Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1101 Fuck, what the hell is this?

On the Black Pearl, Elizabeth met the captain Barbossa as she wished. In order to save her life, she lied that her surname was Turner.

But what she didn't know was that when the group of pirates heard the surname Turner, their expressions became excited.

Barbossa also promised Elizabeth that as long as she handed over the gold coins, she would not attack the port again, but he did not promise to send Elizabeth back to the shore.

Elizabeth was detained by the pirates on the pirate ship.

The next day, Will woke up and wanted to rescue Elizabeth, but Norrington and Elizabeth's father did not directly send someone to chase after the pirate ship, because they had to consider the safety of the entire Port Royal and could not be impulsive.

Will had to find Jack in the prison, trying to persuade him to go with him to save Elizabeth. And Jack also has his own little abacus, so he agreed to Will's request.

But if you want to go to sea, you must first have a boat, but the way these two people manage the boat... the audience didn't understand it.

Some viewers even asked directly: Is this really possible to operate like this? If the boat is buckled upside down, people can walk on the bottom of the sea?

The audience who was asked said with a deep expression: Don't ask, asking is gravity.

The other audience who heard the conversation between the two couldn't help but roll their eyes: What kind of gravitation is this? Newton's coffin can hardly hold down, okay? !

But no matter what, Jack and Will successfully boarded the Intrepid, but before they had time to leave the port, Norrington chased after him in the Interceptor, and sent all the people on his ship to the Intrepid, Go search for Jack and Will.

As everyone knows, after Norrington's men boarded the Intrepid, Jack and Will jumped on the Interceptor as soon as they turned around, and snatched this ship, which is known as the fastest ship in the Caribbean Sea!

On the Intercept, Will asked Jack if he knew his father, because Jack decided to help him when he heard his name.

Jack admitted frankly that he did know Will's father, and that he was a very famous pirate.

Will couldn't accept the fact that his father turned out to be a pirate, but after being educated physically and mentally by Jack, Will also temporarily accepted this reality.

The two came to the pirate city of Tetuga together, but when Jack arrived, he was slapped by two beauties in succession. Then the two found Gibbs and recruited some sailors to follow the trail of the Black Pearl together.

aboard the Black Pearl,

Barbossa invited Elizabeth to a feast and told Elizabeth about the origin of the skeleton gold coin.

This gold coin is called the Aztec gold coin, and there are 882 pieces in total. The pagan gods have put a terrible curse on anyone who takes any gold coin from the stone box, and will be cursed.

Elizabeth said that she did not believe in such legends, and Barbosa said that she did not believe it at first.

So he led his men to find the legendary cursed gold coin, and then squandered it, but the curse really came.

Fine wine can no longer satisfy us, delicious food turns to dust in our mouths, and all the pleasures and pleasures in this world cannot satisfy our desires.

Barbossa and his pirates were turned into the living dead.

There is only one way to lift the curse, and that is to return all the Aztec gold coins, and then use Elizabeth's blood to lift the curse.

Elizabeth didn't want to sit still, so she stabbed Barbossa's chest with a dining knife, but Barbossa was fine and still alive and well!

Elizabeth rushed out of the door in fright and came to the deck, but a more horrifying scene appeared in front of her eyes, and also in front of the eyes of all the audience!


Fuck, what the hell is this? The audience was taken aback and couldn't help but exclaim.

Anyone who suddenly sees a bunch of moving skeletons in such a dark environment will be shocked!

Elizabeth was no exception, because the crew of the Black Pearl all turned into skeletons under the moonlight, and they were still diligently driving the ship and washing the deck.

Such a picture, no matter who it is, can't help but feel the scalp tingle when it suddenly sees it!

What's more, the special effects of Earthman's studio are not so good. Even in dim light, these skeleton monsters look lifelike, and you can even tell which side they correspond to from their actions and clothes. a pirate.

Elizabeth was the only living person among them, and this kind of panic, through her screams, would overflow the big screen.

Barbosa even performed a big show for Elizabeth, where a living person turned into a skeleton. Watching the red wine poured from the skeleton's mouth, it could only flow out from the empty ribs. Elizabeth was so frightened that she hid directly in the cabin , hugged my poor self tightly.

Fortunately, the camera turned and returned to Jack and Will.

The audience immediately felt that it was not pleasing to see Jack's sloppy face before, but now after being frightened by Barbossa and his skeleton crew once, looking at Jack again, how cute it is!

Even his twisted waist, the gesture of pinching the orchid finger, and even the posture of his slapping all became extremely pleasing to the eye.

Jack and Will were chasing the Black Pearl in a squall. But at this time, the Black Pearl had already arrived at a hidden cave. They took a boat instead and brought Elizabeth into the cave.

Will also learned that Jack was betrayed by Barbossa and then abandoned on a desert island.

Barbossa took the pirates and escorted Elizabeth to the place where they found the stone box, preparing to return all the Aztec gold coins, lift the curse, and turn back into a human.

Barbossa took Elizabeth's gold coin, cut her hand, and threw the gold coin stained with Elizabeth's blood back into the box, but the curse on the pirates did not respond, and Barbossa knew he had been fooled .

The pirates, who had done so much hard work, watched helplessly as the hope of lifting the curse was shattered, and began to push the responsibility for all this on Barbossa, thinking that it was Barbossa who killed the king of the belt. That is Will's father, which made the curse impossible to lift.

But Barbossa was cautious. Even if the pirates put the blame on him, they didn't dare to take action against Barbossa rashly. They proposed to cut off Elizabeth's head. Perhaps this would be able to lift the curse.

At this time, Will also knocked Jack unconscious, and took Elizabeth away while taking advantage of the chaos.

The pirates wanted to catch Elizabeth back, but accidentally ran into Jack who had woken up. Jack wants to negotiate with Barbosa, but this time Barbosa is no longer fooled, but locks Jack up, and then goes all out to chase the Interceptor.


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