
Hi everyone, I'm the anchor Zhang Xingxing. I'm at the event plaza of Midsummer Cinema. A roadshow of Detective Chinatown will be held here later. At that time, the main creators of the crew will appear here and follow The audience interacts cordially.

We all know that Detective Chinatown successfully broke through 100 million at the box office on the first day of its release, and then became this week's box office champion with a score of 820 million.

As of today, Detective Chinatown has maintained its position as the second-best-selling film at the national box office on the 11th day of its release, and its proportion of films is also second, reaching 18.6%.

Many people on the Internet predict that the final box office of this movie will definitely exceed 2 billion, and the highest may reach 2.5 billion.

Of course, these are all predictions on the Internet, and the anchor doesn't understand what conditions and data these predictions are based on. Everyone said that, we just listened to it, and the final box office will not give us a penny anyway, so let him alone! As long as the movie is good, don’t you guys agree?

Zhang Xingxing, a well-known anchor of Kuaiyin and her assistant, received an invitation letter for the road show, invited these anchors and self-media people to participate in the event, and then publicized the lively scene of the event through their channels. A popular form of advertising.

In particular, many Kuaiyin anchors and self-media people may even have more fans than artists.

Although I don’t really want to admit it, it’s actually the case: the influence of anchors and self-media people is already comparable to that of ordinary artists, and even some top anchors and self-media people have stronger influence than some first-line artists.

Therefore, promoting the film through these channels can not only ensure the extensiveness of the promotion, but also ensure the depth of the promotion, which is much better than the effect of traditional billboards.

Most importantly, it's cheap!

Of course, even if the effect of the billboard has dropped a lot, it should still be there. This is a matter of ranking.

If a film has a huge investment, a luxurious cast, and is the work of a well-known director, but you can’t see any advertisements for this film on the streets, what kind of blockbuster is it?

Although the investment in Detective Chinatown is not large, and the cast is not luxurious, the director Liang Wen has always been an assistant director before, and this is his first work as a director. , but who made this movie produced by Earthman Studio?

Just the word earthling has already set the tone for this movie as a blockbuster. If you think this is not convincing enough, how about adding the word Lin Fan?

Therefore, although the advertisements all over the street have begun to tend to be formalistic, such forms are really indispensable.

Just like now, the movie has been released for 11 days. It is reasonable to say that the roadshow activities do not need to be arranged so closely, but in fact, as long as the main creative team comes to the local roadshow, then at least the next week, the local movie box office will be at least double.

In such a situation, even if Yang Hongxia doesn't care about the box office, Li Xiaodong is not willing to give up any chance to increase the movie's box office.

So, for a full 11 days, Li Xiaodong still led the main creative team to road show conscientiously every day. This is also an important reason why Detective Chinatown has always maintained the second place in the national box office.

The reason why it is second is because the first place is a superhero movie produced by Pretty Country.

This superhero film has a wide audience base and a huge fan base in all Blue Stars, and it was released simultaneously across all Blue Stars. A new film like Detective Chinatown that is only released in China naturally cannot compare with others.

But just looking at China's box office data, the gap between the first and second places is not that big, which shows that Detective Chinatown is also capable of fighting against superhero movies.

However, this cannot be erased. Detective Chinatown is the only film in the history of Earthman Studios that failed to top the box office charts. Naturally, Li Xiaodong, the leading actor, also faces many criticisms from the Internet and the media. pressure.

For example, in the media interview environment after the road show, some reporters asked very sharp questions:

Li Xiaodong, Detective Chinatown, which you starred in, failed to reach the top of the box office chart in the first week, breaking the record that Fange's production must be a boutique. Do you feel ashamed?

Hearing such a question, Li Xiaodong's manager wanted to curse.

But Li Xiaodong smiled and said, Isn't Detective Chinatown a masterpiece? Is it you who think so, or does everyone think so?


Just throw the question back to the reporter who asked the question!

Not only did it throw back the difficult problem, but it also dragged other reporters into the water. It was no good for people to answer, and it was no good if they didn't answer. The scene was embarrassing for 0.01 second.

But soon, the other reporters put this embarrassment aside, and continued to ask all kinds of weird and even tricky questions:

Do you think Detective Chinatown can beat the current top-grossing superhero movie and become a real dark horse at the box office?

Brother Fan has placed high hopes on your movie. Now that you have achieved this result, do you feel ashamed of Brother Fan?

Now in Earthman's studio, apart from Lin Fan and Xia Yan, the best resources are given priority to you, right? Do the other artists have any objections?


In short, Li Xiaodong's current treatment is completely different from Lin Fan's treatment after the movie road show.

These entertainment reporters are used to watching people order dishes, and they can't afford to mess with Lin Fan, so whether it's a formal interview or a temporary interview with Lin Fan, their attitude is very good.

But when it comes to Li Xiaodong, he really dares to say anything and ask any questions.

It's a pity that Li Xiaodong is no longer the Mengxin who just made his debut, has never experienced the sufferings of the world, and is a bit reckless in his words.

He smiled and said: Today is the roadshow of Detective Chinatown. I will only answer questions related to the movie.

The reporter who was the first to ask a question shouted: The question I asked was related to Detective Chinatown, please answer it!

Li Xiaodong stared at the reporter calmly, and remembered the name of the media on his microphone: I didn't catch it just now, can you repeat your question again, clearly and completely?

Then, the manager who received the hint from Li Xiaodong's eyes immediately took out his mobile phone, faced the reporter, and started recording.

Reporter: ... Can't you afford it?

If you do this, how can I cut the beginning and the end after I go back, and only write the part that is beneficial to me?

Li Xiaodong: Hehe, tell me, if you dare to speak, I dare to answer!

I still dare to post the entire interview process on the Internet, do you dare?

-----Off Topic-----

Thanks to book friends 151103113640028, book friends 20170608081224235, zl2365, Yingling Baiqi, Face Emperor Husky, wangxxx, book friends 20190403225547545, Huakai Chacha, book friends 121226171630165, yeatssha, stupid purple, half-life regret and half-life joy, Shen Wancailan . , Thinking of Your Love, Seventy-two Winged Angels, Heartless Bodhi 16530, Purple Bubble, Xuanyin, Capsule ㄇan, An Elderly Single Dog Who Just Wants to Goof Around, Depressed Your Excellency, Chen Hu, Didi Tock ,, book friends 20200716211655024, monthly tickets and rewards for Wange Xiunian, Invincible Drill, Rabbit Flick!

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