Falling in love with you, the brokerage company went bankrupt before I came on stage

Don't worry, Xiaoye is of course relieved, asking this question is just worried that Yang Hongxia is still angry with Lin Fan.

Now knowing that Yang Hongxia didn't get angry with Lin Fan, Xiaoye naturally wouldn't ask about it anymore.

When Lin Fan got off the plane, he saw Xia Yan who came to pick him up. An indescribable sense of happiness and satisfaction filled Lin Fan's heart.

Regardless of the people coming and going at the airport, Lin Fan stepped forward and gave Xia Yan a big hug, and hugged him tightly: Yanyan, long time no see!

Xia Yan obviously felt Lin Fan's emotional ups and downs, so he returned him an equally warm hug: Lin Fan, I miss you so much!

Although a certain amount of camouflage was done, the outstanding appearance of Lin Fan and Xia Yan still attracted the attention of people coming and going at the airport. Even Lin Fan's plug-in was faintly issuing warnings, reminding Lin Fan that the airport was nearby. There are paparazzi.

Lin Fan had no choice but to let go of Xia Yan temporarily: Let's go, I've booked a ticket to Huahai Island. Let's go get the ticket, then go to the room and wait for the plane.

Xia Yan was a little surprised: Now?

Yes, now!

Lin Fan pulled Xia Yan and walked towards the automatic ticket machine, and then used their ID cards to successfully get two tickets to Huahai Island.

The whole process took five minutes, three of which were spent on the way to get the ticket.

Before Xia Yan could react, he had already been brought into the waiting room by Lin Fan.

I think it's a little unreal.

Xia Yan blinked her eyes, because she came here this time just to take Lin Fan home. How could Lin Fan have already booked a ticket for himself, planning to take him directly to Huahai Island?

Lin Fan said relaxedly: What's untrue? It's just a casual trip.

And the destination is Huahai Island, which the two of them are very familiar with. They both have their own houses on the island. There is no need to prepare some daily necessities and clothes, because the houses are always stocked, and at most they just need to be cleaned. one time.

Even if the destination is not Huahai Island, but another strange city, Lin Fan and Xia Yan don't have to worry about anything.

Whether it's luggage or daily necessities, it's the same to buy directly after getting off the plane.

This is probably how rich people are happy.

Xia Yan was persuaded by Lin Fan: You are right, then I can just enjoy the scenery of the journey!

Moreover, with Lin Fan by his side, Xia Yan felt that he dared to go anywhere.


Assistant Chen Yuan received a message on her mobile phone. Chen Yuan subconsciously clicked on it and found that it was a message from Xia Yan. She couldn't help but wonder: Isn't Yan Yan going to pick up Brother Fan today? Why is it so late? Send me a message?

Is there not enough food at home?

Or do you suddenly want to eat something and ask yourself to buy it?

As an assistant, Chen Yuan is very conscious of running errands. While checking the messages on her mobile phone, she has already started to get up, ready to change clothes and go out, but as soon as she reached the door, Chen Yuan stopped.

Because this message from Xia Yan shows:

Little Fairy: Yuanyuan, Lin Fan and I are going out to play! Go back to my villa to see if I have locked the doors and windows, and shut off the natural gas. There are also things in the refrigerator, please help me clean them up too! If you don’t dislike it, you can take it home to eat, and bring you a gift when you come back!

In order to welcome Lin Fan back to China, Xia Yan went to the supermarket with Chen Yuan to buy a lot of vegetables so that Lin Fan could show his talents.

But now that the two of them are planning to go to Huahai Island to play, the food with a relatively short shelf life in the refrigerator must be cleaned up.

This is also Chen Yuan's daily job: to help Xia Yan deal with everything in daily life.

Chen Yuan sent a message back to Xia Yan:

Cute Yuan: No problem, wrap it on me, so many delicious foods are cheaper for me. Have fun!

After replying to the message, Chen Yuan changed her clothes and shoes and went out. Before going out, she said to her mother: Mom, don't buy vegetables today. My boss gave me a bunch of vegetables. I'll go and get them back today. Let's take advantage of the boss again, eat high-end steaks, and all kinds of seafood!

Chen Yuan's mother asked strangely: Didn't your boss go shopping with you yesterday? Why don't you want these dishes today?

Xia Yan is still very generous to his employees. During the Chinese New Year and holidays, he will send various food gift packages to the employees' homes. From time to time, I would distribute the ingredients I bought to Chen Yuan and others to take home.

As it is now, it happens from time to time that Chen Yuan just bought a bunch of delicious food on the front foot and then let Chen Yuan take it away from the back foot.

Moreover, Chen Yuan's mother would not think that asking Chen Yuan to take back what Xia Yan didn't want was an insult or an act of arrogance, because Xia Yan chose to throw away everything that was a little bad. She would let Chen Yuan choose to take home only things that were intact.

It's too late for Chen Yuan's mother to thank such a good thing, so how could she dislike it.

Chen Yuan replied casually: The boss has gone on a trip, and he probably won't be back in a short time. Doesn't this mean that he won't be able to eat the delicious food he bought yesterday? I'm going out!

Be careful on the road! By the way, don't forget to check the water, electricity, doors, windows, and natural gas!

Remember it!

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