
After the main creators of the crew entered the arena, the lights in the projection hall were completely dimmed, and the big screen was turned on in due course, and the film officially began to be screened.

Lin Fan turned his neck slightly, relaxed his sitting posture, and then felt a small head leaning over his shoulder, which was Xia Yan.

Lin Fan simply leaned his back on the back of the chair so that it was convenient for Xia Yan to lean on. Little did they know that this simple subconscious action made the eyes of the little girls in the back row brighten up with envy.

If the movie wasn't about to start, maybe these little girls would praise Lin Fan a few words, and at the same time complain about their incomprehensible boyfriend.

At this point, the movie officially begins.

The first scene of the opening chapter is a very serious review scene. The male protagonist Qin Feng, with his back sitting on a chair, firmly attracted everyone's attention.

Through the questioning of the reviewers, the audience realized that the actor failed the test.

And then the screen changed, a nagging voice comforted Qin Feng who failed the assessment, and bought a plane ticket for Qin Feng to go abroad to relax.

At the same time, he handed over a photo to the male lead, saying: He is my cousin, your aunt's husband's cousin's daughter-in-law's nephew, your distant cousin, the famous first detective in Chinatown, Tang Ren!

To be honest, this long series of personal introductions made the audience dizzy.

What's even more dizzy is that a piece of cheerful background music was inserted, and then the screen changed, and the famous Chinatown detective Tang Ren was holding a self-rolled scroll that didn't explode very much. That very pretty mandarin sang a song full of age.

The audience was first amused by Tang Ren's appearance, and then they reacted: I will go!

Never heard of this song?

Could it be? !

The main creators of the crew in the front row couldn't help showing a smile: That's right, this is the new song written by Brother Fan for our movie, The Past Can Only Be Reminisced!

And this song, the crew has been hiding it, never revealed it to the outside world, in order to surprise the audience after the movie is officially released!

Of course, the song will be officially released after today's premiere is over. But right now, it's more important to watch the movie first.

The audience also understood that although Tang Ren didn't finish singing the song in the movie, the song will definitely be officially released after the movie ends.

Not in a hurry,

Always hear it, watch the movie first.

The style of this movie is obviously different from Lin Fan's previous style, er, although Lin Fan doesn't seem to have a fixed movie style - but this time, Lin Fan added a lot of comedy elements to the movie!

Could this be for Li Xiaodong to join in?

After all, Li Xiaodong used to be a variety show star and a comedian, and his famous work was the sitcom Wulin Biography.

Then, for the sake of Li Xiaodong's own style, which is more suitable for the film, Lin Fan's act of adding comedy elements to the film is very worth understanding.

At the same time, the audience couldn't help feeling: This movie was really tailor-made by Lin Fan for Li Xiaodong, not the one that he talked about. Lin Fan is too kind to Li Xiaodong!

It really deserves to be a good friend who can form a CP from the beginning of the draft!

While the audience's thinking is diverging, the plot in the movie is constantly advancing.

At the same time Tang Ren received the news that Qin Feng was coming here, a major case also occurred in Chinatown: more than 100 kilograms of gold disappeared, and the biggest suspect, Songpa, was in his workshop. was killed.

However, Huang Langdeng, who was in charge of the gold theft case on the police side, competed with Kun Tai, who was in charge of this jurisdiction, for the right to investigate the murder case.

It turned out that these two people were rivals, and now they were competing for the position of deputy director. Everyone wanted to solve this big case first, and add merit to their election for the position of deputy director.

So as soon as the two met, they fought when they disagreed, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

And here, Qin Feng also came to Siam, but he agreed to pick up his distant cousin Tang Ren, the number one detective in Chinatown, but he was obsessed with playing mahjong, leaving Qin Feng to wait at the airport alone. night.

Tang Ren, who had finished playing mahjong and lost all his money, remembered Qin Feng, and hurried to the airport to pick him up. At the same time, he enthusiastically took Qin Feng to the bar singing room, and introduced Kuntai to Qin Feng.

In the bar where singing and dancing are in full swing, Qin Feng swapped his glass of spiked wine with Tang Ren's. But what I didn't expect was that Tang Ren's cup was even more spiced!

Qin Feng just poured it in a glass!

Seeing the drunk scene of Qin Feng, the audience couldn't help sighing: Wow, this scene is well received, let alone Qin Feng, the audience sitting here watching me is so dizzy, Qin Feng may be so dizzy that I can't find it. North!

However, when he sobered up, Qin Feng found that his distant cousin, who claimed to be the number one detective in Chinatown, was a liar!

He peeked at the landlady, Ah Xiang, taking a bath. The so-called big case was to help the old lady find a cat and a puppy. The key was that Tang Ren didn't find the lost puppy at all, but bought a random puppy from the pet market. , then trick the neighbor granny through pet grooming, disguised as a lost puppy.

Qin Feng deeply felt that he had been deceived, so he packed his luggage and prepared to return home. Tang Ren stopped Qin Feng from leaving, but Qin Feng's meticulous reasoning directly revealed Tang Ren's truth.

At the same time, after the two talked about it, they also agreed that Tang Ren would not deceive Qin Feng again in the next six days.

But on the second day, Huang Langdeng extracted Tang Ren's fingerprints in the previous case, and within a week, only Tang Ren had entered and exited Songpa's workshop.

The police determined that Tang Ren was the culprit who killed Songpa and led the missing gold case, and was listed as a first-level wanted criminal. Huang Langdeng also brought people to arrest Tang Ren.

But Tang Ren received the call that he was about to be arrested in advance, and escaped Huang Landeng's pursuit in time. Qin Feng, who was with Tang Ren, was also inexplicably involved in this case.

The police and robber chase scenes on the streets of Siam are far from the magnificent scenes and cool stunts in the blockbuster Pretty Country. But it is full of the life atmosphere of the market everywhere, with different tastes.

Especially in order to better fit Li Xiaodong's previous comedian setting, a lot of comedy elements were added to the movie. The chili powder and eggs that can be seen everywhere in the Siam market have become Tang Ren's counterattack tools against the roundup.

The scene was both tense and lively, with an inexplicable joyous atmosphere.

I don't know what others think of it, but the audience enjoyed watching it anyway. There was constant laughter and the overall reaction was quite enthusiastic.

Seeing the reaction of the audience, Lin Fan knew that the movie was half successful.

The remaining half depends on whether the following plot can be rounded up.

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