Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1070 This movie really succeeded!


In fact, when the case came to this point, the whole process of the case had been almost restored, but Qin Feng was still close to the last thing and couldn't figure it out, so the two decided to return to Songpa Workshop again.

But at this time, the trio of robbers and Huang Langdeng all received news that Tang Ren and Qin Feng were in the hospital, so the two groups of people gathered in the hospital again, and a big fight inevitably broke out.

Qin Feng analyzed that the murderer was Si Nuo's adoptive father, but he didn't know the motive of the murder. The two had to find Sinuo's home again, but they found that Sinuo committed suicide in his own home, and there was a diary that was not completely burned beside him.

The two sent Si Nuo to the hospital for emergency treatment. Qin Feng found the murderer's motive in the diary, and also deduced where the gold was, so the two decided to return to Songpa Workshop,

But on the way Qin Feng and Tang Ren rushed to the Songpa workshop, they were chased and intercepted by the police again. Qin Feng asked Mr. Yan for help, and then entered the Songpa workshop before the police, and found the lost gold.

It turned out that the gold had never left the Songpa workshop, but was cast into a Buddha statue by Songpa, and it has been staying under the eyes of everyone openly.

The police convinced by Qin Feng decided to let Qin Feng and Tang Ren take him to find the real murderer.

In the hospital, in Sinuo's ward, Tang Ren pointed out that Sinuo's adoptive father was the murderer. It was he who sneaked into the Songpa workshop a week in advance. After killing Songpa, he pretended to be Songpa and asked Tang Ren to deliver the express. He hid in the courier box and asked Tang Ren to transport him to the underground parking lot.

The motive for the murder was because the adoptive father discovered from Sinuo's diary that Sinuo was abused by Songpa. In order to protect Sinuo, the adoptive father decided to eliminate the trouble forever.

All the truth came out, and after the adoptive father left a sentence you don't know, he committed suicide by jumping off the building.

The gold robbery and the murder case were all solved, and Kun Tai also became the deputy director as he wished, and everything was moving towards a happy ending.

After watching the whole movie, there are a lot of laughs and a mixed crowd, but it is messy and not chaotic. The key is that the reasoning process is not broken. Although it is not particularly high-powered, as a commercial movie, this performance is already very good.

The audience had already started to prepare, and after the lights in the projection hall came on, they applauded the main creators of the film.

Even the film critics and media people who were invited here have already started whispering and exchanging their experience of watching the movie, thinking in their hearts how to write related manuscripts for this movie after returning home.

After all, although this movie is not as good as Lin Fan's previous movies, it is still very good in terms of comedy and suspense. At least the whole movie has a smooth plot and a good rhythm. What pee point, the style is relaxed yet nervous,

Several big scenes were also played well, and in general, there is no pressure to give a good review.

But when the movie changed, Qin Feng discovered an omission in the whole case through the name of a bar: that is, the incident in Sinuo's diary that he was raped by Songpa is probably a fake!

This reversal made the audience couldn't help being stunned for a moment: What's going on?

Is Qin Feng's reasoning all wrong?

Could it be that the adoptive father was not a murderer at all?


This is fun!

The emotions of the audience were aroused again, and everyone followed Qin Feng's memories and steps, and came to Sinuo's ward again.

Qin Feng told Si Nuo a story: a boy disappeared, and the boy's father had been looking for him. Later, the boy's father suspected that the son was dead. Most importantly, the boy's father suspected that the person who killed the son was probably a girl.

So the boy's father began to follow the girl, but was discovered by the girl.

Worried that the matter would be revealed, the girl wanted to get rid of the boy's father, so she made up a diary and deliberately let her adoptive father see it.

Two pages of the diary were torn off, and no one knew the contents. Qin Feng speculated that what was recorded on these two pages should be the method of killing.


The audience was in an uproar. This magical turn was really ruthless and fast. We didn't give everyone a little time to react!

What's more, all of this is Qin Feng's speculation, without any evidence at all, Si Nuo does not admit it at all, and Qin Feng has nothing to do.

And just before Qin Feng left, Sinuo stopped him: Should the villain laugh like this?

What was presented in front of the audience was an evil, creepy smile.


Ah! Scared me to death!

Fuck, scaring people will scare people to death!

The audience was quite frightened, and some timid audiences even screamed out loud.

And this smile is also the finishing touch of the whole play, and it is this smile that adds a touch of suspense and horror to the plot.

More importantly, Sinuo did not admit that he manipulated his adoptive father to kill, but he did not deny it either, and even avoided Qin Feng's accusation directly, making it impossible to judge whether Qin Feng's reasoning was the truth or just a hypothesis.

This makes the suspenseful atmosphere of the whole movie more intense, and it also makes the end of the story even more confusing.

Of course, this ending also made the audience's evaluation of the movie even higher.

The lights in the projection hall were turned on, dispelling the horror brought by that evil smile, and the audience realized that the movie was really over.

Sparse applause rang out from every corner of the screening hall, and then more and more audience members joined in. In addition to the applause, there were cheers from fans and voices of praise:

Amazing performance!

It's much better than I imagined!

This movie is really good, Tang Ren is so funny, but it's also so miserable!

Dongdong's acting skills have improved a lot!

In terms of acting skills, Xiangxiang's acting skills are better. That smile at the end almost scared the shit out of me!

Huang Langdeng is miserable, okay? He did all the work, but Kuntai was the one who praised him in the end. I'm so angry...


Although it is said that those who can grab the tickets for the premiere are basically fans, and the rest are film critics and media invited by the film producer. No matter what they say or write when they go back, they will not be discouraged at the scene words.

But which sentence is sincere and which sentence is polite, the main creators of the film are still very clear.

The audience's feedback and applause have already clearly told everyone that the audience really thinks this movie is very good.

Li Xiaodong took the main creative team to the stage again, bowed deeply to the audience, and when he straightened up again, he felt that the boulder pressing on his heart had already fallen steadily amid the applause of the audience. ground.

This movie really succeeded!

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