Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and seventy-nine chapters, why don't you play your cards according to th


Even though the two children and Liang Wen ganged up and scolded them, Lin Fan still chose to forgive them.

Because they haven't been baptized by the detective Sherlock Holmes, they naturally don't understand how normal their moods and behaviors are on the earth.

This is very normal star chasing behavior!

Of course, it's not that Lin Fan didn't think about moving the classic character Sherlock Holmes to Blue Star to let the Blue Star people witness the charm of Holmes.

It's a pity that Lin Fan had to admit that he didn't read much when he was young. Divine books like The Collection of Sherlock Holmes never appeared in Lin Fan's reading list.

What aroused Lin Fan's interest in this well-known detective was actually a cartoon from the island country, the pupil of death, no, it was Detective Conan.

Then, Lin Fan took the initiative to look for Sherlock Holmes-related movies and TV shows to watch.

That's right, until Lin Fan crossed over, he hadn't read the original Sherlock Holmes novel completely, so that Lin Fan had no choice but to reproduce this work.

Unless, I can get this novel from the system through a lottery.

If you can be systematic about your piss, you will definitely not let yourself get this novel smoothly. For details, please refer to the scene of the original Journey to the West last time.

Lin Fan looked at the popularity points accumulated in his system, and decided to wait until the popularity points were enough to waste by himself, no, after making sure that he could get what he wanted, and then try again.

How much popularity can you ensure that you can get what you want?

Still referring to the time of drawing the original Journey to the West, about 100 draws should be enough... right?

Lin Fan wasn't sure, and the matter wasn't that urgent, so Lin Fan decided to wait.

Moreover, Lin Fan's weird behavior, in the eyes of the two children, Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao, seemed rather abrupt. On the contrary, these young foreign actors thought that Lin Fan's outfit was cool.

As for Liang Wen, although following the words of the two children, he made a small joke with Lin Fan, but in fact he didn't take it to heart: Lin Fan's words and deeds either had new ideas and ideas in his heart, or Simply find it fun.

Neither the former nor the latter is a bad thing.

Lin Fan is such a creative genius, how can he not allow him to have his own hobbies?

Those in the circle who claim to be talented,

But it's much weirder than Lin Fan's words and deeds, and he really goes crazy when he doesn't see anyone.

Anyway, Lin Fan was entertaining himself, and it didn't bother anyone, so let him play.

To be honest, Liang Wen really felt that although there were various constraints in the foreign filming environment, short working hours were not without benefits.

At least there is no need to work overtime. Whether it is the actors or the staff in the crew, after getting enough rest, they will naturally be in good condition.

The main reason is that the acting skills of this group of actors are very good, and the shooting process is relatively smooth. However, it would be a different matter if they were replaced by those actors who had no acting skills but were insisted on.

Liang Wen couldn't help sighing: It's better to be an assistant director, and you don't have to bear the pressure of burning money every day when you open your eyes. As long as you do your job well, the director will support you when the sky falls.

Especially when the director was still Lin Fan, it was even more comfortable for him to be the assistant director.

It's a pity that both Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia want to take on the responsibility of directing themselves wholeheartedly, wanting to make more films by themselves, and not giving themselves the opportunity to be an assistant director.

Liang Wen: Oh!

In this state, although the daily shooting time is limited, the overall progress is quite gratifying.

Lin Fan felt: According to the current progress, maybe after this movie is finished, it will be able to seamlessly connect with Zhou Xiang's movie.

Zhou Xiang's movie, although the director's name was written as Liang Wen when it was filed, Lin Fan still likes this movie very much. director of the film.

Not to mention Liang Wen, his goal has always been to be an assistant director with peace of mind.

However, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia insisted on acting as directors to make movies.

Especially when Lin Fan was busy shooting other movies, Liang Wen really couldn't say that he didn't want to take the lead.

After all, I was able to participate in the shooting of so many excellent movies over the years, all because Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia fell in love with me at the first sight and gave me a chance.

Now it was his turn to repay them, Liang Wen really couldn't escape his responsibility.

Besides, Lin Fan entrusted such a good script to Liang Wen to be the director. For other directors in the film industry, this is a rare opportunity and appreciation. It is an opportunity that many people dream of. Give reasons for refusal.

Just ask, who would refuse the boss to give you a promotion and a salary increase, and give you a chance to show your ability with a big project?

Unless you don't want to work for this company.

But Liang Wen didn't want to leave Earthman Studio at all, how nice it is here!

Good books that can't be finished, year-end bonuses that can't be won, the working environment is good, and the social status is also recognized by the people in the circle. No matter how many people can't get in, Liang Wen is crazy to want to leave .

So, when Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia appeared in front of him together and asked him to make a movie independently, Liang Wen still agreed.

However, Liang Wen is more willing to be Lin Fan's assistant if he can continue to be the assistant director: I think it's okay. The filming of this movie is relatively smooth. Most of the ng parts are forgotten words. The performances of the actors, and The status is very online, if the filming continues at the current speed, it will almost catch up with that one.

Zhou Xiang and Riemann are still in the training class, receiving special training in acting!

If the progress of this movie is rushed forward, Lin Fan can almost directly and seamlessly connect to the next movie.

Even if he couldn't, Liang Wen didn't mind going back to act as a temporary director first, and then returning to China to take over the film after Lin Fan finished his work here.

It's just that Lin Fan doesn't want to be in a hurry, especially after getting used to the current shooting situation, Lin Fan doesn't want to put too much work pressure on himself: Let's watch the progress. If I can make it in time, I'll go back. If I can't make it in time If not, we still have to rely on our Director Liang to carry the burden!

Liang Wen chuckled: I'm old, I'm not strong enough, the young people nowadays don't know how to respect the old and love the young, take care of the old, and even force the old to work, alas, the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old!

Lin Fan's head was full of black lines: Director Liang, I think you are a strong old man, one movie may not be enough for you, so let me arrange a few more for you?

Liang Wen: Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

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