it.

[Lend your son to return your grandson: Five-star recommendation for the movie Pirates of the Caribbean! The sea, pirates, treasure hunting, adventure, revenge, curse... This movie is really suitable for summer vacation! After reading it, I directly booked a flight to Huahai Island, and I couldn't wait to plunge into the embrace of the sea! 】

[Sleeping position determines hairstyle: The character of Captain Jack is really magical. When he first appeared on the stage, I wished I could slap him to death. It's because Brother Fan who plays this role is super handsome!

But Captain Jack is really in line with my fantasy of pirates. He is a rebellious pirate and a cynical liar in the Caribbean. Although he is a captain whose morality and integrity are questioned, he has a Pirates should have the courage to stand up and save their friends in critical moments.

Jack's favorite is Liberty, followed by the Black Pearl. 】

[Three hundred and sixty lines, every line is funny: This is the first time Brother Fan didn't arrange a relationship line for himself in the movie! Is it because the heroine is not Xia Yan, so Brother Fan doesn't even want to talk about love? But the CP of the female lead and the second male lead is also very good, you two can fall in love, let me, Brother Fan, no, let me, Captain Jack Sparrow, enjoy the freedom and the sea alone! 】

[I laugh when you are mean: As a commercial film, Brother Fan has achieved the ultimate! Will's innocence, Elizabeth's wit, and the captain's resourcefulness and weirdness are the highlights of this Pirates of the Caribbean.

The calmness and calmness of the heroine, the heroism of the second male lead, and the silent dedication of the captain all contributed to the victory of Pirates of the Caribbean.

The difference from individual heroism in the traditional sense is that everyone in this show is not weak. Instead of simply waiting for rescue, they choose to work together for everyone's goal.

Not to mention the traditional childhood sweetheart setting, which gave us a new breakthrough in our impression of ordinary pirates and realized the responsibility of pirates. 】


The movie Pirates of the Caribbean achieved such a good box office result on the first day of its release. The happiest person is definitely Yang Hongxia, not one of them!

Yang Hongxia even felt: If I had known that commercial blockbusters were making so much money, I should have made a few more commercial films. If we could make a few more commercial films before, we wouldn't be so stretched now.

The staff next to me couldn't help but slander: Isn't it because you cast four blockbuster films all at once?

Such a large-scale investment not only shocked the eyes of the insiders, but even the capitalists felt scalp numb when they saw it: It turns out that Earthman Studio has not accepted outside investment, not because they are worried that the capitalists will judge the film, but because Purely not bad money!

But no matter how much money you have, the money is not spent like this!

However, Yang Hongxia really messed up like this. The key is such a large amount of investment, and no one in the entire Earthman Studio stopped her. Such things are not impossible in other entertainment companies, or even investment companies. .

Every large investment is difficult to settle without three to five months of back-and-forth. But in Earthman's studio, all of this is taken for granted, and they voted as soon as they said they voted.

Colleagues who heard the news were all envious of their real names.

If Yang Hongxia knew why these colleagues envied her so much, she would definitely sneer: Look at how stingy you are!

Is this a lot of investment?

Lin Fan earned all the box office of one movie!

Now it's just that they spend a lot of money in all aspects, and if they take out so much cash in one breath, it seems that the company's turnover is more difficult.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the box office of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean is distributed to the account, the company's turnover problem can be easily solved.

It's just that this is an ideal state, because the box office share, especially the movie Pirates of the Caribbean is still released on all blue stars, and it will take several months before the all blue star box office share is actually credited.

Therefore, before the box office split is credited, the entire Earthman studio has to tighten its belt to live.

It's just that big money can't be taken, and small money can't be let go.

Yang Hongxia waved her hand: What, for Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang, and Zhou Xiang, arrange a few more business activities during this period of time. In the next period of time, whether we drink porridge or eat meat, all will be determined. Let's see how the business abilities of these three little ones are doing!

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