Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1098 Are you ready for a fantastic sea adventure?

The premiere of Lin Fan's new film was held as scheduled.

It must be mentioned that Zhou Xiang and Li Man finally managed to get the on-site tickets for the premiere thanks to their unremitting efforts, and they also helped Liang Wen get one.

It's just that they went to the premiere with live tickets, and they regretted it: There are too many people!

Can this really be squeezed in? Why can't I see where the entrance is?

Looking around, the entire event square for the premiere ceremony was packed with people. Then, many fans set up stalls in the square and pulled up banners. Even nearby businesses found that there was a huge flow of people here, so they came here to take advantage of it, sending out leaflets, coupons and so on.

In short, it was packed to the brim, and it was obviously an open square, but it felt like being in a subway car during the rush hour when being squeezed out by enthusiastic audiences.

Zhou Xiang said with emotion: The last time I saw so many people was at the premiere of Titanic.

Riemann really wanted to complain: Are you talking nonsense?

If it's not Fange's movie premiere, where can we find so many viewers?

But now the big question is: How do we get in?

Zhou Xiang said that she is very familiar with this question because she has done similar questions before. I saw Zhou Xiang calmly took out his mobile phone and called Yang Hongxia: Hello, sister Xia...

Yang Hongxia directly interrupted Zhou Xiang: Send me your location. It just so happens that the staff here are going to pick up Yanyan, and I picked you up by the way. By the way, is Director Liang with you?

Zhou Xiang replied: The ticket has been given to Director Liang, but Director Liang is not with us. How about I call Director Liang and ask where he is?

By the way, let Director Liang also send a location,

Let the staff pick it up together.

Yang Hongxia couldn't help muttering: I know it's so troublesome. I just leave the internal passage and insist on squeezing the audience one by one. Could it make the movie better? Forget it, I don't understand you, Don't call Director Liang, I'll call him and pick up everyone along the way.

Next time, just arrange for good people to pick up all these little guys, so as not to have to send someone to pick them up when the end comes.

Really, I don't even know how to measure myself as the chief housekeeper, I'm very busy, okay?

As everyone knows, Xia Yan, Liang Wen, and even Zhou Xiangliman really feel that watching a movie with ordinary audiences is indeed better than seeing the movie earlier than myself!

So, next time, there is a high probability that everyone will come to squeeze in. If you can't squeeze in, don't panic. Just call Sister Xia and all problems will be solved.

Ever since, Zhou Xiang and Liman waited in place for almost half an hour, and then saw the staff pushing away from the crowd and running towards them.

Hey, where's Sister Yanyan? Zhou Xiang didn't see Xia Yan, so he couldn't help asking.

The staff replied: Sister Yanyan said that she knows the way, so she has already gone to the entrance first. Let's pick up Director Liang together, and then we can meet at the entrance.

Zhou Xiang was immediately envious: Sister Yanyan knows the way when she comes here once?

Last time I came with Sister Yanyan, why didn't I remember how to find the entrance?

The staff wanted to complain: Is this a problem of knowing the way? It's a question of whether you can squeeze in!

But no matter what, under the leadership of the staff, Zhou Xiangliman, Liang Wen, Xia Yan and others successfully met at the entrance, and then entered the scene ahead of time under the watchful eyes of everyone.

This made the fans who were queuing up for the ticket check to enter the arena immediately envious: The ones who just entered should be all guests, right?

It's not a guest, is it? It should be an audience of artists, the kind of artist friends who come to support, not to be guests. After all, the few people who have just entered are dressed very low-key. If they are guests, they must at least have a set of dresses. ?”

I always feel that the few people who just walked in look familiar! But the faces are too tightly covered, and I really can't see who they are...

Quite a few people guessed who the few people brought in by the staff were, but in such a noisy environment, no further commotion was caused.

Everyone is still waiting for the ticket check-in for the premiere. For Lin Fan's new film, there are entertainers and friends to join him. Everyone's reaction is very calm, so it's strange that there is no one.

As time passed, the entrance was officially opened and spectators checked in.

And Xia Yan and others who entered the venue in advance did not directly take their seats in the screening hall. After all, taking a seat in advance is equivalent to telling all the audience that they are not ordinary audiences, which is consistent with their starting point of wanting to be pure audiences. against.

Therefore, Xia Yan and others who entered the venue in advance waited in the waiting room for a while. After the official ticket check-in, a small part of the audience had already entered, so they mixed in with the audience, entered the screening hall, and looked for their seat.

It's just that this time everyone is grabbing the on-site tickets, and the seats are separated, and they are not in the same area at all, so after entering the screening hall, everyone disperses and finds their own seats and sits.

But this is not completely useless, at least separated, the target will become smaller, and it will be less likely to be discovered by the audience, which allows everyone to watch movies with more peace of mind.

Especially Liang Wen, this was his first time as an audience, sitting in the auditorium, watching Lin Fan's upcoming movie.

This feeling is very novel, but also very simple. As if I am really an audience, I am eagerly looking forward to the release of new works of my favorite actors and directors.

Of course, compared to the real audience, Liang Wen still lacked a little unknown expectation: After all, Liang Wen was following up the post-production of the entire film.

Liang Wen had already watched the content of the movie, and watched it many times, almost every detail was missed.

But this can't obliterate Liang Wen's expectation of watching this movie in a cinema as an audience.

Compared with Liang Wen, Xia Yan, Zhou Xiang, and Li Man are much happier, because they really haven't watched this movie, from the sample to the finished film, never once.

So when Lin Fan appeared in front of everyone, they also applauded enthusiastically with the audience, cheered enthusiastically, and even stood up from their seats with everyone, just to express their love for the movie expectations.

Lin Fan also responded to everyone's enthusiasm: Thank you! Thank you everyone! I won't say anything superfluous. I will put all the interaction and game links after the movie is over.

Now, are you ready for a fantastic sea adventure?

Everyone responded in unison: Ready!

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