Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and seventy-four chapters do not listen or listen, Wang 8 chanting!


Zhou Xiang didn't know at all. Riemann silently took care of his mood and state. He just thought: If the new movie is shot with Sister Man, it seems to be very good.

After all, Sister Man is also one of the partners of Earthman Studio. Whenever there is a suitable role in a TV series produced by Earthman, Riemann will play it.

Moreover, Riemann himself is easy to get along with, and his acting skills are also very good, but he lacks a little film acting experience, but experience can be made up for later, and it is not an incurable problem.

So in the training class, Riemann first went through an extremely difficult process of changing his acting form, and then slowly began to find the feeling of acting in movies.

This process took half a month.

At the beginning, Zhou Xiang was not too embarrassed, pointing out Riemann's inappropriate performance, but seeing the trainer make Riemann do it again and again, but Riemann still can't find the feeling, the painful feeling It looks like Zhou Xiang really can't bear it.

So I found Riemann in private, and performed for Riemann myself: Sister Man, I may not be right, but this is in line with the needs of film performances. See if you can find something different from the TV performances. The place.

It's not that Zhou Xiang didn't think about telling Riemann directly that the performance was wrong, but in fact it was useless to say so.

Because the teachers in the training class also clearly pointed out Riemann's inadequacies. When Riemann listened to it, he listened to it, but when it was time for the official performance, he would subconsciously return to the previous performance state.

In other words, Riemann knew what he did wrong, but he couldn't correct it.

This requires Riemann himself, starting from the most subtle places, to slowly change his previous performance habits, change his acting mode, and even change his thoughts and mentality, so that it can finally be reflected in the performance itself.

This requires Riemann to discover by himself, and then break the confinement of himself, and finally make a real change.

The whole process, not to mention Riemann himself, Zhou Xiang and the teachers of the training class, looked at it too painful and tormented, it was nothing more than a transformation of personality.

But Riemann still gritted his teeth and persisted. Not only that, but he also found the right direction and rushed forward in this direction.

Lin Fan and Liang Wen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing the video of Riemann's performance that was sent back from the training class.

After all, there were so many movie actors who were not selected. Instead, Riemann, who had never acted in a movie, was selected. The first-line actors in the TV circle, Lin Fan and Liang Wen were still under a lot of pressure.

Even when the performance contract was signed later,

It also added that the role must be fulfilled before it can be finally confirmed that this role belongs to Riemann, but Lin Fan and Liang Wen also have to face the loss that if Riemann fails to meet the training requirements, the three months will be wasted.

All in all, both sides are under enormous pressure.

Fortunately, after half a month of hard work and transformation, Riemann finally got rid of the acting routine of a TV actor, began to find the right direction, and made rapid progress.

According to this progress, after three months of training, Lin Fan and Liang Wen will gain a real movie actor.

Yang Hongxia didn't understand: Is it really worth spending so much energy just to transform a Riemann?

With these three months, a film actor was directly selected, and according to Lin Fan's shooting speed, the filming was not finished, at least it was almost done.

But just to reverse Riemann's performance mode, Lin Fan abruptly delayed for three months, Yang Hongxia really didn't understand.

Lin Fan explained: Sister Xia, we can't just look at what's in front of us. And even in front of us, don't we always lack suitable actors?

Earthman Studio has high requirements for co-actors. They must not only have good acting skills, but also good character. The key is to have a certain reputation and box office appeal.

As soon as these three requirements were put forward, 80% of the entertainers in the entertainment industry would be wiped out. Otherwise, when casting this movie, it would not be possible to spread the scope of casting to the TV circle.

Lin Fan doesn't want to face such a problem in casting every time he makes a movie in the future.

But there are not many ways to solve this problem. Either the people on earth cultivate suitable actors themselves, or select suitable actors and maintain long-term cooperation.

The former takes time, while the latter has to bear the risk that after the actors cooperate more times, they will in turn dominate the Earthman studio.

Instead of making the actor popular and no longer serving the Earthman studio, Lin Fan felt that it would be better to simply support TV actors like Riemann who had no chance of entering the film industry. This is based on the kindness of knowledge and experience, and long-term cooperation is more guaranteed. .

For example, after Riemann became popular in the film circle, even if she had other ideas, she would still be labeled as the Earthman Studio.

Moreover, Riemann's character has been recognized by the Earthman Studio in the previous cooperations. She can't do things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, and she won't do it.

Of course, in addition to promoting TV actors like Riemann, it is also necessary to cultivate their own artists. At the same time, they should continue to look for actors who can cooperate with each other in the entertainment industry for a long time.

Only with a multi-pronged approach can Lin Fan finally get rid of the dilemma of wanting to make a movie but not having any suitable actors.

Yang Hongxia asked: So, Riemann is a good actor who can cooperate for a long time?

Lin Fan nodded: Before, Riemann could only be regarded as a TV actor who could cooperate for a long time. Now, according to her progress rate, after three months, whether it is a TV series or a movie, she is a good actor who can cooperate for a long time. .”

After Riemann found her direction, she really made rapid progress. It can only be said that other directors did not discover this piece of gold before, so no one asked her to star in the movie.

After the movie is released, those directors who were blindsided will be beating their chests.

Yang Hongxia wrote down this incident in her small notebook: Afterwards, when I discussed the performance contract with Riemann, I had to raise her salary to a higher level.

Lin Fan was taken aback: Isn't this necessary? No, don't we pay Riemann very low?

Lin Fan has always been a hands-off shopkeeper in matters such as remuneration, and has left everything to the producer Yang Hongxia. He has never asked about this matter at all, and he does not know how much remuneration Riemann received in this movie.

Yang Hongxia gave Lin Fan a look: What do you think?

Although Riemann is a first-line actor, she has no film experience. It is her first time to make a film, and it is an opportunity she actively fought for. How can the salary be high?

Lin Fan said awkwardly, What, Miss Xia, you can take care of this kind of thing, but you can't give too little, otherwise people outside will say that our Earthman studio is stingy!

Yang Hongxia: Hehe!

You are not the one who spends money out of emotions, you only care about whether others see you as stingy or generous, and when you are in charge of the financial power, you may be more stingy than me!

Lin Fan: If you don’t listen, you don’t want to listen, you bastard chant sutras!

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