
After Detective Chinatown was released, Lin Fan's fans once again fell into a barren period where there were no movies to watch, no dramas to follow, and even variety shows hadn't even started to hit the shelves.

I can only rely on Lin Fan's new album Blue and White Porcelain released last year to get by.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Fortunately, Fanfan released a new album last year. Otherwise, during this period of time, I don’t know what to do. 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: I also play ordinary albums on a loop every day to get by. Now I watch new dramas on TV stations and video sites, but I can’t watch them. It’s either the plot is weird, or it’s perfunctory, or it’s 15 cents. Scumbag special effects, I don’t understand, why are the current TV dramas getting worse and worse, not as good as the old movies of the past! 】

[Whether you see it through or not, you are still a good friend: In recent years, I have been able to watch ordinary TV dramas, and each one is very exciting. Now my dad is still watching the reruns of Journey to the West and Feng Shen Yan Yi! 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: My mother asked me to download all the ordinary TV series and watch them every day on my mobile phone. If there is a new movie coming out, then watch the new movie. After watching the new movie, watch it again... More loyal than a fan like me, the key is that people follow dramas and not stars! 】


In the fan group of Lin Fan's support club, there is a lively chat, and there is a fan named Aite Wang Lingli:

[Aunt Bohemian: Chairman, do you have any inside information, usually any works that will be launched this year? Even if it is not a general work, the work produced by the studio is also counted! 】

[Beauty sees the same thing: Yes, yes, President, why don't you ask your general assistant for news? Otherwise, if we wait like this, we will be anxious! 】

Wang Lingli is also very helpless:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Sisters, don’t you know Fanfan’s temperament? No news will come out until the promotional period of any work is approaching. It's useless to ask now, can the general assistant leak company secrets casually without the consent of the general? 】

So oh wait.

Anyway, after so many years, everyone is used to it.

The publicity of other people's family is eager to start from the beginning of Pangu, and the publicity of Fanfan's family is afraid that others will know it too early, so they try their best to hide it.

I don't know what good it is for Fanfan to hide it like this?

Ah Choo!

Lin Fan rubbed the tip of his nose: What's the matter, it's already spring, how can I still sneeze?

Sneezes for no reason,

It's either a cold or something wrong. Xia Shaozhang cast a glance at Lin Fan, with an expression of: Think about it, what have you done to your heart.

Lin Fan: You are old father-in-law, I will not talk back to you.

Lin Fan changed the subject tactically: That little Wan, turn up the temperature of the air conditioner by one degree.

Assistant Xiao Wan responded, and actually raised the temperature of the air conditioner in the conference room by one degree.

Xia Shaozhang didn't even want to talk to Lin Fan anymore, so he said directly to Yang Hongxia: Didn't you say that the movie sample has come out? Is it ready to play now?

Yes, Xia Shaozhang rushed back from abroad today and received news from Yang Hongxia that Lin Fan's film shot last year had been finished in post-production and the samples had come out.

In order to see the sample of this movie for the first time, Xia Shaozhang rushed back overnight, without even taking a break, and went directly to Earthman Studio.

It shows how much Xia Shaozhang attaches importance to this movie.

Yang Hongxia nodded and said, Since everyone is here, let's watch this demo together.

This movie is also a series. Before Lin Fan traveled to Blue Star, the fifth movie had already been released. It is said that the sixth movie was filmed together with the fifth movie, but it was only done in post-processing and released separately.

But Lin Fan has never seen the sixth part, and there is no relevant information disclosed on the Internet.

However, this does not affect Lin Fan's decision to shoot or other matters in the later stage, because Lin Fan only intends to shoot the first three films.

The latter two, to be honest, are a bit worse than the first three, no matter in terms of the story line, the expressiveness of the actors, or the overall point of view.

No matter what others think, anyway, Lin Fan himself doesn't like it.

Just at Blue Star's place, Lin Fan cut off the latter two and only kept the first three.

As for Xia Shaozhang and Yang Hongxia, what they got before was the first three scripts, and now they are watching the first sample.

For them, the first three scripts are already complete, and the logic of the whole story has been smoothed out, and several protagonists have their own endings. They really can't imagine such a script, what else can happen in the future The change.

In fact, the fourth part is no longer the same story as the first three, but the protagonist is so popular with the audience that this movie has another story line, and a large number of viewers and fans pay for it.

In Blue Star, as long as the first three films are as successful as the original ones, plus Lin Fan's own influence, then there will be a few more sequels, even if it is a new story line, even if the whole film is poorly shot, it is estimated that Many people will continue to pay for Lin Fan.

It's just that Lin Fan, who has always been poisoned by bad movies, will not let this kind of thing happen to him again: in the past, he was powerless to deal with this phenomenon, but now as a filmmaker, it is impossible for him to let the audience Poisoned by bad movies.

At least you can't produce bad movies from your own hands.

The sample was nearly two and a half hours long, which was quite a challenge for Xia Shaozhang who rushed back overnight. But Xia Shaozhang persisted and watched the whole movie without missing a single scene.

After the sample was played, the lights in the meeting room were turned on again, and Xia Shaozhang pinched the center of his eyebrows to relieve the discomfort in his eyes.

Yang Hongxia glanced at all the members present: After watching the sample, what do you think?

Lin Fan, the director and leading actor, was the first to express his opinion: I think the effect I want has been achieved. It is worth mentioning that the post-production effect of our animation studio is getting better and better.

Various special effects, various transitions, round and smooth, very comfortable to watch.

Lin Fan felt that according to the current level, if he worked hard, he could bring that famous special effects movie over.

Liang Wen also said: The overall logic is smooth, there are no flaws, and the special effects are quite brilliant. As a commercial blockbuster, it has reached international standards.

Both Lin Fan and Liang Wen gave such positive comments and feedback, and Yang Hongxia became more confident after hearing that, and then she fixed her gaze on Xia Shaozhang: What do you think, President Xia?

Xia Shaozhang was even more direct: I think we can start to arrange the schedule and then promote it.

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